Ali is actually a Buddhist

(13-06-2024, 09:00 AM)Oyk Wrote:  While seemingly writing to no one in particular, I wonder if Bro Sim was in fact rebuking Abdul.

I remember Abdul mocking know!  you're Christian?  But you don't even obey Jesus!  pbuh!  I am a Moslem and I obey Jesus much more than you!  (Shame on you!) pbuh! How do you pray?  I recite the Quran!  In Arabic!  I am on fours, with my head touching the floor!  Just like Jesus! pbuh!

I pray five taims a day!  I do zakat.  I did the Haj!

And on and on, Abdul mocked us.  Standing before God, Abdul would be telling Him that unlike us, he had done this, that and the other in a pharisaical tone.  He is like the Pharisee who compared himself with the tax collector.  While Christians confess their sins, Abdul sings his own praises.  Just like the Pharisee.

Jesus said many will hate you because of His name sake.
Whoever endures to the end will be saved

No weapons that forms against me shall prosper
No tongue that rises against me I shall condemn 

(13-06-2024, 09:19 AM)Oyk Wrote:  Do you know why the first commenter in the above screenshot said there were 1.4b of them with a sword hanging on their necK?


(13-06-2024, 09:00 AM)Oyk Wrote:  While seemingly writing to no one in particular, I wonder if Bro Sim was in fact rebuking Abdul.

I remember Abdul mocking know!  you're Christian?  But you don't even obey Jesus!  pbuh!  I am a Moslem and I obey Jesus much more than you!  (Shame on you!) pbuh! How do you pray?  I recite the Quran!  In Arabic!  I am on fours, with my head touching the floor!  Just like Jesus! pbuh!

I pray five taims a day!  I do zakat.  I did the Haj!

And on and on, Abdul mocked us.  Standing before God, Abdul would be telling Him that unlike us, he had done this, that and the other in a pharisaical tone.  He is like the Pharisee who compared himself with the tax collector.  While Christians confess their sins, Abdul sings his own praises.  Just like the Pharisee.

Abdul reminds me of this small petty girl I used to tease as a kid....she just refuse to talk to me after I say she has small tits.. Big Grin

I'm only interested in religious discussions about God, the hereafter, the scriptures, the angels, and the prophets.

I'm not into this childish ad hominem.

(12-06-2024, 10:11 PM)S I M T A N Wrote:  Jesus told His disciples, "Unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matt 5:20). The Pharisees were the most law-abiding people of Jesus' day, and what Jesus said was basically true, even if it wasn't the literal truth.

To be sure, the Pharisee wasn't unjust; he wasn't an extortioner, he paid his tithes, didn't commit adultery, never beat his wife plus he went through periods of fasting besides performing the daily ritual of prayer.

As we all know, the Pharisee was self-centered and felt superior to others, namely the tax collector praying nearby. He thanked God for making him different from the tax collector, but his sort of comparison is unscriptural. God doesn't compare us with others, and He doesn't condone this practice on our part, either.

Self-righteous people are so wrapped up in themselves that they degrade and disdain everyone else. Besides, the self-righteous Pharisee used a tailor-made set of rules to justify his righteousness and keeping a list of negative behaviours he didn't engage in, behaviors he believed reinforced his righteousness.

Trying to live a righteous life externally when we're not righteous internally will only result in us becoming "whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men's bones and everything unclean" (Matt 23:27).  The focus must be what's inside. "All these evils come from inside and make a man unclean" (Mark 7:23).

In Matt, 23, Jesus arraigned the self-righteous religious leaders of His day, calling them "blind guides," "fools and blind" and "blind Pharisee." The keyword that characterizes them is 'blind,'' and self-righteousness could mean spiritual blindness and hardness of heart.

Jesus on the Mount confronts the issue of genuine righteousness which is determined by the condition of the heart. The Biblical definition of self-righteousness is attempting to establish one's own righteousness rather than relying on the righteousness God provides. "Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes."

Why is it "basically"? Only basically? If we go beyond basics, will it still be true?

(12-06-2024, 10:11 PM)S I M T A N Wrote:  Jesus told His disciples, "Unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matt 5:20). The Pharisees were the most law-abiding people of Jesus' day, and what Jesus said was basically true, even if it wasn't the literal truth.

To be sure, the Pharisee wasn't unjust; he wasn't an extortioner, he paid his tithes, didn't commit adultery, never beat his wife plus he went through periods of fasting besides performing the daily ritual of prayer.

As we all know, the Pharisee was self-centered and felt superior to others, namely the tax collector praying nearby. He thanked God for making him different from the tax collector, but his sort of comparison is unscriptural. God doesn't compare us with others, and He doesn't condone this practice on our part, either.

Self-righteous people are so wrapped up in themselves that they degrade and disdain everyone else. Besides, the self-righteous Pharisee used a tailor-made set of rules to justify his righteousness and keeping a list of negative behaviours he didn't engage in, behaviors he believed reinforced his righteousness.

