Did Jesus really dies for you???

(30-03-2024, 05:54 PM)victortan Wrote:  why God so oh sim, want us to suffer covid war tornedo and earthquarke???



(30-03-2024, 12:57 AM)victortan Wrote:  I find it hard to believe those miracle rally, I once went with a christian firend to a church he instead i go, so i entertain..

very ridiculous,, all go up hearing cure, back pain gone and etc...

and after ward they so call speak in tongue got me scare... later he call me go again, i siam..

they talk like tang kee language...



(30-03-2024, 06:14 PM)grotesqueness Wrote:  WE ARE THE ONE THAT STARTED ALL THESE WHEN WE ATE THE APPLE


Yr ancestors full of sins, you must repent for them, dun drag others in ok. Pray to chicken

(30-03-2024, 06:21 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  Yr ancestors full of sins, you must repent for them, dun drag others in ok. Pray to chicken


at least i admitted
and admitting is repentance

not like you still a devil and a satan and in the state of denial

(30-03-2024, 05:03 PM)pinkpanther Wrote:  Hope is respectful. He doesn't quote the Bible. He knows when not to cross the line.
My friend Ali just likes to ask questions about the Bible trying his best to refute every point that doesn't make sense...

I'm not a pastor ..my knowledge and answers might not be the most accurate interpretation of the true events.
I think he is an ex pastor.I have read all his posts.It makes sense to me.
Truth hurts.However Don’t kill the messenger.

(30-03-2024, 07:32 PM)Hope Wrote:  I think he is an ex pastor.I have read all his posts.It makes sense to me.
Truth hurts.However Don’t kill the messenger.

I think so...he is like a Christian teacher testing our knowledge, then there are times he will just switch back to the quran. A few years later he might even acquire knowledge of the buddhist, Hindu scriptures..

Is this how they put you through religious classes in singapore?

(30-03-2024, 06:23 PM)grotesqueness Wrote:  ALL ATE THE APPLE

at least i admitted
and admitting is repentance

not like you still a devil and a satan and in the state of denial

So besides incest what other sinful things had you ancestors done? And you? Need to pomata or not?

(30-03-2024, 07:43 PM)pinkpanther Wrote:  I think so...he is like a Christian teacher testing our knowledge, then there are times he will just switch back to the quran. A few years later he might even acquire knowledge of the buddhist, Hindu scriptures..

Is this how they put you through religious classes in singapore?

He doesn’t force you to abandon your beliefs.Instead he is questioning some of discrepancies he find.It is good.
Muslim don’t study all the religions. I suggest you to learn from him the truth.

Another pastor like Ali

(30-03-2024, 08:01 PM)Hope Wrote:  He doesn’t force you to abandon your beliefs.Instead he is questioning some of discrepancies he find.It is good.
Muslim don’t study all the religions. I suggest you to learn from him the truth.

I also can find discrepancies in the hadith and quràn...plenty of them. Like how Allah needs to negotiate with muhammad for 9 times over the number of prayers a day..he must be bored and seek someone to talk to  Big Grin

(30-03-2024, 08:01 PM)Hope Wrote:  He doesn’t force you to abandon your beliefs.Instead he is questioning some of discrepancies he find.It is good.
Muslim don’t study all the religions. I suggest you to learn from him the truth.

If he preaches the quran consistently...maybe there is a case..but he has done nothing to "share the good news" ..how do you know he knows the truth?

The truth is he finds the cracks in the bible...that's what I know.

(30-03-2024, 08:07 PM)pinkpanther Wrote:  I also can find discrepancies in the hadith and quràn...plenty of them. Like how Allah needs to negotiate with muhammad for 9 times over the number of prayers a day..he must be bored and seek someone to talk to  Big Grin

You will not find discrepancies in Quran(Arabic).
All the Hadith are not authentic.

(30-03-2024, 08:14 PM)Hope Wrote:  You will not find discrepancies in Quran(Arabic).
All the Hadith are not authentic.

Do you read Arabic? Can you converse in Arabic?
Ali can't talk in Arabic...how is he able to grasp the full meaning in the quran? Unless he reads the English or bahasa version

(30-03-2024, 08:18 PM)pinkpanther Wrote:  Do you read Arabic? Can you converse in Arabic?
Ali can't talk in Arabic...how is he able to grasp the full meaning in the quran? Unless he reads the English or bahasa version

I can’t speak Arabic. When it comes to translation, There are dozens of translators.I always follow same translator to understand Quran in English.


(30-03-2024, 08:13 PM)pinkpanther Wrote:  If he preaches the quran consistently...maybe there is a case..but he has done nothing to "share the good news" ..how do you know he knows the truth?

The truth is he finds the cracks in the bible...that's what I know.

His approach is correct. since your a Christian he should explain Islam through bible.

(30-03-2024, 08:26 PM)pinkpanther Wrote:  

I don’t like to watch speakercorner debates. They are self proclaimed experts in religion

(30-03-2024, 08:27 PM)Hope Wrote:  His approach is correct. since your a Christian he should explain Islam through bible.

So the quran is a copy of the Bible? Big Grin

(30-03-2024, 08:27 PM)Hope Wrote:  His approach is correct. since your a Christian he should explain Islam through bible.

