Zaobao interviews Peng Shuai

(21-12-2021, 12:28 AM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  Obviously I'm not referring to ZB. If you want to lose an argument by distracting, so be it!

I started this thread with "Zaobao interviews Peng Shuai"!  Big Grin

Who is or who are trying to distract from the report?  Thinking

(21-12-2021, 12:30 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  I started this thread with "Zaobao interviews Peng Shuai"!  Big Grin

Who is or who are trying to distract from the report?  Thinking

Sure, you started the thread with such a title but what did you add as comment? Obviously, you're already downright throwing away the possibility of the Western news as true. Come on, not everything they reported about China is fake.

(21-12-2021, 12:32 AM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  Sure, you started the thread with such a title but what did you add as comment? Obviously, you're already downright throwing away the possibility of the Western news as true. Come on, not everything they reported about China is fake.

Do you mean what Peng Shui said to Zaobao is FAKE?  Thinking
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(21-12-2021, 12:34 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  Do you mean what Peng Shui said to Zaobao is FAKE?  Thinking

Bye. Continue to stick to your very one-sided reporting then. I've better things to do than engage you further.

(21-12-2021, 12:36 AM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  Bye. Continue to stick to your very one-sided reporting then. I've better things to do than engage you further.

You chose to believe Angmoh media and refused to believe in what Peng Shuai said to Zaobao.

That is your choice.

But don't anyhow claim that Zaobao belongs to China! I am offended by this!  Angry

(21-12-2021, 12:32 AM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  Sure, you started the thread with such a title but what did you add as comment? Obviously, you're already downright throwing away the possibility of the Western news as true. Come on, not everything they reported about China is fake.

AMTK must be true!  Thumbs_up Big Grin Laughing nudie

haha….CCP clone accounts suddenly all appear.. Laughter-13

(21-12-2021, 01:05 AM)pervertosan Wrote:  haha….CCP clone accounts suddenly all appear.. Laughter-13

Hello, my dear!  Heart

(21-12-2021, 01:06 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  Hello, my dear!  Heart

go sleep lah…work OT also wont get ur promotion this year nudie

(20-12-2021, 05:54 PM)kokee Wrote:  those with little pea of brain know who is BS.
why she shown faces almost 5-10 times since this incidents started, she never said fake since day 1, now then lie? only moron & brainless still believe such lies.
all her tennis peers globally supported her, djokovic, serena, osaka, murray & all, she kept quiet for 2 months then suddenly shout is a joke?
all these communists in this forum, spam almost all lies here, norm?


time to exlude china from all the world sport arena, WTA is only just a beginning.



ZB met peng shuai coincidently? together with yao ming? whole world is brainless? 
man made show by communists forever & forever obvious.
why ZB & not other media?
all these moronic actors & actress, slap their own faces, same to all commies in this forum.
communists try to fool the world all the time thru fake & lies, hard truth betray them forever, all the fake, twisted & censored by communist sources in almost all cases & incidents.





Try harder,  Rotfl
Very Low level trick.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

ppl farkking for over 10 yrs, why syonans so unhappy leh?

(21-12-2021, 07:54 AM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote:  ppl farkking for over 10 yrs, why syonans so unhappy leh?

Because a lot of locals still tot they are White British

(21-12-2021, 05:25 AM)kokee Wrote:  ZB met peng shuai coincidently? together with yao ming? whole world is brainless? 
man made show by communists forever & forever obvious.
why ZB & not other media?

You mean Zaobao belongs to China? It belongs to CCP?  Thinking Rotfl

(21-12-2021, 08:41 AM)CHAOS Wrote:  Because a lot of locals still tot they are White British

their white masters even worse, fork men children and animals  Laughing

no sexual assault by 76 yrs old ex deputy prime minister, so is willing have sex with the old fxx? not once but song song for >10 yrs?
so she admit the affair & be 小三?
all these liars, twist & turn, play with words, typical of ccp lies.



(21-12-2021, 10:13 AM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:

Twisting of words. Of course she's not sexually assaulted but she's being coerced.

