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Full Version: The name of Jesus Christ is the only one by which we can be saved
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(10-04-2024, 11:13 PM)Ali Imran Wrote: [ -> ]Until the angel of death visits me. Worrying about the hereafter is a good worry. 

Please let me tell you of one prayer I often make to God. "O You who can turn the heart. Steadfast my heart on Your religion."

You prayed 5 times a day for decades  but why are you so stubborn?
You should be more God like, more tone down, less pushy, more accepting of other your friend Hope. Big Grin
Are you praying in the right direction?
(10-04-2024, 08:24 PM)Lukongsimi Wrote: [ -> ]

What a powerful testimony.

Hope, it with an open mind.
(11-04-2024, 07:47 AM)pinkpanther Wrote: [ -> ]No need to pay attention what attention Big Grin
With your stubborn and pushy need to talk cock to balance it or else no one will be interested in a conversation with you.

Why are you so afraid of the ask any random person in Uganda what are they afraid of...they will tell you that their daily basic needs are not met... eat until  become a " gumok" a boss of an IT softporn company, have 6 children and a submissive wife..complain and scare you won't go to heaven and play with your 72 virgins..

Your wife is afraid you have no food to afraid of the afterlife...
Why you so pussy!

He's still afraid about the 72....?

I found him 4 already leh.  Can tell him to give me time to find the rest?  68 more right?  I am sure I got the math right!  Yup!  It's another 68.

Hang on!  I just found another one!  Love

[Image: 137.jpg]
(11-04-2024, 08:40 AM)Oyk Wrote: [ -> ]He's still afraid about the 72....?

I found him 4 already leh.  Can tell him to give me time to find the rest?  68 more right?  I am sure I got the math right!  Yup!  It's another 68.

Hang on!  I just found another one!  Love

[Image: 137.jpg]

upload pics

What a beauty..he will love every sec in paradise  Big Grin
(10-04-2024, 10:58 PM)Ali Imran Wrote: [ -> ]Since I was a kid, my biggest worry is the afterlife. And it is still today.

How come we are so different about something so certain?

How come?  Because you think you know Jesus but you don't. Rolleyes
(10-04-2024, 11:53 PM)Lukongsimi Wrote: [ -> ]Then u have to search yourself loh need me to feed u meh
Not written in English u can understand meh

The Muslims have five books. 

1.  Quran
2.  Hadith
3.  Torah or Pentateuch, actually five books there.
4.  Psalms
5.  "Gospel"

When he said "Gospel", he was not referring to the Gospels as we know them.   He was referring to the Gospel his Imam interpreted and taught him.  And that gospel of his says that Paul was a liar, a false prophet.  Jesus did not die but was taken up to heaven.  A substitute was on the Cross...that fella died, poor thing.

Gospel means Good News. Our good news is that Christ died and we may have Salvation now. He said he is not interested to hear that...

And yes, the first two books above cannot explain a lot of things, so they have to borrow from the Bible (the next three books above) and interpret it to suit the narratives in the first two books.
(10-04-2024, 08:51 PM)Hope Wrote: [ -> ]Islam was not founded by Muhammad.He was a prophet and the FINAL messenger of Islam.There is no more messengers from creator of heaven and earth. Have you heard anyone claiming to be messenger from creator of heaven and earth after Muhammad?
As per Islamic narrations,you and me are members of nation of Muhammad.I follow him. But you don’t.
When Muhammad came with Quran, only one person accepted Islam. After 1400 years,Now Islam has spread to new Zealand to Alaska.China it self have over 20 million which about 2% of population.You know last 75-100 years china is controlled by CCP.Do you think they can rule china forever? Do you know most of china people who ever migrated other countries they converted to Christianity and few to Islam? 
As per Islamic narrations, when Jesus decend to Damascus most no of people including atheists, polytheists, people of the book will accept Islam.

Jesus was the prophet and messenger of Islam before Muhammad.Jesus will not teach bibles or Gospel.