He didn't explain Islam through bible...all he does is finding the cracks in the bible.
The quran is the quran the bible is the bible...you don mix the 2 together like some desserts  Big Grin

If you mix you will end up being a Christian Muslims

many christian mirale rally is fake
they get a guy who can walk
to sit on a wheelchair\
then THE PASTOR amen this and amen that
then he stood up....LOL

(30-03-2024, 08:25 PM)Hope Wrote:  I can’t speak Arabic. When it comes to translation, There are dozens of translators.I always follow same translator to understand Quran in English.

A person can be both a practicing Muslim and 100 percent Christian without denying core convictions of belief and practice. I think Ali can strive to be like one

Confirm he will get his 72 virgins

(30-03-2024, 08:40 PM)pinkpanther Wrote:  So the quran is a copy of the Bible? Big Grin

No.Some of the reasons 

1 - Who was created first, Adam or Satan? The Quran says Satan, the Bible doesn't say anything?
2 - Who was created first, Adam or the Angles? The Quran says the Angels, the Bible doesn't say anything?
3 - Why doesn't the Bible mention that Noah had two wives, one was disobedient, and she died And another which was saved?
4 - Why does the Bible say that Noah's ark is in Ararat but it was discovered in Al-Judyy, as the Quran says so?
5 - Why does the Bible say that God afflicted women for Eve's sin, and the Quran doesn't tell us such thing?
6 - Where does the Bible tell us about the story of Aad and Thamood. The town of Thamoud has been discovered in Saudi Arabia--it's located in a place called Mada-in Saleh. And recently, the town of Aad has been discovered with the help of NASA's satellites. Check the link below:
7 - Where does the Bible mention Prophet Saleh?

8 - Where does the Bible mention Prophet Huud?
9 - Where does the Bible mention Prophet Shu'ayb?
10 - Where does the Bible refer to Al-Khidr?
11 - Where does the Bible mention Luqmaan?
12 - Why doesn't the Bible mention the story of the Cow that happened between Moses and the Jews?
13 - Where do you find in the Quran any reference to Hosea, Malachi, Micha, Jude, Nahum, Nehemiah, Obadaiah, Esther, Joel, Ruth, etc.?
14 - Why doesn't the Bible mention the story of Thul-Qarnayn?
15 - Why doesn't the Bible mention the story of the People of the Cave?
16 - Why doesn't the Bible mention the story of Antioch in Surat Yasin?
17 - Why does the Bible say that Jesus was crucified, and the Quran says that he was saved?
18 - Why does the Bible say that Abraham sacrificed his only begotten son, Isaac, and forgets that he had another son called Ishamael, who is older than Isaac?.
19 - Regarding the dream Joseph had in Genesis 37, why is it fulfilled in the Quran and not fulfilled in the Bible? Could it be because that Joseph's mother died before Joseph had his dream? Bad prophecy. 