Trying to live a righteous life externally when we're not righteous internally will only result in us becoming "whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men's bones and everything unclean" (Matt 23:27).  The focus must be what's inside. "All these evils come from inside and make a man unclean" (Mark 7:23).

In Matt, 23, Jesus arraigned the self-righteous religious leaders of His day, calling them "blind guides," "fools and blind" and "blind Pharisee." The keyword that characterizes them is 'blind,'' and self-righteousness could mean spiritual blindness and hardness of heart.

Jesus on the Mount confronts the issue of genuine righteousness which is determined by the condition of the heart. The Biblical definition of self-righteousness is attempting to establish one's own righteousness rather than relying on the righteousness God provides. "Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes."

The post started with the words of Jesus as recorded in Matthew telling people that they must be better than the Pharisees, which means they must obey the Law.

The post ended with the words of Paul as recorded in Romans telling people they can discard the law.

(13-06-2024, 09:33 AM)Lukongsimi Wrote:  Jesus said many will hate you because of His name sake.
Whoever endures to the end will be saved

According to the scriptures, many among you will be turned away unceremoniously. "Get away from me!", Jesus will say to MANY of you. Does that worry you knowing there is such a verse in your book?

So many guests came specially for Salleh this morning Clapping

(13-06-2024, 10:36 AM)Ali Imran Wrote:  According to the scriptures, many among you will be turned away unceremoniously. "Get away from me!", Jesus will say to MANY of you. Does that worry you knowing there is such a verse in your book?

What is there to worry? You should be more worried about your own verses!

 Surah 3:151: "We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve (all non-Muslims) …"

Surah 2:191: "And kill them (non-Muslims) wherever you find them … kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers (non-Muslims)."

Surah 9:5: "Then kill the disbelievers (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush …"
[+] 1 user Likes pinkpanther's post

(13-06-2024, 11:30 AM)pinkpanther Wrote:  What is there to worry? You should be more worried about your own verses!

 Surah 3:151: "We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve (all non-Muslims) …"

Surah 2:191: "And kill them (non-Muslims) wherever you find them … kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers (non-Muslims)."

Surah 9:5: "Then kill the disbelievers (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush …"

Why do you intentionally insert lies into the Quran?

(13-06-2024, 11:39 AM)Ali Imran Wrote:  Why do you intentionally insert lies into the Quran?

What lies? These verses are never altered!
[+] 1 user Likes pinkpanther's post

(13-06-2024, 10:36 AM)Ali Imran Wrote:  According to the scriptures, many among you will be turned away unceremoniously. "Get away from me!", Jesus will say to MANY of you. Does that worry you knowing there is such a verse in your book?

U mean your god won’t turn u away regardless of what sin u committed as long pray 5 times daily ?

No weapons that forms against me shall prosper
No tongue that rises against me I shall condemn 

(13-06-2024, 11:39 AM)Ali Imran Wrote:  Why do you intentionally insert lies into the Quran?

Cunning way to rebuke,refuses to acknowledge the truth about your Quran

No weapons that forms against me shall prosper
No tongue that rises against me I shall condemn 

(13-06-2024, 11:52 AM)pinkpanther Wrote:  What lies? These verses are never altered!

Everything in parenthesis are lies, outright lies.

(13-06-2024, 11:59 AM)Lukongsimi Wrote:  Cunning way to rebuke,refuses to acknowledge the truth about your Quran

Pengyu, cak pa liao?

(13-06-2024, 12:11 PM)Ali Imran Wrote:  Everything in parenthesis are lies, outright lies.

What nonsenses are you spewing?
Why are you saying your quran is a lie?.. I didn't say anything

(3:151) We will cast terror into the hearts of those who have denied the Truth since they have associated others with Allah in His divinity - something for which He has sent down no sanction. The Fire is their abode; how bad the resting place of the wrong-doers will be!

Kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from where they drove you out, as Fitnah (to create disorder) is more severe than killing. However, do not fight them near Al-Masjid-ul-Harām (the Sacred Mosque in Makkah) unless they fight you there. However, if they fight you (there) you may kill them. Such is the reward of the disbelievers.

9:5 But once the Sacred Months have passed, kill the polytheists ˹who violated their treaties˺ wherever you find them, capture them, besiege them, and lie in wait for them on every way. But if they repent, perform prayers, and pay alms-tax, then set them free. Indeed, Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

(13-06-2024, 12:11 PM)Ali Imran Wrote:  Everything in parenthesis are lies, outright lies.

Everything is a lie if you don read! 
Do yourself some justice...go translate the verse for me..
It is what is it....

What does allah says to those who are in denial of their own faith? Big Grin

(13-06-2024, 12:12 PM)Ali Imran Wrote:  Pengyu, cak pa liao?

