Civil War in Myanmar

(27-09-2024, 03:39 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Pope Francis offers refuge to jailed Suu Kyi: Report.  Tongue

Vatican to give her shelter on our territory," the pope said .. Big Grin

This pope is from Argentina which is now a big shit hole! He should do something to "rescue" his fellow Argentinians instead!  Laughing

Rebels reject junta's peace offer, they are dictatorship's
Rebel have rejected peace from Myanmar’s embattled junta, as fighting reeling from battlefield losses and defections. A civil war dragged on for more than three years. This  dictatorship's gang first outreach since it seizing power in 2021.

After a ceasefire brokered by China in the northern Shan state fell apart. Junta gang on ethnic armed groups as "terrorist & not insurgent groups" to "communicate with us to solve political problems politically", also urging them to join elections planned for next year. The exiled National Unity Government (NUG) said the offer was not worth considering, adding junta gang had no authority to hold an election.
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Myanmar junta bombs opposition-held town hours after talks offer. Myanmar junta bombs opposition-held town hours after talks offer. People clean up debris of destroyed damaged buildings in the aftermath of bombardments carried out by Myanmar's military in Lashio in Myanmar's northern Shan State on Sep 24, 2024.

27 Sep 2024 (Updated: 27 Sep 2024
YANGON: Myanmar's junta carried out fresh air strikes on an opposition-held town on Friday (Sep 27), hours after issuing an unprecedented invitation to its enemies for talks on the country's civil war.

Thursday's surprise call for discussions was likely a standard operating procedure to main ally China and a nudge towards controversial fresh elections, analysts said, and two prominent armed groups swiftly dismissed it.

The offer came with the junta reeling from battlefield reverses to ethnic minority armed groups and pro-democracy "People's Defence Forces" that rose up to oppose the military's seizure of power in 2021.

The groups have seized several lucrative border crossings and last month took Lashio, a city of 150,000 people – the biggest urban centre to fall to rebels since 1962. The call was "the first time that the regime has expressed a willingness to have a dialogue with the post-coup resistance forces", said Richard Horsey of the International Crisis Group.

Junta chief Min Aung Hlaing has long spoken of "annihilating" the groups, he pointed out. Hours after the offer, military jets bombed Lashio, in northern Shan state, now in the hands of fighters from the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA).

Dictator’s Favorite Monk Leads Propaganda.

China Clamps Down on Ethnic Armies & More.

Prominent ultranationalist monk Sitagu Sayadaw, a favorite of junta boss Min Aung Hlaing, donated US$ 10,000 for flood victims at a propaganda event in Naypyitaw on Tuesday. The stage-managed donation was received by junta No.2 Soe Win at Ministry of Religious Affairs.

Soe Win told monk, the flood death toll had climbed to 419, claimed regime had earmarked 30 billion kyats ($14.3 million) for relief and rehabilitation efforts. That claim came amid reports regime is suppressing relief efforts in areas controlled by resistance forces, where it is escalating airstrikes on civilian targets.

The influential monk has voiced support for the 2021 coup & called Min Aung Hlaing responsible for a brutal military crackdown that has killed over 5,000 civilians, “a ‘king’ of great generosity 
wisdom.” The junta boss has rewarded 87-yr-old with honorary titles, a political appointing as a chief of Shwe Kyin, one of Myanmar’s nine Buddhist monastic sects.

Sitagu Sayadaw played a leading role in construction of the giant Maravijaya Buddha statue in Naypyitaw, commissioned by Min Aung Hlaing as part of yadaya rituals to ward off misfortune...

By law current Myanmar Junta is not a legal govt as they overthrow elected one.
But though so called rebels alliance consists not only ex govt personnel but
also several rebels which exist before current Junta because Myanmar did not
treat minorities fairly, worsen under Myr Junta as they act similar Ukr govt.
Within the rebels, few are also decades of rivals.
Peace hard to achieve on the table.

A badly run country.
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(29-09-2024, 12:12 AM)watchfirst9 Wrote:  By law current Myanmar Junta is not a legal govt as they overthrow elected one.
But though so called rebels alliance consists not only ex govt personnel but
also several rebels which exist before current Junta because Myanmar did not
treat minorities fairly, worsen under Myr Junta as they act similar Ukr govt.
Within the rebels, few are also decades of rivals.
Peace hard to achieve on the table.