(21-12-2021, 10:27 AM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  Twisting of words. Of course she's not sexually assaulted but she's being coerced.

How you know? Rotfl

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

aiya everyday everywhere aso got ppl farking, why bother? wuliao right?

Bludy angmos like to kaypoh...give them a bloody nose

(21-12-2021, 10:46 AM)RiseofAsia Wrote:  How you know? Rotfl

Pls.. go and read her weibo ok?

(20-12-2021, 04:28 PM)maxsanic Wrote:  Actually when I first read the original post in Chinese by her, my hazy impression was that she was complaining about what seemed like an abusive relationship with a married guy and didn't think much of it.

Somehow when the western media started their nonsense the whole thing was spun as a sexual assault by an official that's why she was murdered / sent to internment camp etc. Obviously these guys are banking on the fact that their audience do not know Chinese or care to find a literal translation. It also didn't help that her post was taken down by Weibo afterwards which further fueled the conspiracy theory propaganda.

Hi, I accept what you say but want to clarify a few points

1. You believe posting was written by her and orginate from her correct?

2. You believe she was not sexually abused but had an affair with the senior official. Correct?

3. You believe she is a willing party in the affair. No abuse of authority and power involved. Correct?

4. You believe her subsequent appearance is voluntary meaning she had not been coerced or pressured to say certain things and is under any threats. Correct?

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

This whole episode reminded me of the Marxist Conspiracy incident in Singapore.

People confessed on TV and were interviewed said they were doing it willingly later on. ...then we find out the conditions under which it took place.

All events that followed the initial posting made ....there is no evidence to say she is coerced or not coerced

As we are dealing with an authoritarian communist regime, it is better not jump into conclusions guided by their propaganda machine.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

aiya this case involves old man and woman. wang lihom case more interesting lah

(21-12-2021, 11:17 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  As we are dealing with an authoritarian communist regime, it is better not jump into conclusions guided by their propaganda machine.

So, you believe that genocide, concentration camps and forced labour in Xinjiang is true?

(21-12-2021, 11:22 AM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote:  aiya this case involves old man and woman. wang lihom case more interesting lah

wang lihom case cannot stir because he is an American citizen!  Cool

I noticed a lot of videos and news articles shared are all by the usual western media or crackpot conspiracies by anti-China dissidents. They say a lot but never really tell their viewers WHAT EXACTLY did Peng Shuai write on her Weibo. These people are banking that their audience either don't know Chinese or are too lazy to read the original text.

If you read through the entire original post by Peng Shuai, it sounded more like she was very emotional over the lack of recognition and hope of ever being in a proper relationship as husband and wife after an on and off extramarital relationship over 10 years with Zhang.

The crux of her complaints were the need to always hide behind the shadows when meeting up, being the subject of nasty and sarcastic comments by Zhang’s wife and domestic cleaner. Need to pretend they don’t know each other in public etc. This is very different from the western fabrication which made it look like Zhang abused his position as a senior official and raped her on the fly over a random meeting.

I do a quick literal translation of her original post without all the other nonsense by the usual culprits and readers can be the judge.

Quote: I know it’s pointless to say but still want to say. I am a hypocrite and not a good girl, in fact I’m a very bad girl. You (DPM Zhang) retired 3 years ago, you contacted me through Tianjin Tennis Centre’s Liu to play tennis in Beijing. After the morning game, you and your wife brought me back home. After that you brought me to your room and we had sex just like we did in Tianjin 10 years ago. I was scared that morning, didn’t know such a thing would happen. There was someone helping to keep a lookout as I presume your wife would not approve of this.

7 years ago we had sex and you never contacted me upon promotion to Beijing. This was buried deep in my heart and since you never intend to take responsibility why come a look for me and bring me back home to force me to have sex again? I have no evidence and you keep denying after that, but the truth is you liked me first otherwise I would never have known you.

