Ali is actually a Buddhist

(14-06-2024, 11:25 PM)Oyk Wrote:  As to the words in bold in your first para, some peepur may wonder why Christians still sin when you wrote that no one who's born of God will continue to sin 

They don't understand that there's a new man in us that's in Christ and without the Sin DNA.  Without that sin nature, the new man will not sin. The one who continues to sin is the old man.

Many made remarks like "The Christian life is impossible," "God, You made me this way," "I'm only human."

When Christ died on the cross and was buried, believers who placed their faith in Him as their Saviour and Lord died and were buried to sin. Their old self was crucified with Christ so that the body of sin might be done away with, that they should no longer be slaves to sin.(Rom 6:6) But has sin disappeared 'cos we've died to it? No. Has the power of sin diminished? No, it's still strong and appealing.

We live in a body, the physical body. Our soul, aka 'old man,' is our mind, will, emotions. Our spirit is the real we. When we made that decision to become a new creature in Christ, God's Holy Spirit comes to live in our spirit (new man). Our spirit comes alive to God and wants to do what's good. There's much more to a person than the physical body we see. The spiritual part is just as real. The Bible teaches us to live by the things of the spiritual realm, things we don't see and to value unseen things more than the things we see with our physical eyes.

Our body - the flesh - and spirit are often in conflict. For example, on a Sunday morning when you wake up, your spirit says. "Let's go to church!" but your body says, "I don't want to get out of this bed." Some people may obey the body and go back to sleep; other people will follow the spirit and say, "Body, I don't care how you feel - we're going to church!"

After a person is born again, the flesh wars again the spirit, and vice versa. They're continually antagonistic toward each other. (Gal 5) The Bible does not say the lusts of the flesh will go away and you'll never be tempted. The flesh (old man) with all its tendencies to sin will keep warring against the spirit, or tries to boss it around.

However, the Bible does say if we walk in the spirit, we won't fulfill the lusts of the flesh. (Gal 5:25) When sin makes its appeal, we've the power to say no to it 'cos our relationship with sin ended when the Lord "rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves." (col:13)
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(15-06-2024, 09:17 PM)pinkpanther Wrote:  What is wrong with mudland? It's not even an insult to malays in sillypore!
Next time if he wants to discuss sensitive issues...wear a dress easy to cry foul! Haiya!

Abdul loves Christians.  He loves to see them falling over themselves as he mocks and taunts them.  He has a war chest of biblical quotes which he has used on Christians in other forums.  He's collected these weapons over several decades.

Recently, Obamao came in, but did not respond to Abdul.  SimTan came in but also ignored him when he posted twice to try to bait him. He just loves Christians coming in to be slaughtered by him.

Instead of debating with him, they gave him a taste of his own medicine. Abdul ignores me but twice, I'd said I forgave him.  In turn, he was ignored by Obamao and Sim, but he could not get over it.  This is a reason why he said he'd leave the forum.

Whenever two or three are gathered in My Name, I am there....and if Jesus is there, Abdul will flee.

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love

(15-06-2024, 11:19 PM)S I M T A N Wrote:  Many made remarks like "The Christian life is impossible," "God, You made me this way," "I'm only human."

When Christ died on the cross and was buried, believers who placed their faith in Him as their Saviour and Lord died and were buried to sin. Their old self was crucified with Christ so that the body of sin might be done away with, that they should no longer be slaves to sin.(Rom 6:6) But has sin disappeared 'cos we've died to it? No. Has the power of sin diminished? No, it's still strong and appealing.

We live in a body, the physical body. Our soul, aka 'old man,' is our mind, will, emotions. Our spirit is the real we. When we made that decision to become a new creature in Christ, God's Holy Spirit comes to live in our spirit (new man). Our spirit comes alive to God and wants to do what's good. There's much more to a person than the physical body we see. The spiritual part is just as real. The Bible teaches us to live by the things of the spiritual realm, things we don't see and to value unseen things more than the things we see with our physical eyes.

Our body - the flesh - and spirit are often in conflict. For example, on a Sunday morning when you wake up, your spirit says. "Let's go to church!" but your body says, "I don't want to get out of this bed." Some people may obey the body and go back to sleep; other people will follow the spirit and say, "Body, I don't care how you feel - we're going to church!"

After a person is born again, the flesh wars again the spirit, and vice versa. They're continually antagonistic toward each other. (Gal 5) The Bible does not say the lusts of the flesh will go away and you'll never be tempted. The flesh (old man) with all its tendencies to sin will keep warring against the spirit, or tries to boss it around.

However, the Bible does say if we walk in the spirit, we won't fulfill the lusts of the flesh. (Gal 5:25) When sin makes its appeal, we've the power to say no to it 'cos our relationship with sin ended when the Lord "rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves." (col:13)

As it is, our Christian walk is with our sinful body and it's not a walk in a park but a hellish world.  

We spend far more taim interacting with and in the company of like-minded peepur than with God in prayer.  This like-mindedness is one of evil and the desire for the things of this world.  It's a life that's filled with temptations.  We are all like-minded in a very sinful way.

Both the body and the world are not helping our Christian walk.

No wonder God will create a new heaven and a new Earth for the new man.  If you put the old man in a new heaven and new earth, he will just corrupt it.  If you put the new man in the old heaven and old earth, that's what and where we are nao.

But when you put the new man in a new heaven and new earth, all things are restored to how it was before the Fall.
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The Scripture declares that the whole world is a prisoner of sin. Since we live in this world, we'll continually face the temptation to conform to it. It's not a sin to be tempted. If it were, Christ was the worst sinner who ever lived 'cos He was tempted in every way, just as we are - yet was without sin. (Heb 4:15) We sin when we consciously choose to give in to temptation.

We're weak humans with frailties, faults and failures. Even Christians people are not impervious to stumbling into sin. I've heard people asking for an easy life in prayer. Lots of people want victory without battles, triumph without effort. God's world doesn't function that way. A new birth into a new life isn't supposed to be a journey into a downtrodden, miserable existence of struggling to keep religious rules and regulations and feeling guilty when we fail.

There were times when I tried to make a firm stand for following the Lord, but each time I found it tough going. The devil likes to creep in to say, "If God loves you so much, why are you in this mess?" I found comfort in the knowledge that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. (Phil 4:13; Deuteronomy 30:9-11) if we seek Him earnestly with our hearts. Thank God, I snapped out of my negativity. There's an emphasis on the need for perseverance in the Christian life and to press on toward the prize of their high calling. It's vital to finish the 'race' as to start it. (Phil 3:12-14) God never promised us a life lived on easy street, but He does promise a blessed life.

When something becomes corrupt, it's impossible to eradicate the corruption, be it fruit, flesh or anything else. Imagine a peach being put on a shelf for several days at room temperature. It'll begin to wither and turn yellow, losing its pleasant aroma and flavour. Once this happens, you can't reverse the process or restore its freshness. You can put the peach in the fridge to slow the corruption process, but you still can't reverse it.

The is true of the world, too. There's nothing to reverse the process of corruption. God isn't going to change the world; He's going to replace the world in the same way He does in our lives. Sin corrupts us, so we must be born again. He doesn't patch up or repair our old, corrupted selves; rather, He makes us new beings with a new, divine origin and an incorruptible life. He gives us a new start.
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