So don’t think China can not be Muslim.If they losen the access to internet China people will learn Islam like you learned. Did you know something about Islam 20 years ago?May be you knew Malay and Hari Raya.Now you are forced in this forum to read a lot whether you like or not

During my schooldays, teachers marked our homework with a red pen.  Red for "Salah.  Wrong.  Must do corrections!" Tongue

1.  I and the Father are One.
2.  Before Abram was, I AM.

Jesus is God in the flesh, the Second Person of the Triune God.  If you wish to call him a prophet, I cannot stop you lorh.

And Jesus will not teach the Bible.  Right!  Jesus is the Bible.  He's the Word of God! He will not teach the Gospel. Right again.  Jesus is the Gospel!  When Jesus comes back, God is among us in the flesh yet again!

When Christ returns, I believe the Chinese will become Christians.  It's not easy to reach the Chinese.  If Mao had not destroyed or tried to destroy the Four Olds, and persecuted all religions, I believe most of China would have become Taoists cum Buddhists cum Confucianists rather than Christians.  Muslims?  Rather hard to reach them.  The Huis, Uyghurs yes...they are Chinese but aren't Hans.
(11-04-2024, 08:49 AM)Beauty?pinkpanther Wrote: [ -> ]What a beauty..he will love every sec in paradise  Big Grin

What??? I didn't know he wanted chiobu. Rotfl 

I thought he wanted virgins, so I checked with their fathers, and they guaranteed, conspermed and chopped, their daughters were virgins wor.

After I saw the first four, I was actually already convinced that they were virgin without even asking for their fathers' seal of chastity..those that even BBFAs would say mlmlwml. Rotfl

And the latest one had been a virgin for a very long taim! Rotfl
Save means forever won't die. Is it?  

If so, very good leh. 

Hope you live forever.
(11-04-2024, 04:58 AM)Huliwang Wrote: [ -> ]So how to convert to Islam if a Christian decided after reading this thread? Like how to get ordain, how to join a mosque congregation, where to learn the Qur'an, etc.  Also how to get sunak?    Big Grin

In Islam, we don’t immerse people into water😂
A person who wants to convert,will declare Testimonies of faith in Arabic and his mother can do this in front of your Muslim friends Or in a Islamic centre Or in a mosque.There is an Islamic centre called “Muslim convert Association “at onan road, run by mostly Chinese can walked in anytime to inquire your questions on Islam,conversion,practice .

After conversion they will issue a certificate confirming you as a. Muslim. This can be used in Singapore and other countries for various purposes and also to get visa to enter Makkah in Saudi Arabia for pilgrimage.

On the conversion day you should bath and clean your self.As per Islamic beliefs, all of your past sin will be wiped out once you accept the true God who created this universe.

In Islam ,mosque are not belong to any particular race, language or sector. Mosque is designated as House of Allah.You can enter any mosque in the world and pray your prayers, because prayers are conducted in Arabic from Alaska to NewZealand.Friday sermons are conducted in Arabic and native languages. In Singapore most of the mosque uses English and Malay.Few uses Tamil.

You no need to rush to learn Quran and Islam you can take your own pace.However you have to memorise small chapters for daily prayers purpose first.

Sunak is optional. It is preferred.This Islamic Center will help to refer some clinic. Or you can find any approved clinic yourself 

Changing name is optional. It is preferred.However you can maintain your surname.

If you start to pray,You should wash your back and front, every time you go to toilet.If no water found, you can do your prayers after wash your self After sex. You should not pray with out washing your self .If you a woman, No need to pray during menus.

After conversion , your Non Muslim parents and relatives are still your blood relatives. You should respect them.You can participate in any of their occasions.But should avoid anything against Islam .Such as
)offering to any dieties 
)Non halal meat 
)Haram sex
)Missing prayers/fasting 
)not maintaining minimum clothing requirement
(11-04-2024, 10:57 AM)Hope Wrote: [ -> ]In Islam, we don’t immerse people into water😂
A person who wants to convert,will declare Testimonies of faith in Arabic and his mother can do this in front of your Muslim friends Or in a Islamic centre Or in a mosque.There is an Islamic centre called “Muslim convert Association “at onan road, run by mostly Chinese can walked in anytime to inquire your questions on Islam,conversion,practice .

After conversion they will issue a certificate confirming you as a. Muslim. This can be used in Singapore and other countries for various purposes and also to get visa to enter Makkah in Saudi Arabia for pilgrimage.

