(11-04-2024, 11:58 AM)cheekopekman Wrote: [ -> ]Jesus said in the Bible that everyone must give an account of every careless word spoken while on Earth on the Judgement Day lah!
So I shall be more careful of my comments lah!
How you remember all the careless word? Do you keep a pocket notebook and jolt down those words whenever you uttered them?

(11-04-2024, 11:33 AM)Huliwang Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks you very much for this informative post which I shall save for future reference. Who knows one day I might post in this forum as Abdullah Hu. 
Islam doesn’t belong to Arabs or Malay. It belongs to God who created this universe.
Islam was not founded by Muhammad. He is the last messenger of Islam.As per Islamic narrations, There have been over 120000 messengers and prophets since Adam was created.Every nation had got their messenger in the language they speak.
Quran mentions 25 names of Prophets.
The prophets of Islam include: Adam, Idris (Enoch), Nuh (Noah), Hud (Heber), Saleh (Methusaleh), Lut (Lot), Ibrahim (Abraham), Ismail (Ishmael), Ishaq (Isaac), Yaqub (Jacob), Yusuf (Joseph), Shu’aib (Jethro), Ayyub (Job), Dhulkifl (Ezekiel), Musa (Moses), Harun (Aaron), Dawud (David), Sulayman (Solomon), Ilyas (Elias), Alyasa (Elisha), Yunus (Jonah), Zakariya (Zachariah), Yahya (John the Baptist), Isa (Jesus) and Muhammad
(11-04-2024, 11:47 AM)Lukongsimi Wrote: [ -> ]Where is your 50 pastors converting to Islam ? Bluff?
I have over 200 videos of Bishops,Pastors, Nuns,
Do you watch all i post?
(11-04-2024, 11:58 AM)cheekopekman Wrote: [ -> ]Jesus said in the Bible that everyone must give an account of every careless word spoken while on Earth on the Judgement Day lah!
So I shall be more careful of my comments lah!
Jesus didn't teach
tit for tat but to turn the other cheek. It has a very profound meaning which does not mean that if your colleague backstabs you by lying about you to your boss, you encourage him to tell one more lie about you. Neither should you retaliate by lying about him to the boss.
And yes, we need to watch what we say....and do. We all know that, we try but being sinners we will sin, however hard we try not to. But it does not mean that we can go and sin and sin on purpose.
As sinners, we have the nature and character of a sinner, and as long as we are in this flesh, we will continue to sin from time to time. But we should go to God and ask for forgiveness in Jesus' name, and God WILL forgive us if we are sincere...we need not go on a guilt trip. In Christ, our salvation is assured.
(11-04-2024, 11:54 AM)Lukongsimi Wrote: [ -> ]U forgot one scary circumcise thingie
Already, I used same word “ Sunak” as Huliwang mentioned.
If Circumcise is scary, you can sleep Naked, Rat to nibble every night 😂
(11-04-2024, 12:14 PM)Hope Wrote: [ -> ]Already, I used same word “ Sunak” as Huliwang mentioned.
If Circumcise is scary, you can sleep Naked, Rat to nibble every night 😂
Never heard of rat nibbling the sex organ they love it?
Bluff ?
(11-04-2024, 12:02 PM)Huliwang Wrote: [ -> ]How you remember all the careless word? Do you keep a pocket notebook and jolt down those words whenever you uttered them? 
Every word that you have written right now is recorded in heaven lah!

1 day, that record book will be opened and your name will be called lah! "Huliwang!" Me too lah!
(11-04-2024, 11:58 AM)cityhantam Wrote: [ -> ]Don't bluff!
There are more than 45,000 denominations! 
In the latter days, many false prophets would be preaching the Gospel.
It is not for me to say which and who.
Satan is trying to confuse. He will not waste time telling someone who already does not believe in Jesus to not believe in Jesus. He wants those who believe in Jesus to also believe in someone else or something else..
(11-04-2024, 12:22 PM)Lukongsimi Wrote: [ -> ]That is 1 video
I start count for u.
Before second video,I will ask questions on first video. Once you replied, I will post next one.
(11-04-2024, 12:25 PM)Oyk Wrote: [ -> ]In the latter days, many false prophets would be preaching the Gospel.
It is not for me to say which and who.
Satan is trying to confuse.
In other words, your God is powerless!