20 - Why is it that the Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit had sex with Mary, and the Quran tells us that the Angel who visited Mary told her that she will bear a son, and he is ONLY informing her of what God has decreed?
21 - Why is it that the Bible tells us that Moses was adopted by Pharaoh's daughter, and the Quran tells us it was Pharaoh's wife?
22 - Why is it that the Quran tells us that Lut was a pious prophet, and the Bible tells us that he had sex with his daughters?
23 - Why is it that the Quran tells us in Sura 19 and 20 that Moses was a special chosen prophet who was raised under God's supervision, and the Bible tells us that he died because he didn't disobeyed God?
24 - Why is it that the Bible says that it is written with the false pen of the scribe in Jeremiah 8:8, and the Quran tells us that it has no discrepancies?
25 - Why is it that the Bible tells us that Pharaoh did not drown, and the Quran tells us that he drowned, but Allah left his body as a sign to mankind. When they dissected Pharaoh's body, they found out that his body had too much salt inside it. You say the Quran is copied from the Bible? I say you are ignorant! Read the Quran 10:92.
26 - Why does the Bible tells us in Genesis that God had to take a walk to find Adam, and the Quran tells us that God's knowledge doesn't require that He walks?
27 - Why is it that the Quran tells us that Jesus spoke in the cradle, but the Bible knows nothing about the childhood of Jesus?
28 - Why is it that the Quran tells us that Jesus made miracles by giving life to statues made from clay?
29 - The Quran tells us that Aaron is innocent; he did not make the golden calf, but a man called Al-Samirri (A person who organizes songs and joy) made it, while the Bible tells us that Aaron made the Golden calf.
30 - why is it that the Quranic Laws state that the thief's hands should be chopped, and the laws of Moses say something else?
31 - Why does the Quran say lash the fornicators 100 times, and the Bible says stone them?
32 - Why does the Quran orders us to fast in Ramadhan and the Bible doesn't?
33 - Why does the Quran tells us that the inheritance share of the man is as twice as much as the woman, and the Bible has no such law?
34 - Why does the Quran tells us not to transgress in wars, and the Bible teaches us to kill every living thing including plants (Joshua 6)?
35 - The Bible teaches us to kill unbelievers, and leave to ourselves YOUNG virgins who never knew a man (Numbers 31). Why isn't such thing present in the Quran?
36 - The Quran tells us to free slaves to enter heaven in Surat Al-Balad. Why doesn't the Bible say such thing?
37 - Why is Satan called a FALLEN ANGEL in the Bible, and not in the Quran?
38 - Why does the Quran tells us there are Jinn (Some are good and others
are bad), but the Bible doesn't mention Jinn?
39 - Why is it that the Quran tells us to perform Hajj to Makkah, and the Bible doesn't tell us such thing?
40 - Why does the Quran tells us that Abraham and Ishmael built the Kaaba, while the Bible says no such thing?
41 - Why is it that the Bible condemns David as a murderer, and the Quran tells us that he was a pious sinless prophet?
42 - Why doesn't the Bible tell us the story of Solomon and Balqees?
43 - Why doesn't the Bible tell us that Solomon had Jinns who worked for
him, and the Quran says so?
44 - Why is it that the Quran tells us that Solomon had soldiers from the Jinn and the Bible doesn't say so?
45 - Why is it that the Quran tells us that Solomon understood the speech of the birds and the Bible doesn't say so?
46 - Why is it that the Quran tells us that Solomon understood the speech of the ants and the Bible doesn't say so?
47 - Why is it that the Quran tells us that ONLY female bees get the honey, and the Bible doesn't say so?
48 - Why is it that the Quran tells us that the Quran mentions different levels in Paradise, and the Bible doesn't say so?
49 - Why is it that the Quran tells us that there is a tree in hell called Zaqquum, and the Bible doesn't say so?
50 - The Quran mentions Thal-Kifl as one of the prophets. Can you find his name in the Bible?
51 - Why is it that the Quran was finalized and approved by Prophet Mohammad (s), and the Bible was never approved by any prophet?
52 - Why didn't Mohammad make the Quran in chronological order just like the Bible? Why doesn't the Quran include the boring genealogies that are all over the Bible?
53 - Why is it that the Quran mentions Ishmael as an honorable prophet, and the Bible refers to him as the son of the slave woman (Galatians 4)?
54 - Why doesn't the Quran mention the story of the people of Tyre, while the Bible does?
55 - Why doesn't the Quran mentions the story of David and how he killed one of his enemies to marry his wife as the Bible did in I Samuel 25?
56 - Why is it that the Bible does not mention the story of David and Solomon with the sheep, and the Quran does?
57 - Why does the Bible mention Abraham's father by name, and the Quran mentions him by his nick?
58 - Why doesn't the Bible mention the story when Abraham was put into a fire by his people and the Quran does?
59 - Why doesn't the Quran mention the interesting events that happened to Abraham in Egypt? (See BONUS #15 for one amazing example.)
60 - Why is it that the Bible tells us that John's mother was the daughter of Aaron, and the Quran doesn't say so?
61 - Why doesn't the Bible mention the story of how Mary was raised, and the Quran does?
62 - Why doesn't the Quran and the Bible have the same story about the birth of Jesus? The Quran says that he was born under the remnants of a palm tree, but the Bible says he was born in a stable.
63 - According to the Bible, who are the Sabians?
64 - Where does the Bible mention the Magians?
65 - In Genesis, the Bible tells us that Jacob had a fight with God, and the Quran tells us in Surat Al-Baqara that whoever takes the Angels as enemies, he becomes an enemy of God. Why do we see this contradiction? Moreover, why didn't Mohammad (s) tell us that Jacob wrestled with God?
66 - Why is it that the Quran tells us in Surat Taaha that the staff of Moses became a REAL snake, and the Bible tells us that it only appeared to be a snake?
67 - Why is it that Moses was the one who threw his staff during the contest with the magicians, and the Bible tells us that Aaron is the one who threw it?
68 - The story of Moses and the bronze snake in Numbers 21 is pretty interesting. Why is it mentioned in the Bible and not in the Quran?
69 - The Quran tells us to follow a certain procedure to cleanse ourselves before prayers in 4:43. Why doesn't the Bible give us the same instructions?
70 - The Quran tells us that Earth is round, but the Bible tells us that the Earth is flat. Why?
71 - The Quran tells us about Haroot and Maroot in Surat Al-Baqara. Who are those characters according to the Bible?
72 - Why is the story of Gog and Magog different in the Quran and the Bible?
73 - The Bible tells us that Prophet Elijah was raised to God. Why doesn't the Quran say the same thing?
74 - The Bible tells us that Solomon had many wives. Why doesn't the Quran say the same thing?
75 - The Bible tells us that God RESTED after he created the world. The Quran says that nothing makes God tired. Why?
76 - The Quran details embryology, why doesn't the Bible?
77 - The Quran mentions the names of the Gods during Noah's time in Surat Nuuh, why aren't those names present in the Bible?
78 - The Bible tells us that the whole Earth was flooded, why doesn't the Quran say the same thing?
79 - The Quran tells us that hell has 7 doors in Surat Al-Hijr (Ch. 15), why doesn't the Bible mention such thing?
80 - Why does the Quran say that Lot's wife was a bad woman, but God punishes Lot's wife in the Bible just for accidentally turning back to see what was happening in Sodom?
81 - Why does the Bible accuse Noah for getting drunk in Genesis 9, and the Quran frees him from such accusation?