On the conversion day you should bath and clean your self.As per Islamic beliefs, all of your past sin will be wiped out once you accept the true God who created this universe.

In Islam ,mosque are not belong to any particular race, language or sector. Mosque is designated as House of Allah.You can enter any mosque in the world and pray your prayers, because prayers are conducted in Arabic from Alaska to NewZealand.Friday sermons are conducted in Arabic and native languages. In Singapore most of the mosque uses English and Malay.Few uses Tamil.

You no need to rush to learn Quran and Islam you can take your own pace.However you have to memorise small chapters for daily prayers purpose first.

Sunak is optional. It is preferred.This Islamic Center will help to refer some clinic. Or you can find any approved clinic yourself 

Changing name is optional. It is preferred.However you can maintain your surname.

After conversation, your Non Muslim parents and relatives are still your blood relatives. You should respect them.You can participate in any of their occasions.But should avoid anything against Islam .Such as
)offering to any dieties 
)Non halal meat 
)Haram sex
)Missing prayers/fasting 
)not maintaining minimum clothing requirement

Nah your eyes big big and take a look at how Hope sells koyok!
Very service oriented... never once condemn the Christian koyok!
Ali's way of evangelizing, that is if he is even evangelizing and not trolling and bullying:

1. Mock
2. Taunt
3. Talk down, not talk down at Christians
4. Lead you to say that Paul was a false prophet but he will not say that he was a liar.
5. Twist and turn
6. Play with words, semantics
7. Quote the Bible out of context and then attack the Bible. But never quote the Quran.
8. Rinse and repeat 1 to 7

Hope's way of evangelizing:
1. Show you videos and let the videos do the talking
2. Refrain from mocking and taunting
3. Refrain from attacking the Bible
4. Quote the Quran or hadith
5. Explain (4). Believe or not, it is up to you
(11-04-2024, 11:12 AM)Oyk Wrote: [ -> ]Ali's way of evangelizing, that is if he is even evangelizing and not trolling and bullying:

1.  Mock
2.  Taunt
3.  Talk down, not talk down at Christians
4.  Lead you to say that Paul was a false prophet but he will not say that he was a liar.
5.  Twist and turn
6.  Play with words, semantics
7.  Quote the Bible out of context and then attack the Bible.  But never quote the Quran.
8.  Rinse and repeat 1 to 7

Hope's way of evangelizing:
1. Show you videos and let the videos do the talking
2.  Refrain from mocking and taunting
3.  Refrain from attacking the Bible
4.  Quote the Quran or hadith
5.  Explain (4).  Believe or not, it is up to you
We cannot convert anyone. We are just message carriers.It upto God and You.
I have a feeling that Hope is a Han Muslim.

Hope can speak Hokkien very well.
(11-04-2024, 11:12 AM)Oyk Wrote: [ -> ]Ali's way of evangelizing, that is if he is even evangelizing and not trolling and bullying:

1.  Mock
2.  Taunt
3.  Talk down, not talk down at Christians
4.  Lead you to say that Paul was a false prophet but he will not say that he was a liar.
5.  Twist and turn
6.  Play with words, semantics
7.  Quote the Bible out of context and then attack the Bible.  But never quote the Quran.
8.  Rinse and repeat 1 to 7

Hope's way of evangelizing:
1. Show you videos and let the videos do the talking
2.  Refrain from mocking and taunting
3.  Refrain from attacking the Bible
4.  Quote the Quran or hadith
5.  Explain (4).  Believe or not, it is up to you

Yes, I totally agreed with your judgements and summary....Ali, I am sorry to need Jesus to save you..and you know damn well you will not receive any of the 72 virgins that Allah promised....but the 4 virgins that oyk showed you can have them for eternity
Confess and repent my son ... did Islam will receive your 72 virgins in paradise.
(11-04-2024, 11:19 AM)Hope Wrote: [ -> ]We cannot convert anyone. We are just message carriers.It upto God and You.

Christians say the same thing.  They cannot convert anybody. They will only end up arguing and getting into heated quarrels. If they keep on "pestering" peepur to go to Church with them, they would be making a nuisance of themselves..