(11-04-2024, 12:26 PM)Hope Wrote: [ -> ]Before second video,I will ask questions on first video. Once you replied, I will post next one.
1st video she was a nun and met her husband who is a Muslim
She was not called to be a Muslim but to get married to the man she fell in love
N break free from nunship who cannot get married.
(11-04-2024, 08:53 AM)Oyk Wrote: [ -> ]How come? Because you think you know Jesus but you don't.
What about you? Do you know Jesus? Where are the sources of your information? Is your information variable? Are they historically reliable?
I know you cannot be sure of the integrity of your information.
Don't be hostile to me. Listen to what I'm saying, for your own good, in this world and the next.
(11-04-2024, 12:30 PM)Ali Imran Wrote: [ -> ]What about you? Do you know Jesus? Where are the sources of your information? Is your information variable? Are they historically reliable?
I know you cannot be sure of the integrity of your information.
Don't be hostile to me. Listen to what I'm saying, for your own good, in this world and the next.
See! What an ungrateful person!
I found you four pruss huan virgins and you say I am horsetile to you.

(11-04-2024, 12:25 PM)Oyk Wrote: [ -> ]In the latter days, many false prophets would be preaching the Gospel.
It is not for me to say which and who.
If you cannot tell whose preaching of the Gospels is false, how on earth will you know which one is true?
(11-04-2024, 12:34 PM)Oyk Wrote: [ -> ]See! What an ungrateful person!
I found you four pruss huan virgins and you say I am horsetile to you. 
You can keep on your mocking. I can angkat.
I will keep on reminding you, in the hope that you will eventually pay attention.
(11-04-2024, 12:36 PM)Ali Imran Wrote: [ -> ]You can keep on your mocking. I can angkat.
I will keep on reminding you, in the hope that you will eventually pay attention.
(11-04-2024, 12:34 PM)Lukongsimi Wrote: [ -> ]
He was not a Muslim. Their group is considered heretics by Islamic scholars . Do you know why?Their group leader was born in a village in Former British India, Now Pakistan.
He claimed that he is the promised messiah, Jesus.
Jesus was an Israelites, How can Indian claim to be Messiah, Jesus?
This guy couldn’t convert his own family to Christianity 😜
He had a painful death. Finally his wife inherited all of his earnings from church congregations.Now she is having a luxurious life with another man😢
He misled Christian to hell.
(11-04-2024, 12:29 PM)Hi Lukongsimi Wrote: [ -> ]1st video she was a nun and met her husband who is a Muslim
She was not called to be a Muslim but to get married to the man she fell in love
N break free from nunship who cannot get married.
I will post this week end. I am at work now
(10-04-2024, 10:24 PM)Hope Wrote: [ -> ]Islam means submission to one true God who created this universe.If you believe there is an unseen God or Unseen Higher power, Then Islam is for you.Islam is the only one monotheistic religion on this earth.
In Islam people don’t go and convert anyone. We only give the message. It is between the message receiver and God to convert them to Islam.
Islam was not founded by Muhammad. Muhammad is a prophet and FINAL messenger.
What u guys are doing are part of the conversion process. Disseminating messages, propagating your belief your religion on the targetted person with the intention of influencing the mind to the ultimate goal of conversion is part and parcel of the process.
Yes! There is God. When I was young abt 5 or6 years old, I woke up in the middle of the night or before dawn crying. My Mom came to me wondering what happened. I told my mom there were people up there pointing to the window top overlooking the roof-less kitchen. My mom say there was nobody on the roof outside the window. I kept pointing to the top of the window and insists there were a group of people including a woman gathering on a long table. They seem to be having a feast of sort. As I grew up it dawn upon me that I could have witnessed the last supper that Jesus had with his apostles. Only my mom and siblings know abt this. I have told no ones except once in this forum or old sgtalk forum.
(10-04-2024, 10:56 PM)Ali Imran Wrote: [ -> ]Mistress is haram, period. Zeena (sex outside of marriage) is a very shameful act in any Muslim society, even today.
As I've said in another post, Islam offers a solution to men's appetite for sex. And the women are protected.
So the solution is allowing men to have sex with many partners as many as four but got to legalised it first thru marriage. That is a genius way to get round the problem of committing adultery. An added bonus being a Muslim.
Whose idea was it for setting the limi? Was it by one of the prophet. The others agreed?
My apologies again if I unwittingly offended Islam/Muslim.