82 - Anyone who curses his mother shall be put to death, according to Leviticus 20, why don't we find such a law in the Quran?
83 - Why is it that apostates are killed according to the Bible, and not killed according to the Quran? See:
84 - Why is it that tattoos are forbidden in the Bible (Leviticus 19), and no tattoos are mentioned in the Quran?
85 - The Quran instructs us to treat those who are born from an illegal sexual intercourse as Brothers. But the Bible tells us in Leviticus 23 that they should NOT even enter the assembly of the Lord. Why didn't Mohammad (s) copy this beautiful law?
86 - The Bible tells us in Deuteronomy 25, that if two men were beating up each other, and the wife of one of them interfered, she should have her hand chopped off. Why didn't Mohammad (s) copy this beautiful law?
87 - Why does the Bible encourage Bribery in Proverbs 17, and the Quran never encourages such thing?
88 - Why does the Bible say that wisdom is a source of sorrow in Ecclesiastes 1:18, and the Quran calls wisdom a gift in 2:269?
89 - Why does God in the Quran tells us to avoid bloodshed, and the Bible God curses the sword which doesn't do bloodshed (Jeremiah 48)?
90 - When God told Zachariah that he will have a son, Zachariah asked for a sign, and God gave him a sign in Sura 19. Does the Bible mention that sign? The Bible says that he could not speak, but it's detailed to us in the Sunnah that he was able to speak when he was praying. But, when it came to communicating with others, he did so by signs. Further more, the Bible says that Zakariyya was not able to speak because he was punished by Gabriel because he did not believe the angel, while the Quran tells us that it was a sign given to him--he asked God for a sign, and God gave him a sign, not a punishment.
91 - The Bible God in Leviticus 21 tells us that hunchbacks, dwarfs, cripples, blind people, people who are deformed or disfigured, or have damaged testicles--all those people cannot become priests. The Quran tells us that there is no difference between a man and another except in piety. Why didn't Mohammad (s) copy this BEAUTIFUL law from the Bible?
92 - Why does the Bible God in Leviticus 21 forbid priests from marrying divorced women, and the Quran doesn't say such thing?
93 - Why is it that the Bible tells the people to call a person who doesn't listen to his father or mother "stubborn and a drunkard"? The Quran does not tell us that we should call a person who is disobedient to his parents as a drunkard. Furthermore, the Biblical law is that this
person should be stoned to death, but the Quran approves no such thing. Why?
94 - The Quran tells us that we are not above the Law. We must adhere to the
Laws of God. But the Bible God tells the Christians in Galatians 2 that they are under no LAW!! In other words, God made all these laws, so that Christians can see them and smile. Why didn't Mohammad tell his people that the Quranic laws are only for non-Muslims?
95 - The Bible God tells us that He will let us see the sex organs of the Jews, but the Quran mentions no such thing. Mohammad (s) had serious problems with the Jews, so why didn't he make fun of them with something similar with what we read in Nahum 3?
96 - In Romans 6, the Bible tells us that Jesus will never die again. But The Quran tells us that he will die and he will be raised at Judgment day. Why didn't Mohammad copy from Romans 6?
97 - The Bible teaches Christians to drink wine, the Quran forbids Muslims drinking. Why?
98 - 1 Corinthians 6 tells us that our bodies are members of Christ. The Quran tells us that our bodies belong to Allah, Christ has nothing to do with our bodies. Why didn't Mohammad (s) copy that from the Bible?
99 - In Ezekiel 20, the Bible God tells us that he wanted to decimate all the Israelites, but He didn't do so because it would hurt his reputation. In the Quran God tells us that He does indeed take away all the people if they were wrongful (Like the people of Noah, Sodom, Aad, and Thamood) if He
100 - The Bible God has a beautiful punishment in Malachi 2. He threatens an Israelite that He would fill his face with feces!! In the Quran, God never says such things.
101 - The Bible says that the Original Sin was committed by Adam and Eve when they ate from the forbidden tree. The Quran tells us that the Original Sin was Satan's arrogance when he didn't obey God, when God ordered him to do So.
1 - The Quran tells us about an argument in 2:258 about Abraham and  the King. Does the Bible have this story?
2 - The Quran handles divorce with care. A divorced woman stays in her house; a man should provide for her; a man should not return his wife to give her a hard time, etc. Does the Bible have the same laws regarding divorce as the Quran?
3 - The Quran tells us that Sins are not inherited. But, the Bible tells us that sins are inherited.
4 - The Quran tells us that God forgave Adam's sin after he ate from the forbidden tree. Does the Bible say that?
5 - The Quran tells us in Sura 36, that the sun and the moon are independent from one another. Does the Bible say such thing?
6 - In 25:53 and 55:19-20 the Quran tells us about how salty and pure water bodies mix. Does the Bible say such thing?
7 - In Islam we believe that there are signs to Judgment Day. Most of these signs are mentioned in the Sunnah, however, one interesting sign is a Beast/animal that would appear to the people and inform them of their status. We find this beast mentioned in the Quran in 27:82. Does the Bible say such thing?
8 - The Quran tells us that man and women are created from ONE SOUL. Does the Bible say that man and women are created from one soul? No, the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 11:7 that man is the image and glory of God, while women are the glory of man.
9 - The Bible contains lots of contradictions. Why don't we find those contradictions copied in the Quran? To see a reply to allegations raised by the missionaries claiming that the Quran contains contradictions, please check the link below:
10- The Quran says that one of Noah's sons was not saved from the flood because he was an unbeliever (Sura 11). Does the Bible say such thing?
11 - The Quran (10:90) tells us that Pharaoh tried to seek forgiveness from God. Does the Bible say the same thing?
12 - Ishmael, the son of Abraham, is considered a Prophet and a Messenger in the Quran. Does the Bible say that "Ishmael is a prophet"?
13 - We read in Surat Al-Nahl in the Quran, that the honey bee produces honey with different hues which is healthy and beneficial for mankind. Just recently, Apitherapy came up with a fantastic cure for arthritist and other chronic diseases--this therapy is called bee sting therapy, where the bee stings the patient and the venom would cure the pain. In addition, the Quran also says that the female bee is responsible for building the hive and collecting the honey. All that is proved by science today. I wonder which book of the Bible says such thing! Search the web for "Bee Sting Therapy" or "Apitherapy" to find out more.
14 - In in the 16th verse of Surat Al-'Alaq, we read: {A lying sinful forelock!} Psychologists and neurologists have confirmed that it is in this area of the brain where morals and behavior are processed. Therefore, when someone decides to lie, this decision comes from that front part of the brain, and the Quran refers to that specific part when it refers to lying. Now, I wonder from which Bible passage did Mohammad (s) copy that from.
15 - In the book of Genesis we read the story about what happened to Abraham when he went to Egypt. The Bible tells us that he sold his honor by allowing his wife to become Pharaoh's concubine, so that he could be treated well instead of being killed. Now there is nowhere in the Quran where such accusation is attributed to Prophet Abraham. I wonder why didn't Prophet Mohammad (s) copy such thing from the Bible.