A badly run country.
The chief junta military king must be totally cleansed, and all his downline military roots wil be exterminated. This is the only way for democracy to return. Civilians hv been suppressed and suffered for too long. Many hv been killed too. That is why many civilians took up arms to fight for their future. Their hearts and determination are strong. Good thing is many rebels groups combined forces to drained out the evil junta. Hope rebels can capture the capital.

(29-09-2024, 11:57 AM)Gemstar Wrote:  The chief junta military king must be totally cleansed, and all his downline military roots wil be exterminated. This is the only way for democracy to return. Civilians hv been suppressed and suffered for too long. Many hv been killed too. That is why many civilians took up arms to fight for their future. Their hearts and determination are strong. Good thing is many rebels groups combined forces to drained out the evil junta. Hope rebels can capture the capital.

Not so straight forward as you say. As life is matter of balancing.
As now we see little unity or strongman,
if Junta are total destroyed before deal is reached or clear leader coming out,
the biggest ethnic group may found war has to continue.
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(29-09-2024, 12:12 AM)watchfirst9 Wrote:  By law current Myanmar Junta is not a legal govt as they overthrow elected one. But though so called rebels alliance consists not only ex govt personnel but also several rebels which exist before current Junta because Myanmar did not
treat minorities fairly, worsen under Myr Junta as they act similar Ukr govt.

Within the rebels, few are also decades of rivals.
Peace hard to achieve on the table.

A badly run country.

Yes. Junta run their country badly.
Airstrikes Trump Aid: Floods Expose: Junta’s Attitude to Myanmar Populace (kana bomb)

Myanmar’s junta has once again revealed its true attitude toward the people of the country by escalating aerial bombardments of civilian targets instead of conducting proper rescue and rehabilitation operations for flood-hit areas across the country. Nine of Myanmar’s 15 states and regions suffered severe flooding and landslides after heavy rain triggered by Typhoon Yagi in the second week of September.

Official death toll from natural disaster rose to 419 this week. Junta boss Min Aung Hlaing admitted his regime had not expected such severe rainfall.

(30-09-2024, 03:12 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Yes. Junta run their country badly.
Airstrikes Trump Aid: Floods Expose: Junta’s Attitude to Myanmar Populace (kana bomb)

Myanmar’s junta has once again revealed its true attitude toward the people of the country by escalating aerial bombardments of civilian targets instead of conducting proper rescue and rehabilitation operations for flood-hit areas across the country. Nine of Myanmar’s 15 states and regions suffered severe flooding and landslides after heavy rain triggered by Typhoon Yagi in the second week of September.

Official death toll from natural disaster rose to 419 this week. Junta boss Min Aung Hlaing admitted his regime had not expected such severe rainfall.

Mynamar has been practise big Bamar idealogy for decades , minorities received little support, 
situation turn far worse after Ang was removed. 

The unity of the coalition forces are temporary and weak.

MNDAA Ceasefire Will Not Hold in Northern Myanmar: China Analyst: Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) on September 4 called for China’s mediation in Myanmar’s conflicts and said it would not cooperate with the civilian National Unity Government (NUG).

Despite the statement, the regime continued bombing raids on the northern Shan State capital, Lashio, killing civilians and damaging property.

Why has regime kept bombing Lashio, despite MNDAA’s proposal of talks with mediation by China’s?.?.

MNDAA knows that regime will not stop fighting. So MNDAA issued the statement. It has stated that it would stop fighting immediately but retains right to self-defense, good that regime carried out attacks be'cos it lets the MNDAA fight back.
I heard junta wants Lashio back. MNDAA can’t give it back. So said it has no ties to the NUG. The ceasefire will not happen will continue to fight.

KNU says no to census whilst no clear governance in Myanmar. The Karen National Union (KNU) spokesperson say the junta should not carry out a census whilst most Myanmar is under the control of revolutionary forces. Currently, junta only fully controls Yangon & Ayeyarwady regions. Ethnic armed organisations (EAOs) & People Defence Forces (PDFs) control territory in all of other states & regions in the country.

Padoh Saw Kler Say said: “Given the current circumstances, I believe it's inappropriate to conduct a census. The reason is that it should not be conducted when there is no clear governance process in the country. It is not accepted by anyone, including any ethnic group or revolutionary forces. Since we, the revolutionary forces, control many areas, it will be impossible.”

