(08-04-2024, 10:32 AM)cityhantam Wrote: [ -> ]
Although I do not believe in Buddhism.....Oh! I believe its philosophy, it makes a lot of sense, the 4NT and 8FP, but I also believe that however good a life we live, good being judged by our standard of "good", we cannot make it to heaven.
If we are honest, we know it lar, how many times we said we would be good, we would stop doing this, that and the other, yet, we failed again and again...and based on the Law of Cause and Effect aka KARMA, we are doomed to be reborn in countless...in fact, in a never ending cycle.
Of the six realms, we can probably make it, with great ease, to be reborn as an animal or hungry ghost. To be reborn as a man is damn hard lorh. To be reborn as PM Lee did to become a PM and live a life most would envy, whoa! he must have had accumulated a lot of GOOD KARMA in past lifetimes eh!
And to cease to be reborn and enter Nirvana, that's completely, and I repeat, completely out of the question. You have lived long enough, seen enough of what peepur are like, and I am sure that even if you don't openly judge peepur, you know that everyone has done something bad, accumulated bad KARMA and will not make it.
Having said that, while I do not agree with you on "CCP matters", I would without hesitation nominate you for one of the best members of any forum. You don't lose your temper, you don't use a harsh word on even the worst of members. He who must not be mentioned............but the alphabet B would suffice..........should learn from you, if he wants to see how a Buddhist should conduct himself even in the digital world.