(30-03-2024, 09:35 PM)Hope Wrote:  No.Some of the reasons 

1 - Who was created first, Adam or Satan? The Quran says Satan, the Bible doesn't say anything?
2 - Who was created first, Adam or the Angles? The Quran says the Angels, the Bible doesn't say anything?
3 - Why doesn't the Bible mention that Noah had two wives, one was disobedient, and she died And another which was saved?
4 - Why does the Bible say that Noah's ark is in Ararat but it was discovered in Al-Judyy, as the Quran says so?
5 - Why does the Bible say that God afflicted women for Eve's sin, and the Quran doesn't tell us such thing?
6 - Where does the Bible tell us about the story of Aad and Thamood. The town of Thamoud has been discovered in Saudi Arabia--it's located in a place called Mada-in Saleh. And recently, the town of Aad has been discovered with the help of NASA's satellites. Check the link below:
7 - Where does the Bible mention Prophet Saleh?

8 - Where does the Bible mention Prophet Huud?
9 - Where does the Bible mention Prophet Shu'ayb?
10 - Where does the Bible refer to Al-Khidr?
11 - Where does the Bible mention Luqmaan?
12 - Why doesn't the Bible mention the story of the Cow that happened between Moses and the Jews?
13 - Where do you find in the Quran any reference to Hosea, Malachi, Micha, Jude, Nahum, Nehemiah, Obadaiah, Esther, Joel, Ruth, etc.?
14 - Why doesn't the Bible mention the story of Thul-Qarnayn?
15 - Why doesn't the Bible mention the story of the People of the Cave?
16 - Why doesn't the Bible mention the story of Antioch in Surat Yasin?
17 - Why does the Bible say that Jesus was crucified, and the Quran says that he was saved?
18 - Why does the Bible say that Abraham sacrificed his only begotten son, Isaac, and forgets that he had another son called Ishamael, who is older than Isaac?.
19 - Regarding the dream Joseph had in Genesis 37, why is it fulfilled in the Quran and not fulfilled in the Bible? Could it be because that Joseph's mother died before Joseph had his dream? Bad prophecy. 