Their job is to spread the Gospel, and share it, and the Holy Spirit will convict the person.  That person may sneer and reject the Gospel, but we have already done what we had been told to do.
(11-04-2024, 11:20 AM)Oyk Wrote: [ -> ]I have a feeling that Hope is a Han Muslim.

Hope can speak Hokkien very well.

Hope might be a lady...far prettier than Wendy!
(11-04-2024, 11:22 AM)pinkpanther Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, I totally agreed with your judgements and summary....Ali, I am sorry to need Jesus to save you..and you know damn well you will not receive any of the 72 virgins that Allah promised....but the 4 virgins that oyk showed you can have them for eternity
Confess and repent my son ... did Islam will receive your 72 virgins in paradise.

I think you missed to read the following on my last post 

“if you start to pray,You should wash your back and front, every time you go to toilet.If no water found, you can do your prayers after wash your self After sex. You should not pray with out washing your self .If you a woman, No need to pray during menus.“

In Islam, we do not assume/assure we get paradise.We leave it to Judge of Judges on the Judgement day.
Instead we try our best to be a better person daily.
(11-04-2024, 10:57 AM)Hope Wrote: [ -> ]In Islam, we don’t immerse people into water😂
A person who wants to convert,will declare Testimonies of faith in Arabic and his mother can do this in front of your Muslim friends Or in a Islamic centre Or in a mosque.There is an Islamic centre called “Muslim convert Association “at onan road, run by mostly Chinese can walked in anytime to inquire your questions on Islam,conversion,practice .

After conversion they will issue a certificate confirming you as a. Muslim. This can be used in Singapore and other countries for various purposes and also to get visa to enter Makkah in Saudi Arabia for pilgrimage.

On the conversion day you should bath and clean your self.As per Islamic beliefs, all of your past sin will be wiped out once you accept the true God who created this universe.

In Islam ,mosque are not belong to any particular race, language or sector. Mosque is designated as House of Allah.You can enter any mosque in the world and pray your prayers, because prayers are conducted in Arabic from Alaska to NewZealand.Friday sermons are conducted in Arabic and native languages. In Singapore most of the mosque uses English and Malay.Few uses Tamil.

You no need to rush to learn Quran and Islam you can take your own pace.However you have to memorise small chapters for daily prayers purpose first.

Sunak is optional. It is preferred.This Islamic Center will help to refer some clinic. Or you can find any approved clinic yourself 

Changing name is optional. It is preferred.However you can maintain your surname.

If you start to pray,You should wash your back and front, every time you go to toilet.If no water found, you can do your prayers after wash your self After sex. You should not pray with out washing your self .If you a woman, No need to pray during menus.

After conversion , your Non Muslim parents and relatives are still your blood relatives. You should respect them.You can participate in any of their occasions.But should avoid anything against Islam .Such as
)offering to any dieties 
)Non halal meat 
)Haram sex
)Missing prayers/fasting 
)not maintaining minimum clothing requirement
Thanks you very much for this informative post which I shall save for future reference. Who knows one day I might post in this forum as Abdullah Hu.  Big Grin
(11-04-2024, 11:20 AM)Oyk Wrote: [ -> ]I have a feeling that Hope is a Han Muslim.

Hope can speak Hokkien very well.

You are Han Christian 😂

In Islam all are Muslim.No caste system.
(11-04-2024, 11:32 AM)Hope Wrote: [ -> ]I think you missed to read the following on my last post 

“if you start to pray,You should wash your back and front, every time you go to toilet.If no water found, you can do your prayers after wash your self After sex. You should not pray with out washing your self .If you a woman, No need to pray during menus.“

In Islam, we do not assume/assure we get paradise.We leave it to Judge of Judges on the Judgement day.
Instead we try our best to be a better person daily.

Yes lah...we try to be our best to be a better person daily..
What you wrote made sense...I poison on the Christian koyok also..
I like what I read!
[Image: -scaled-pv8obpabugx0puc6lnhehse2uh7dg91jeonpgw1udc.jpeg]

(10-04-2024, 07:25 PM)Hope Wrote: [ -> ]Show me at least 5 videos of imam converting to Islam. I can 50 pastors converting to Islam

Where is your 50 pastors converting to Islam ? Bluff?
(11-04-2024, 11:35 AM)Hope Wrote: [ -> ]You are Han Christian 😂

In Islam all are Muslim.No caste system.

