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RE: Why in hardwarezone edmw cannot say negative things about Ceca 17-11-2022, 05:31 PM 10
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Why in hardwarezone edmw cannot say negative things about Ceca SG Talk
Market Talk
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(16-11-2022, 10:11 AM)Basic_Strategy Wrote:  The only way to be racist against China-Chinese is if you believe China is only made up of Han Chinese people. 

No doubt Singaporean Chinese have bad impressions and sometimes even hatred of mainlander PRCs. I'm one of them. I will not hesitate to say that I am NOTHING like a Han Chinese from China and I resent any comparisons or linkages between myself and them even though I am SG Chinese myself. 

But this is not racism. At the worst, this is just nationalism. Anyone who swears allegiance to the red flag with five yellow stars on it is someone I will never ever be friends with. I'm not ashamed to say that. If the US and China went to war tomorrow and the US nuked Beijing off the map, I'd clap and cheer and say they did it 72 years too late, because they should have done it during the Korean War the moment Mao sent his Red Human Wave over the North Korean border.

Us Han Chinese descendants in Nanyang have NOTHING to do, and want NOTHING to do with Mainlander PRCs. Our ancestors fled from mainland China to make a better new life in Southeast Asia. Why do we want to LIKE or support or befriend PRC China-Chinese people?

you are dead wrong!

you are a coward scum dog that is racist against the China-chinese!

But you have no balls and you cowardly lie that you are only against CCP.

your post you already said you have hatred against the mainlander, this is already racism and not nationalism.

Taiwanese are only anti-CCP and only want independence for Taiwan but Taiwanese are not racist against the China-chinese.

Only racist scum dogs such as you, some singaporeans and some Hongkies are racists against the china-chinese.

When a singaporean-chinese walked into a PRC-owned shop and he said he wants to kill Chinaman, this is racism, this is not nationalism!

Last time when China won olympics hostings rights, When some singaporean-chinese dogs wrote to the newspapers that Chinese and Chinaman are two totally different races and these racist singaporean-chinese wrote the chinaman are cheena race and they wrote the chinaman are the most low-class despicable race in the whole world, this is racism and this is not nationalism!

This year when china got earthquake and airplane crash, got some wicked racist scum singaporeans/singaporean-chinese netizens gloated and celebrated the deaths of innocent chinese civilians, this is racism, this is not nationalism!

Hence can say among all the different countries's chinese race people, the most racist chinese against China-chinese are found in some racist scum singaporean-chinese and some Hongkie-chinese.

Among the world's chinese race people, Only some singaporean-chinese dogs such as you and some Hongkies are racist against china-chinese.

The Indonesian-chinese, Thailand-chinese, American-born-Chinese, the british-born-chinese, Macau-Chinese, Pinoy-chinese, Taiwanese are not racist against China-chinese.

I give another example, if someone say he hates the UMNO party and hates the Bumi government, but he says he don't hate the Malaysian-Malays, then he is not a racist.

But if he says he hates the UMNO party plus he says he also very hates the Malaysian-Malays, then he is a racist against the Malaysian-Malays. Which is exactly what you this you racist coward dog is becos you very very hates the China-chinese hence you are a racist dog against the China-chinese!

you yourself said in your post that if America nuked China and killed all the 1.3 billion Chinese, you said you will celebrate over the deaths of the 1.3 billion Chinese that died, this already proves you are a very wicked dangerous scum hardcore racist scum dog!

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