The UN helped with last Myanmar census in 2014 & junta is hoping that it will help again with the upcoming census, be'cos it believes UN participation in census would give junta some legitimacy amongst international community.
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The evil military junta wil be defeated soon when rebels forces take over the capital. The Head must be removed and all his military mob wil surrender. Time is near.

(01-10-2024, 11:31 PM)Gemstar Wrote:  The evil military junta wil be defeated soon when rebels forces take over the capital. The Head must be removed and all his military mob wil surrender. Time is near.

Myanmar's military government takes census despite conflict, boycott calls.

YANGON: Census takers guarded by police and soldiers took to the streets of Myanmar on Wednesday (Oct 2) for a national survey that anti-junta groups have urged people to boycott. The ruling junta is pressing ahead with the census even though it has lost control of large areas of the country to armed groups opposed to its rule.

Bloody conflict rages across much of Myanmar but the junta says the survey is needed to update voter lists ahead of promised elections in 2025.
Teams of enumerators accompanied by soldiers and armed police went door to door in Yangon to fill in the 68-question survey.

"School teachers, local authorities, police and local militia members are taking the census. Militias who attended basic military training are helping for security in their area," a military officer told AFP, speaking anonymously because he was not authorised to speak to the media. 

"We have tightened security when taking census because of the threats by terrorists." The is refer to Junta gang and few for his gang members. Rotfl

June 7, Zahkung Ting Ying issued a military order declaring the KIA and PDFs as its enemies and vowing to take decisive action against them if they entered his territory. After KIA & joint resistance forces took control of Chipwi, military junta fighter jets dropped over 40 bombs on the town on Sunday night, resulting in civilian casualties, local media outlet Kachin News Group reported.

(03-10-2024, 02:00 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  June 7, Zahkung Ting Ying issued a military order declaring the KIA and PDFs as its enemies and vowing to take decisive action against them if they entered his territory. After KIA & joint resistance forces took control of Chipwi, military junta fighter jets dropped over 40 bombs on the town on Sunday night, resulting in civilian casualties, local media outlet Kachin News Group reported.

The Kachin Independence Army (KIA), Kachin People’s Defense Forces (KPDFs) and allied resistance forces have gained control of Kachin State’s Chipwi town, a rare-earth mining hub that was formerly under the control of a junta-allied militia group.

Myanmar’s Nuclear Option and the Man Who Pressed the Button.

Conscription: Min Aung Hlaing ended a 65-year moratorium on mandatory military service in February, but the estimated 25,000 forcibly recruited have failed to stem junta losses.

This is what Myanmar Junta’s is saying: Aim in Lashio: ‘If We Can’t Get It Back, We’ll Destroy It’

BBC News in Myanmar, not in english lang... Rotfl

They catching boys around 18 -20 years old at some places

If parents want them back, must pay ransom of HUGE amount

How can a Govt kidnap own people !#%#%^$%&$&^@

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 
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The Karen National Union (KNU) and other ethnic Karen armed groups met in late September to discuss reopening the Asian Highway to Thailand, which has been closed for nearly a year.
Karen State Border Guard Force (BGF) leader Colonel Saw Chit Thu, Major General Shwe Wa from the Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA) and Major Saw Kyaw Kyaw from the Karen National Liberation Army – Peace Council (PC) attended the meeting with the KNU in Hpa-an District.

The Asian Highway links the border town of Myawaddy in Karen State with Tamu in Sagaing Region on the Indian border. The hourlong stretch from Kawkareik to Myawaddy in Karen State has been closed since the KNU and its allies attacked Kawkareik in December last year. The DKBA and PC are signatories to the 2015 Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement and have engaged in talks with the regime since the 2021 coup.

KNU Brigade 6, attended the Sept meeting, refused to reopen highway because junta could use it to advance on Myawaddy, according to a source. “Saw Chit Thu called for road to be reopened but KNU commanders refused,” he said. KNU spokesman Padoh Saw Taw Nee told Irrawaddy: “Its impossible to reopen road now.” 
Other groups have made no comment. Fight
was reported on highway in late September with remaining troops from junta’s Operation Aung Zeya, according to resistance groups.

