(11-04-2024, 04:58 AM)Huliwang Wrote: [ -> ]So how to convert to Islam if a Christian decided after reading this thread? Like how to get ordain, how to join a mosque congregation, where to learn the Qur'an, etc. Also how to get sunak? 
In Islam, we don’t immerse people into water😂
A person who wants to convert,will declare Testimonies of faith in Arabic and his mother tongue.you can do this in front of your Muslim friends Or in a Islamic centre Or in a mosque.There is an Islamic centre called “Muslim convert Association “at onan road, run by mostly Chinese Muslim.you can walked in anytime to inquire your questions on Islam,conversion,practice .
After conversion they will issue a certificate confirming you as a. Muslim. This can be used in Singapore and other countries for various purposes and also to get visa to enter Makkah in Saudi Arabia for pilgrimage.
On the conversion day you should bath and clean your self.As per Islamic beliefs, all of your past sin will be wiped out once you accept the true God who created this universe.
In Islam ,mosque are not belong to any particular race, language or sector. Mosque is designated as House of Allah.You can enter any mosque in the world and pray your prayers, because prayers are conducted in Arabic from Alaska to NewZealand.Friday sermons are conducted in Arabic and native languages. In Singapore most of the mosque uses English and Malay.Few uses Tamil.
You no need to rush to learn Quran and Islam you can take your own pace.However you have to memorise small chapters for daily prayers purpose first.
Sunak is optional. It is preferred.This Islamic Center will help to refer some clinic. Or you can find any approved clinic yourself
Changing name is optional. It is preferred.However you can maintain your surname.
If you start to pray,You should wash your back and front, every time you go to toilet.If no water found, you can do your prayers after wash your self After sex. You should not pray with out washing your self .If you a woman, No need to pray during menus.
After conversion , your Non Muslim parents and relatives are still your blood relatives. You should respect them.You can participate in any of their occasions.But should avoid anything against Islam .Such as
)offering to any dieties
)Non halal meat
)Haram sex
)Missing prayers/fasting
)not maintaining minimum clothing requirement