20 - Why is it that the Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit had sex with Mary, and the Quran tells us that the Angel who visited Mary told her that she will bear a son, and he is ONLY informing her of what God has decreed?
21 - Why is it that the Bible tells us that Moses was adopted by Pharaoh's daughter, and the Quran tells us it was Pharaoh's wife?
22 - Why is it that the Quran tells us that Lut was a pious prophet, and the Bible tells us that he had sex with his daughters?
23 - Why is it that the Quran tells us in Sura 19 and 20 that Moses was a special chosen prophet who was raised under God's supervision, and the Bible tells us that he died because he didn't disobeyed God?
24 - Why is it that the Bible says that it is written with the false pen of the scribe in Jeremiah 8:8, and the Quran tells us that it has no discrepancies?
25 - Why is it that the Bible tells us that Pharaoh did not drown, and the Quran tells us that he drowned, but Allah left his body as a sign to mankind. When they dissected Pharaoh's body, they found out that his body had too much salt inside it. You say the Quran is copied from the Bible? I say you are ignorant! Read the Quran 10:92.
26 - Why does the Bible tells us in Genesis that God had to take a walk to find Adam, and the Quran tells us that God's knowledge doesn't require that He walks?
27 - Why is it that the Quran tells us that Jesus spoke in the cradle, but the Bible knows nothing about the childhood of Jesus?
28 - Why is it that the Quran tells us that Jesus made miracles by giving life to statues made from clay?
29 - The Quran tells us that Aaron is innocent; he did not make the golden calf, but a man called Al-Samirri (A person who organizes songs and joy) made it, while the Bible tells us that Aaron made the Golden calf.
30 - why is it that the Quranic Laws state that the thief's hands should be chopped, and the laws of Moses say something else?
31 - Why does the Quran say lash the fornicators 100 times, and the Bible says stone them?
32 - Why does the Quran orders us to fast in Ramadhan and the Bible doesn't?
33 - Why does the Quran tells us that the inheritance share of the man is as twice as much as the woman, and the Bible has no such law?
34 - Why does the Quran tells us not to transgress in wars, and the Bible teaches us to kill every living thing including plants (Joshua 6)?
35 - The Bible teaches us to kill unbelievers, and leave to ourselves YOUNG virgins who never knew a man (Numbers 31). Why isn't such thing present in the Quran?
36 - The Quran tells us to free slaves to enter heaven in Surat Al-Balad. Why doesn't the Bible say such thing?
37 - Why is Satan called a FALLEN ANGEL in the Bible, and not in the Quran?
38 - Why does the Quran tells us there are Jinn (Some are good and others
are bad), but the Bible doesn't mention Jinn?
39 - Why is it that the Quran tells us to perform Hajj to Makkah, and the Bible doesn't tell us such thing?
40 - Why does the Quran tells us that Abraham and Ishmael built the Kaaba, while the Bible says no such thing?
41 - Why is it that the Bible condemns David as a murderer, and the Quran tells us that he was a pious sinless prophet?
42 - Why doesn't the Bible tell us the story of Solomon and Balqees?
43 - Why doesn't the Bible tell us that Solomon had Jinns who worked for
him, and the Quran says so?
44 - Why is it that the Quran tells us that Solomon had soldiers from the Jinn and the Bible doesn't say so?
45 - Why is it that the Quran tells us that Solomon understood the speech of the birds and the Bible doesn't say so?
46 - Why is it that the Quran tells us that Solomon understood the speech of the ants and the Bible doesn't say so?
47 - Why is it that the Quran tells us that ONLY female bees get the honey, and the Bible doesn't say so?
48 - Why is it that the Quran tells us that the Quran mentions different levels in Paradise, and the Bible doesn't say so?
49 - Why is it that the Quran tells us that there is a tree in hell called Zaqquum, and the Bible doesn't say so?
50 - The Quran mentions Thal-Kifl as one of the prophets. Can you find his name in the Bible?
51 - Why is it that the Quran was finalized and approved by Prophet Mohammad (s), and the Bible was never approved by any prophet?
52 - Why didn't Mohammad make the Quran in chronological order just like the Bible? Why doesn't the Quran include the boring genealogies that are all over the Bible?
53 - Why is it that the Quran mentions Ishmael as an honorable prophet, and the Bible refers to him as the son of the slave woman (Galatians 4)?
54 - Why doesn't the Quran mention the story of the people of Tyre, while the Bible does?
55 - Why doesn't the Quran mentions the story of David and how he killed one of his enemies to marry his wife as the Bible did in I Samuel 25?
56 - Why is it that the Bible does not mention the story of David and Solomon with the sheep, and the Quran does?
57 - Why does the Bible mention Abraham's father by name, and the Quran mentions him by his nick?
58 - Why doesn't the Bible mention the story when Abraham was put into a fire by his people and the Quran does?
59 - Why doesn't the Quran mention the interesting events that happened to Abraham in Egypt? (See BONUS #15 for one amazing example.)
60 - Why is it that the Bible tells us that John's mother was the daughter of Aaron, and the Quran doesn't say so?
61 - Why doesn't the Bible mention the story of how Mary was raised, and the Quran does?
62 - Why doesn't the Quran and the Bible have the same story about the birth of Jesus? The Quran says that he was born under the remnants of a palm tree, but the Bible says he was born in a stable.
63 - According to the Bible, who are the Sabians?
64 - Where does the Bible mention the Magians?
65 - In Genesis, the Bible tells us that Jacob had a fight with God, and the Quran tells us in Surat Al-Baqara that whoever takes the Angels as enemies, he becomes an enemy of God. Why do we see this contradiction? Moreover, why didn't Mohammad (s) tell us that Jacob wrestled with God?
66 - Why is it that the Quran tells us in Surat Taaha that the staff of Moses became a REAL snake, and the Bible tells us that it only appeared to be a snake?
67 - Why is it that Moses was the one who threw his staff during the contest with the magicians, and the Bible tells us that Aaron is the one who threw it?
68 - The story of Moses and the bronze snake in Numbers 21 is pretty interesting. Why is it mentioned in the Bible and not in the Quran?
69 - The Quran tells us to follow a certain procedure to cleanse ourselves before prayers in 4:43. Why doesn't the Bible give us the same instructions?
70 - The Quran tells us that Earth is round, but the Bible tells us that the Earth is flat. Why?
71 - The Quran tells us about Haroot and Maroot in Surat Al-Baqara. Who are those characters according to the Bible?
72 - Why is the story of Gog and Magog different in the Quran and the Bible?
73 - The Bible tells us that Prophet Elijah was raised to God. Why doesn't the Quran say the same thing?
74 - The Bible tells us that Solomon had many wives. Why doesn't the Quran say the same thing?
75 - The Bible tells us that God RESTED after he created the world. The Quran says that nothing makes God tired. Why?
76 - The Quran details embryology, why doesn't the Bible?
77 - The Quran mentions the names of the Gods during Noah's time in Surat Nuuh, why aren't those names present in the Bible?
78 - The Bible tells us that the whole Earth was flooded, why doesn't the Quran say the same thing?
79 - The Quran tells us that hell has 7 doors in Surat Al-Hijr (Ch. 15), why doesn't the Bible mention such thing?
80 - Why does the Quran say that Lot's wife was a bad woman, but God punishes Lot's wife in the Bible just for accidentally turning back to see what was happening in Sodom?
81 - Why does the Bible accuse Noah for getting drunk in Genesis 9, and the Quran frees him from such accusation?