Troops from the op are still attempting to advanceon Myawaddy from Kawkareik.
A bus driver told The Irrawaddy about his experience of the fighting in late September: “Shells landed near vehicles on the old road. Then we saw aircraft so we stopped hid.” Civilians are keen for the highway to reopen from Myawaddy to Kawkareik to avoid the high tolls on the old roads charged by Karen armed groups.

A Yangon to Myawaddy bus driver said: “I stopped driving because of the tolls but I can’t make money in Yangon because of the fuel shortages. I am waiting for the Asian Highway to reopen.”
There are at least 40 checkpoints manned by armed groups on two alternative routes, according to drivers. The Htaw Kaw Koe section controlled by the PC reportedly has the most tolls.
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The Arakan Army (AA) says it is intensifying its efforts to capture last remaining junta outpost in Rakhine State’s Maungdaw Township now that it has taken full control of its administrative centre. Group said it defeated last regime forces in the town of Maungdaw 3-weeks ago now focussed on taking Border Guard Police Battalion 5 base on the border with Bangladesh.

To defend outpost located about half a mile from
town, military has been carrying out relentless airstrikes, Maungdaw resident said. “AA has base surrounded on all sides, so has been non-stop bombing in recent days. They’ve destroyed at least 10 houses here in town,” said resident. He added iqn addition to being hit by airstrikes, Maungdaw is now littered with landmines left behind by junta troops. AA has begun removing them.

A merchant based in Pauktaw, near state capital Sittwe, suggested AA’s success in Maungdaw could bring some relief to rest of Rakhine State, which has been suffering from a scarcity of goods due to junta blockades of land & water routes to other parts of Myanmar.
If all of Maungdaw is completely captured by the AA, trade with Bangladesh will open up and maybe things will improve.”
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(06-10-2024, 02:07 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  The Arakan Army (AA) says it is intensifying its efforts to capture last remaining junta outpost in Rakhine State’s Maungdaw Township now that it has taken full control of its administrative centre. Group said it defeated last regime forces in the town of Maungdaw 3-weeks ago now focussed on taking Border Guard Police Battalion 5 base on the border with Bangladesh.

To defend outpost located about half a mile from
town, military has been carrying out relentless airstrikes, Maungdaw resident said. “AA has base surrounded on all sides, so has been non-stop bombing in recent days. They’ve destroyed at least 10 houses here in town,” said resident. He added iqn addition to being hit by airstrikes, Maungdaw is now littered with landmines left behind by junta troops. AA has begun removing them.

A merchant based in Pauktaw, near state capital Sittwe, suggested AA’s success in Maungdaw could bring some relief to rest of Rakhine State, which has been suffering from a scarcity of goods due to junta blockades of land & water routes to other parts of Myanmar.
If all of Maungdaw is completely captured by the AA, trade with Bangladesh will open up and maybe things will improve.”
Evil military junta can bomb the villages, but, they cannot bomb the hearts of the rebels forces. Military junta forces wil be defeated in no time.

Asean Summits set to address Myanmar's ongoing conflicts. Blinken to discuss Myanmar, South China Sea and Ukraine at ASEAN summits.

Seizes Another Strategic Junta Base in Rakhine’s Mae Taung by The Irrawaddy October 8, 2024 43

As Arakan resistance troops close in on Western Military Command, the Myanmar junta is retaliating against the seizure of strongholds with aerial bombings of civilian targets.

(08-10-2024, 11:15 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Asean Summits set to address Myanmar's ongoing conflicts. Blinken to discuss Myanmar, South China Sea and Ukraine at ASEAN summits.

Seizes Another Strategic Junta Base in Rakhine’s Mae Taung by The Irrawaddy October 8, 2024 43

As Arakan resistance troops close in on Western Military Command, the Myanmar junta is retaliating against the seizure of strongholds with aerial bombings of civilian targets.

Ask Blinken to fxxk off!   Angry
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(09-10-2024, 08:47 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  Ask Blinken to fxxk off!   Angry

Asean needs a plan to navigate choppy US-China relations


Myanmar junta said on Tuesday (Oct 8) it was "very confident" of hitting its plan growth target for this year but held off more disappointing be floor
fuelling by concern about a lack of detail on a raft of measures.

