from TREmeritus
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Spineless Sinkie Syndrome:
September 29, 2021 at 10:50 pm (Quote)
Billy ma:
Listen to PAP & those so-called experts talking about the deaths – they died because they were not vaccinated & those vaccinated died because it falls within the number of people who should die anyway.
You are spouting the same BS propaganda. The data from some countries already show its about 50:50 split of Covid deaths between vaccinated & un-vaccinated.
In other words, whether you are vaxx or not makes little difference in probability of dying from it. That means the variable is not whether you are vaxxed or not, BUT depends on your own body’s overall health and strength of immune system.
In fact, some studies show those fully vaccinated (i.e. with 2 doses) MAY actually be even MORE susceptible to severe reactions IF they get infected by Covid. The term for this effect is ADE (Go and google “Antibody Dependent Enhancement”)
Here is the UK study, which our local MSM outlets do not publicize:
Also, studies have shown NATURAL IMMUNITY is longer-lived immunity and far better than the (mRNA) vaccines which we all know now has waning efficacy after 6 months or less. Thats why need FOREVER Booster shots. LOL.
Of course, one will say you may die first from covid infection, if you wait to get infected and hope to recover. Thus, it may be sensible to vaxx ONLY those vulnerable ones (i.e. those in old age whose innate immune system is weak or compromised). For those who are young & healthy, there is really NO need to jab with this dangerous (mRNA) experimental chemical.
These (mRNA) stuff contains KNOWN TOXIC substances! which is why the vaxx companies insist on blanket INDEMNITY for any vaccine injuries. Any other proper vaccine would have long been pulled out of circulation for having such a terrible track record of severe injuries (e.g. myocarditis, blood clots leading to heart attacks or strokes etc.)
In other words, if you are very old, then the vaxx MAY have “benefits that outweigh the risks” – since you are already so old and almost “out of time” anyway, so less to lose yes?
However, if you are younger and healthy, then getting Covid will be mostly mild for you, and in fact far better to get NATURAL IMMUNITY that way; instead of taking the unnecessary (mRNA) jabs which will have “RISKS that outweigh the benefits” for you.
Is this too complicated for you to understand? LOL