82 - Anyone who curses his mother shall be put to death, according to Leviticus 20, why don't we find such a law in the Quran?
83 - Why is it that apostates are killed according to the Bible, and not killed according to the Quran? See:
84 - Why is it that tattoos are forbidden in the Bible (Leviticus 19), and no tattoos are mentioned in the Quran?
85 - The Quran instructs us to treat those who are born from an illegal sexual intercourse as Brothers. But the Bible tells us in Leviticus 23 that they should NOT even enter the assembly of the Lord. Why didn't Mohammad (s) copy this beautiful law?
86 - The Bible tells us in Deuteronomy 25, that if two men were beating up each other, and the wife of one of them interfered, she should have her hand chopped off. Why didn't Mohammad (s) copy this beautiful law?
87 - Why does the Bible encourage Bribery in Proverbs 17, and the Quran never encourages such thing?
88 - Why does the Bible say that wisdom is a source of sorrow in Ecclesiastes 1:18, and the Quran calls wisdom a gift in 2:269?
89 - Why does God in the Quran tells us to avoid bloodshed, and the Bible God curses the sword which doesn't do bloodshed (Jeremiah 48)?
90 - When God told Zachariah that he will have a son, Zachariah asked for a sign, and God gave him a sign in Sura 19. Does the Bible mention that sign? The Bible says that he could not speak, but it's detailed to us in the Sunnah that he was able to speak when he was praying. But, when it came to communicating with others, he did so by signs. Further more, the Bible says that Zakariyya was not able to speak because he was punished by Gabriel because he did not believe the angel, while the Quran tells us that it was a sign given to him--he asked God for a sign, and God gave him a sign, not a punishment.
91 - The Bible God in Leviticus 21 tells us that hunchbacks, dwarfs, cripples, blind people, people who are deformed or disfigured, or have damaged testicles--all those people cannot become priests. The Quran tells us that there is no difference between a man and another except in piety. Why didn't Mohammad (s) copy this BEAUTIFUL law from the Bible?
92 - Why does the Bible God in Leviticus 21 forbid priests from marrying divorced women, and the Quran doesn't say such thing?
93 - Why is it that the Bible tells the people to call a person who doesn't listen to his father or mother "stubborn and a drunkard"? The Quran does not tell us that we should call a person who is disobedient to his parents as a drunkard. Furthermore, the Biblical law is that this
person should be stoned to death, but the Quran approves no such thing. Why?
94 - The Quran tells us that we are not above the Law. We must adhere to the
Laws of God. But the Bible God tells the Christians in Galatians 2 that they are under no LAW!! In other words, God made all these laws, so that Christians can see them and smile. Why didn't Mohammad tell his people that the Quranic laws are only for non-Muslims?
95 - The Bible God tells us that He will let us see the sex organs of the Jews, but the Quran mentions no such thing. Mohammad (s) had serious problems with the Jews, so why didn't he make fun of them with something similar with what we read in Nahum 3?
96 - In Romans 6, the Bible tells us that Jesus will never die again. But The Quran tells us that he will die and he will be raised at Judgment day. Why didn't Mohammad copy from Romans 6?
97 - The Bible teaches Christians to drink wine, the Quran forbids Muslims drinking. Why?
98 - 1 Corinthians 6 tells us that our bodies are members of Christ. The Quran tells us that our bodies belong to Allah, Christ has nothing to do with our bodies. Why didn't Mohammad (s) copy that from the Bible?
99 - In Ezekiel 20, the Bible God tells us that he wanted to decimate all the Israelites, but He didn't do so because it would hurt his reputation. In the Quran God tells us that He does indeed take away all the people if they were wrongful (Like the people of Noah, Sodom, Aad, and Thamood) if He
100 - The Bible God has a beautiful punishment in Malachi 2. He threatens an Israelite that He would fill his face with feces!! In the Quran, God never says such things.
101 - The Bible says that the Original Sin was committed by Adam and Eve when they ate from the forbidden tree. The Quran tells us that the Original Sin was Satan's arrogance when he didn't obey God, when God ordered him to do So.
1 - The Quran tells us about an argument in 2:258 about Abraham and  the King. Does the Bible have this story?
2 - The Quran handles divorce with care. A divorced woman stays in her house; a man should provide for her; a man should not return his wife to give her a hard time, etc. Does the Bible have the same laws regarding divorce as the Quran?
3 - The Quran tells us that Sins are not inherited. But, the Bible tells us that sins are inherited.
4 - The Quran tells us that God forgave Adam's sin after he ate from the forbidden tree. Does the Bible say that?
5 - The Quran tells us in Sura 36, that the sun and the moon are independent from one another. Does the Bible say such thing?
6 - In 25:53 and 55:19-20 the Quran tells us about how salty and pure water bodies mix. Does the Bible say such thing?
7 - In Islam we believe that there are signs to Judgment Day. Most of these signs are mentioned in the Sunnah, however, one interesting sign is a Beast/animal that would appear to the people and inform them of their status. We find this beast mentioned in the Quran in 27:82. Does the Bible say such thing?
8 - The Quran tells us that man and women are created from ONE SOUL. Does the Bible say that man and women are created from one soul? No, the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 11:7 that man is the image and glory of God, while women are the glory of man.
9 - The Bible contains lots of contradictions. Why don't we find those contradictions copied in the Quran? To see a reply to allegations raised by the missionaries claiming that the Quran contains contradictions, please check the link below:
10- The Quran says that one of Noah's sons was not saved from the flood because he was an unbeliever (Sura 11). Does the Bible say such thing?
11 - The Quran (10:90) tells us that Pharaoh tried to seek forgiveness from God. Does the Bible say the same thing?
12 - Ishmael, the son of Abraham, is considered a Prophet and a Messenger in the Quran. Does the Bible say that "Ishmael is a prophet"?
13 - We read in Surat Al-Nahl in the Quran, that the honey bee produces honey with different hues which is healthy and beneficial for mankind. Just recently, Apitherapy came up with a fantastic cure for arthritist and other chronic diseases--this therapy is called bee sting therapy, where the bee stings the patient and the venom would cure the pain. In addition, the Quran also says that the female bee is responsible for building the hive and collecting the honey. All that is proved by science today. I wonder which book of the Bible says such thing! Search the web for "Bee Sting Therapy" or "Apitherapy" to find out more.
14 - In in the 16th verse of Surat Al-'Alaq, we read: {A lying sinful forelock!} Psychologists and neurologists have confirmed that it is in this area of the brain where morals and behavior are processed. Therefore, when someone decides to lie, this decision comes from that front part of the brain, and the Quran refers to that specific part when it refers to lying. Now, I wonder from which Bible passage did Mohammad (s) copy that from.
15 - In the book of Genesis we read the story about what happened to Abraham when he went to Egypt. The Bible tells us that he sold his honor by allowing his wife to become Pharaoh's concubine, so that he could be treated well instead of being killed. Now there is nowhere in the Quran where such accusation is attributed to Prophet Abraham. I wonder why didn't Prophet Mohammad (s) copy such thing from the Bible.