News on Myanmar latest news 10th-Oct 2024
Fears Grow for Myanmar’s Aung San Suu Kyi After Another Jailed NLD Leader Dies
Maung Kavi by Maung Kavi. At least two senior members of the National League for Democracy (NLD) have died in junta custody since Myanmar’s military ousted the elected NLD government in 2021 and threw its ageing leaders in jail. Observers say the long jail sentences and denial of proper medical treatment are part of a systematic effort by the regime to ensure that democracy leaders do not leave their prison cells alive. Over the past year, there have been frequent reports of NLD leaders, most in their 70s or 80s, developing health problems or requiring hospital treatment.

Those imprisoned include 79-year-old State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi in Naypyitaw, 71-year-old President U Win Myint in Taungoo Prison, and 83-year-old NLD patron U Win Htein in Obo Prison. Alarm bells are now sounding over the health of all three politicians. “The President, State Counselor regional chief ministers are not people who should be behind bars. They were unfairly detained are being denied proper timely medical treatment,” member of Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP).
Dr“This is akin to slowly torturing them to death over a grudge.”

U Win Htein, the oldest NLD member behind bars, was suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems, hypothyroidism, and prostatitis before he was jailed by the regime. Despite being confined to a wheelchair, he was handed 20 years in prison. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has suffered oral and gum problems, low blood pressure and vomiting in Naypyitaw Prison, where she is serving a 27-year term. U Win Myint, imprisoned for 10 years, developed bladder problems that required a urinary catheter in June last year. Detained 70-yr-old Karen State chief minister Nan Khin Htwe Myint was initially handed 80 years in jail, before the junta cut her sentence in half in 2022. Imprisoned electricity minister U Win Khaing was rushed to Mandalay General Hospital in June last year with heart problems after being sentenced to 28 years.

When Myanmar was hit by a heat wave in April, junta spokesman Major General Zaw Min Tun claimed the regime was taking necessary measures to protect elderly and infirm prisoners, including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and U Win Myint, from severe heat. Observers dismissed the claim as worthless, pointing to the military’s enmity toward the NLD. Dr Zaw Myint Maung’s health condition was reportedly worsened by hot conditions in Obo Prison, suggesting he would have lived longer if allowed treatment at a hospital. In a statement, NLD said inadequate leukemia treatment accommodation had resulted in Dr Zaw Myint Maung contracting COVID-19 in prison, which hastened his demise.

The Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army has banned its members from joining international peace efforts or speaking to the media, allegedly at Beijing’s command. The armed group said on Wednesday that its personnel were banned from speaking to western governments or the international media.

Nicknamed ‘Mayor of Yangon, Mandalay & Naypyitaw’ in sarcastic reference to his regime’s significant territory losses to anti-regime groups, junta boss Min Aung Hlaing reiterated his call for central regional Yangon govt officials to protect commercial capital at a security development meeting on Tuesday. Yangon Command chief Major-Gen Zaw Hein reported arrests of anti-regime fighters, seizures of weapons at the same meeting who survive a assassination plan, referring to anti-regime ambushe.“terrorist dens”.
The guerilla attacks targeting former military officers & close to regime were frequent in Yangon until mid-2023. Attacks on junta targets, as well as flash mob protests take place from time to time in Yangon. Pitching poll to UN reps Junta Foreign Minister Than Swe brief for Myanmar-based UN agencies in Naypyitaw on Tues. UN agencies in Myanmar had no choice but appalled silence on Tues as junta’s foreign minister sought support for “election” being fuelled by war crimes, briefing in Naypyitaw, Than Swe urged UN reps to info junte activities & situation in Myanmar to int'l community “a objective and impartial manner.”

He also gave details of junta’s ongoing census campaign to compile voter lists for election, it plans to hold next year added regime had invited anti-regime groups to resolve conflict by participating in election, briefing came less than 2-mths after UN investigators reported crimes against humanity committed by Myanmar military have “escalated at an alarming rate”. Report doc aerial attacks on civilian targets including sch, religious buildings & hospitals.

since Feb 2021 coup have killed over 1,700 civilians & wounded more than 2,400 as of Aug 31 this year, the independent resource says junte has detained over 27,000 opponents, with more than 21,000 still in detention, the political. Prisoners condemnation int''l community, UN & ASEAN, has failed to halt regime’s campaign of war crimes against civilians, junta is hit by UN censure or resolutions.

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