Mock and then ask jia pa liao?
U really a penguin. Lol

No weapons that forms against me shall prosper
No tongue that rises against me I shall condemn 

(13-06-2024, 12:49 PM)pinkpanther Wrote:  Everything is a lie if you don read! 
Do yourself some justice...go translate the verse for me..
It is what is it....

What does allah says to those who are in denial of their own faith? Big Grin

Ok. I will translate the first one only. You wrote:
(13-06-2024, 11:30 AM)pinkpanther Wrote:  Surah 3:151: "We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve (all non-Muslims) …"

Why do you insidiously insert that in parenthesis? Do you know that verse reminds us of the battle of Uhud? It was a battle between the disbelievers and believers that occurred 511,057 days ago, ergo, the "kafiroon" in that verse refers to the army of the Quraish of Makkah and not as you maliciously put in your parenthesis, all non-Muslims.

(13-06-2024, 12:58 PM)Lukongsimi Wrote:  Mock and then ask jia pa liao?
U really a penguin. Lol

Everytime you say I mock the Bible or Jesus or Christianity, I will answer with the truth, "I don't mock your Bible, Jesus, or your religion".

I've explained the lies PinkPanther made about the Quran a while ago.

(13-06-2024, 01:09 PM)Ali Imran Wrote:  Ok. I will translate the first one only. You wrote:

Why do you insidiously insert that in parenthesis? Do you know that verse reminds us of the battle of Uhud? It was a battle between the disbelievers and believers that occurred 511,057 days ago, ergo, the "kafiroon" in that verse refers to the army of the Quraish of Makkah and not as you maliciously put in your parenthesis, all non-Muslims.

We will cast horror into the hearts of the disbelievers for associating ˹false gods˺ with Allah—a practice He has never authorized. The Fire will be their home—what an evil place for the wrongdoers to stay! [3:151]

Allah SWT will cast fear in the hearts of idol worshippers. This is the promise of Allah SWT that non believer wont be able to overthrow us because we have firm belief in HIM. This is our reward and non believer will fear to fight us. And they will receive torment at the day of Judgement for associating partners with Allah SWT.

(13-06-2024, 01:09 PM)Ali Imran Wrote:  Ok. I will translate the first one only. You wrote:

Why do you insidiously insert that in parenthesis? Do you know that verse reminds us of the battle of Uhud? It was a battle between the disbelievers and believers that occurred 511,057 days ago, ergo, the "kafiroon" in that verse refers to the army of the Quraish of Makkah and not as you maliciously put in your parenthesis, all non-Muslims.

There is no malice intended anyway... Big Grin but these verses are v scary.. Big Grin

(13-06-2024, 01:16 PM)pinkpanther Wrote:  We will cast horror into the hearts of the disbelievers for associating ˹false gods˺ with Allah—a practice He has never authorized. The Fire will be their home—what an evil place for the wrongdoers to stay! [3:151]

Allah SWT will cast fear in the hearts of idol worshippers. This is the promise of Allah SWT that non believer wont be able to overthrow us because we have firm belief in HIM. This is our reward and non believer will fear to fight us. And they will receive torment at the day of Judgement for associating partners with Allah SWT.

In your first post of that verse, you cut it short and you inserted (all non-Muslims), which you have now proven is a lie.

(13-06-2024, 01:12 PM)Ali Imran Wrote:  Everytime you say I mock the Bible or Jesus or Christianity, I will answer with the truth, "I don't mock your Bible, Jesus, or your religion".

I've explained the lies PinkPanther made about the Quran a while ago.

What lies? I just translated the verse! I didn't even make say anything except for scary verses! What is wrong with that? Big Grin

(13-06-2024, 01:23 PM)Ali Imran Wrote:  In your first post of that verse, you cut it short and you inserted (all non-Muslims), which you have now proven is a lie.

Disbelievers are non Muslims what! So what lies?
Are we cool? Big Grin

(13-06-2024, 01:25 PM)pinkpanther Wrote:  Disbelievers are non Muslims what! So what lies?
Are we cool? Big Grin

You said "ALL", maliciously.

(13-06-2024, 01:26 PM)Ali Imran Wrote:  You said "ALL", maliciously.

2nd and 3rd verses don have "all" what....
You misinterpreted lah...
You oversensitive lah...

Why behave like a suspicious macik who always think her husband is having a fling outside? Big Grin

(13-06-2024, 01:32 PM)pinkpanther Wrote:  2nd and 3rd verses don have "all" what....
You misinterpreted lah...
You oversensitive lah...

Why behave like a suspicious macik who always think her husband is having a fling outside? Big Grin

Are you admitting to lying with the 1st verse?

This is my last post here serves no
Purpose but waste time

No weapons that forms against me shall prosper
No tongue that rises against me I shall condemn 

(13-06-2024, 01:34 PM)Ali Imran Wrote:  Are you admitting to lying with the 1st verse?

Nope...I didn't lie! It was just a translation...anyway I gave you another translation for the 3 verses....

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