This will take some time for me to cross check  Big Grin

(30-03-2024, 08:29 PM)Hope Wrote:  I don’t like to watch speakercorner debates. They are self proclaimed experts in religion

You don like debates then pls listen to reasonings!

(30-03-2024, 10:10 PM)pinkpanther Wrote:  This will take some time for me to cross check  Big Grin
Better read now. Next time you will not have same question

(30-03-2024, 10:22 PM)pinkpanther Wrote:  You don like debates then pls listen to reasonings!
I have watched some of his videos. He is another Jocker

(30-03-2024, 10:52 PM)Hope Wrote:  I have watched some of his videos. He is another Jocker

Is Hope Ali and Ali Hope?

you cannot debate when.......
you have eaten the apple
i have eaten the apple
everyone has eaten the apple

and with that apple* you i and we all ate
(* the apple is something like an apple but not exactly an apple)
you  cannot debate the truth with among us, sinner, as we all ate the apple
and with sins, we are all poisoned to barely  know and accept the truth   



in order to overcome this
you can either debate it with the creator or with those who seen the creator like jesus

if you debate the truth with the SATAN like those Hitler and judas iscariot
the truth will be very interesting
if you debate the truth with the SATAN  you will know who is really is God
and you will reject and denial Him just like SATAN
SATAN made himself to be another god
his time is short


good advice is you dont  debate the truth with the SATAN

(30-03-2024, 11:17 PM)pinkpanther Wrote:  Is Hope Ali and Ali Hope?

I am not Ali. He knows lots about bibles.

(30-03-2024, 11:31 PM)Hope Wrote:  I am not Ali. He knows lots about bibles.

he knows only man wisdom bible

he did not know the actual truth of the bible

he full of hot air and man made wisdom

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