In China, 92-93% of the Chinese are Hans.

In Singapore, 75% of the Singaporeans are Hans.

There is no caste system in China and Singapore.  An Indian foreign worker from say Tamilnadu would be pleasantly surprised that I can shake hands with him, or give him a pat on his back while in India, the fairer Indians of a higher caste would despise him and not touch him even with a ten foot pole.

In Christianity, we call one another brothers and sisters (in Christ), not Indians, Chinese, Mexicans, Portuguese, whatever.
(11-04-2024, 11:48 AM)Oyk Wrote: [ -> ]In China, 92-93% of the Chinese are Hans.

In Singapore, 75% of the Singaporeans are Hans.

There is no caste system in China and Singapore.  An Indian foreign worker from say Tamilnadu would be pleasantly surprised that I can shake hands with him, or give him a pat on his back while in India, the fairer Indians of a higher caste would despise him and not touch him even with a ten foot pole.

In Christianity, we call one another brothers and sisters (in Christ), not Indians, Chinese, Mexicans, Portuguese, whatever.

Why don’t you call Chinese? Instead of Han Chinese?

How can a Han become Hui when he marries a Chinese Muslim in China?
(11-04-2024, 10:57 AM)Hope Wrote: [ -> ]In Islam, we don’t immerse people into water😂
A person who wants to convert,will declare Testimonies of faith in Arabic and his mother can do this in front of your Muslim friends Or in a Islamic centre Or in a mosque.There is an Islamic centre called “Muslim convert Association “at onan road, run by mostly Chinese can walked in anytime to inquire your questions on Islam,conversion,practice .

After conversion they will issue a certificate confirming you as a. Muslim. This can be used in Singapore and other countries for various purposes and also to get visa to enter Makkah in Saudi Arabia for pilgrimage.

On the conversion day you should bath and clean your self.As per Islamic beliefs, all of your past sin will be wiped out once you accept the true God who created this universe.

In Islam ,mosque are not belong to any particular race, language or sector. Mosque is designated as House of Allah.You can enter any mosque in the world and pray your prayers, because prayers are conducted in Arabic from Alaska to NewZealand.Friday sermons are conducted in Arabic and native languages. In Singapore most of the mosque uses English and Malay.Few uses Tamil.

You no need to rush to learn Quran and Islam you can take your own pace.However you have to memorise small chapters for daily prayers purpose first.

Sunak is optional. It is preferred.This Islamic Center will help to refer some clinic. Or you can find any approved clinic yourself 

Changing name is optional. It is preferred.However you can maintain your surname.

If you start to pray,You should wash your back and front, every time you go to toilet.If no water found, you can do your prayers after wash your self After sex. You should not pray with out washing your self .If you a woman, No need to pray during menus.

After conversion , your Non Muslim parents and relatives are still your blood relatives. You should respect them.You can participate in any of their occasions.But should avoid anything against Islam .Such as
)offering to any dieties 
)Non halal meat 
)Haram sex
)Missing prayers/fasting 
)not maintaining minimum clothing requirement

U forgot one scary circumcise thingie
(11-04-2024, 11:48 AM)Oyk Wrote: [ -> ]In Christianity, we call one another brothers and sisters (in Christ), not Indians, Chinese, Mexicans, Portuguese, whatever.

Don't bluff!

There are more than 45,000 denominations!  Rotfl
(10-04-2024, 02:06 PM)Ali Imran Wrote: [ -> ]If they can call me names, I can call you sir. 

And please don't Like my every post to you. I have to clear the Alerts often. Smile

Jesus said in the Bible that everyone must give an account of every careless word spoken while on Earth on the Judgement Day lah! Big Grin So I shall be more careful of my comments lah!
(11-04-2024, 11:28 AM)pinkpanther Wrote: [ -> ]Hope might be a lady...far prettier than Wendy!

Wendy, ler tor ti kor (where are you?)

Someone said that Hope may be a lady and not just prettier but farrrrrr prettier than you wor.  Consolation: you are still pretty lorh.   At least he didn't write "Hope might be a pretty lady unlike Wendy".   Rotfl
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