I left home at an early age and lacked love / care & concern, with all this happening, I never felt I was a good girl, I hate myself. Why did I come to this world and face this? You told me you love me, really really love me, if there is a next life we can meet when you are 20 and I am 18 years old. You told me you were very lonely and pitiful and we can chat endlessly whenever we are together. You told me unfortunately because of your stature (as DPM) you cannot divorce. If we had known each other in Shandong (presumably earlier in his career when he was a smaller fry), you can still divorce. But now there is no other option.

I have thought of just staying in a relationship with you quietly behind the scenes. At first everything was good, but afterwards things slowly changed, I was treated unfairly and felt humiliated. Every time I came to your house, your wife insulted me behind your back. When I said I like to eat duck tongue (think it’s a local food), the domestic cleaner said it was disgusting. When I said the air in Beijing is not good during winter, the domestic cleaner commented that only applies to suburbs, the air here in the city is good. There are a lot of such things said to me by her, she never say when you are around. Just like the two of us, when we are together and somebody else is around you treat me differently.

I have spoken to you how bad I felt being insulted by these people, I have never used your money or gotten any benefits using your position, but stature is important. (The word “ming fen” used in this context means she would like the relationship to be in the open and proper as official husband and wife). This is all my fault, I deserve it. You told me everything must be hush hush and not tell my mum. My mum brought me to the church and then your car brought me to your house. My mum still thinks I went to your house to play mahjong.

We are like transparent to each other in real life and your wife is like the Empress in Zhenghuanzuan. (Based on the drama, it means Zhang’s wife although officially still wife, the relationship has broken down and they are like strangers). I am like walking corpse, pretending everyday and don’t know which is the real me. I shouldn’t have come to this world but don’t dare to die. I could have written everything simpler, but can’t.

On the 30th there was drama. You said we should discuss at your house on the 2nd but subsequently you said you have something on and need to postpone… And you “disappeared” just like 7 years ago, left after toying with my feelings. You said we never had a “deal”. True, our feelings for each other have nothing to do with power or money, but I cannot let go of my feelings for the past 3 years. You were always afraid that I would leave evidence in audio and video recording. Yes I have no evidence except my twisted reality.

I know a powerful person like DPM Zhang Gaoli isn’t scared, but even if like an egg to smash a rock or moth towards the flame, I will reveal the truth. With your intellect, you can surely deny and counter attack. You always hope your late mother will protect you. I am a bad girl and ill-suited to be a mother, but you are also a father with kids. Would you have your adopted daughter to go through this? How will you face your late mother after what you’ve done? We are all hypocrites….

*** Corrected to include the "force to have sex" part which everyone ledges on to expand the story.

(21-12-2021, 11:24 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  wang lihom case cannot stir because he is an American citizen!  Cool

aminah everyday followed their news, no mood to work. luckily it's coming to a close.

before that got alam tam, the england royal family case, ... very wuliao right?

(21-12-2021, 11:12 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Hi, I accept what you say but want to clarify a few points

1. You believe posting was written by her and orginate from her correct?

2. You believe she was not sexually abused but had an affair with the senior official. Correct?

3. You believe she is a willing party in the affair. No abuse of authority and power involved. Correct?

4. You believe her subsequent appearance is voluntary meaning she had not been coerced or pressured to say certain things and is under any threats. Correct?

1. Yes. The post I have translated above is the original one and definitely not censored. That is the post that caused all the drama in the first place.
2. Yes, this is confirmed in her original post. Her complaints about the need to be hush hush, cannot be officially married, verbally abused by current wife and cleaner.
3. Don't know. She never allege that Zhang coerced her that bad things will happen if she don't have sex, but at the same time I also cannot say for sure as sometimes exerting power over someone isn't that straight forward. Can be implicit and stealth as well. How much of it (if any) was due to authority only she knows. But she did confess they had feelings for each other during their on-off affair.
4. Don't know. I suspect she was warned of certain OB markers in light of the thing now been spun as an anti-China narrative and also because it involved a retired senior official. But what she said in her interview by Lianhe Zaobao is technically correct, she never said she was sexually assaulted by Zhang even in her original uncensored post.

I have translated the original post. You can read and form your own conclusions.

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