WP leaders told Raeesah Khan to stick to the lie she had told Parliament

I'm disappointed to say the least that leaders are not truthful, doesn't matter which party.

Integrity is a very important character that is missing in today's world. Day in and out we question about PAP's integrity and alliance, but today we witness the same in WP even when it's just a fraction but a key pillar of oppositions.

Perhaps truly gone were the days where good men and women ruled with their hearts for the people. Mankind really no longer worthy of any redemption..
[+] 1 user Likes Sticw's post

(04-12-2021, 02:34 PM)hero Wrote:  certain people have higher tendency to tell lies. u know i know

nothing to do with party, these group are in many parties

It is true that there are certain people having higher tendency to lie, but this is not tolerated in this tiny red dot..... Laughing

(04-12-2021, 02:24 PM)moonrab Wrote:  LTK must come out NOW!
Take over WP leadership until the next younger leader is establish..

LTK is not good in keeping discipline
Png E H may be better choice.

(04-12-2021, 02:38 PM)Sticw Wrote:  I'm disappointed to say the least that leaders are not truthful, doesn't matter which party.

Integrity is a very important character that is missing in today's world. Day in and out we question about PAP's integrity and alliance, but today we witness the same in WP even when it's just a fraction but a key pillar of oppositions.

Perhaps truly gone were the days where good men and women ruled with their hearts for the people. Mankind really no longer worthy of any redemption..
On the bigger front, we see country vs country.
The lies by the western medias on  China knows no bound. 
Its mad and sad world we are living in.
[+] 1 user Likes Migrant's post

(04-12-2021, 02:38 PM)Sticw Wrote:  I'm disappointed to say the least that leaders are not truthful, doesn't matter which party.

Integrity is a very important character that is missing in today's world. Day in and out we question about PAP's integrity and alliance, but today we witness the same in WP even when it's just a fraction but a key pillar of oppositions.

Perhaps truly gone were the days where good men and women ruled with their hearts for the people. Mankind really no longer worthy of any redemption..

If you believe that the WP leaders ask her to lie then you have played right into PAP's hands.

I don't believe it in the slightest bit. Why should PS get himself into trouble when RH is the one who's making the mistake? The more likely scenario, is PS told her that if PAP did not pursue this in the next parliamentary sitting, then there is no need to her to continue her narrative. However, if PAP pursue this, then she should come out to admit that this is not true.

Somehow, this has been twisted to make it look like PS ask her to lie. Come on, we should have more common sense than this.
[+] 1 user Likes Blasterlord2's post

When leadership is load tested.. Never judge a book by its cover.

(04-12-2021, 02:56 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  If you believe that the WP leaders ask her to lie then you have played right into PAP's hands.

I don't believe it in the slightest bit. Why should PS get himself into trouble when RH is the one who's making the mistake? The more likely scenario, is PS told her that if PAP did not pursue this in the next parliamentary sitting, then there is no need to her to continue her narrative. However, if PAP pursue this, then she should come out to admit that this is not true.

Somehow, this has been twisted to make it look like PS ask her to lie. Come on, we should have more common sense than this.

So you are saying she lied again? Then PS must come out and clarify and bring the matter to a commission of enquiry.

(04-12-2021, 02:56 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  If you believe that the WP leaders ask her to lie then you have played right into PAP's hands.

I don't believe it in the slightest bit. Why should PS get himself into trouble when RH is the one who's making the mistake? The more likely scenario, is PS told her that if PAP did not pursue this in the next parliamentary sitting, then there is no need to her to continue her narrative. However, if PAP pursue this, then she should come out to admit that this is not true.

Somehow, this has been twisted to make it look like PS ask her to lie. Come on, we should have more common sense than this.

Twisting to her own benefit. In the first place, she shouldn't have lied. Then when exposed, she used her own rape victim story to put WP leaders in a difficult position. So they gave her time and space to sort out her lies in parliament but she mess it up further. If she has any responsibility and leadership quality, she should know what to do instead of dragging her party down.
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(04-12-2021, 05:21 PM)Instinct Wrote:  Twisting to her own benefit. In the first place, she shouldn't have lied. Then when exposed, she used her own rape victim story to put WP leaders in a difficult position. So they gave her time and space to sort out her lies in parliament but she mess it up further. If she has any responsibility and leadership quality, she should know what to do instead of dragging her party down.

Well said, RK may drag WP into a 'sinkhole'........ Angry
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(04-12-2021, 05:21 PM)Instinct Wrote:  Twisting to her own benefit. In the first place, she shouldn't have lied. Then when exposed, she used her own rape victim story to put WP leaders in a difficult position. So they gave her time and space to sort out her lies in parliament but she mess it up further. If she has any responsibility and leadership quality, she should know what to do instead of dragging her party down.

She is very selfish.

(04-12-2021, 02:45 PM)watchfirst9 Wrote:  LTK is not good in keeping discipline
Png E H may be better choice.

OK la..much better than Prit

this incident has exposed his weakness

(04-12-2021, 05:27 PM)Instinct Wrote:  She is very selfish.

She is not only selfish but also a coward....... Angry

The inquiry should stop at what she lied about not the people around her.

This is just her way to distract others from what she has done. She is very smart. Now the focus and media chat is all about WP, not her personality.
[+] 1 user Likes toothpick's post

(04-12-2021, 09:41 PM)3ring Wrote:  Pritam singh should resign.

Frankly, my view is only 3 types of people support Pritam as leader of opposition, these 3 types are 1)local-born indians, 2)india-indians new citizens, 3)those small group of singaporean-chinese that hates and despise mandarin

Pritam protected her heroically when PAP exposed her racist social media..
Made her a MP
Now he kana bitten by her..

Karma !!!!
[+] 3 users Like moonrab's post

Come to think about it. This is a system problem. The GRC system allows unproven candidates to hide under capable leads to be MP.

If all wards are smc, everyone have to prove themselves in the battle and probably such cases can be prevented.

That apply to all, be it pap or opposition.

1. I have served the nation in a combat unit for 2.5 + 10 years. I had fulfilled my duty as a citizen, but has the country do it's part for me?
2. I don't know where the threat of CCP is, but I know the threat of CECA is already at my doorsteps
3. I had been called a CCP, JHK, Pinoy, but they never called me a CECA..
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别人叫你跳楼, 你就跳吗?

(04-12-2021, 09:56 PM)toothpick Wrote:  The inquiry should stop at what she lied about not the people around her.

This is just her way to distract others from what she has done. She is very smart. Now the focus and media chat is all about WP, not her personality.
Even though she is drowning, she will want to pull the whole WP into the waters too.  She will not stop lying even on her party's members.  Now, she also get Pritam Singh into troubles by pin-pointing her fingers at her own boss.

(04-12-2021, 09:41 PM)3ring Wrote:  Pritam singh should resign.

Frankly, my view is only 3 types of people support Pritam as leader of opposition, these 3 types are 1)local-born indians, 2)india-indians new citizens, 3)those small group of singaporean-chinese that hates and despise mandarin

Total rubbish and absurd !

Where is your proof ?

Why Low Thia Khiang, a Chinese educated leader supported Pritam to head WP ?

(05-12-2021, 12:47 AM)Dan Wrote:  1. RAEESAH KHAN
She is unfit to be a politician, let alone an MP. Lied, lied again, and again, and now trying to drown everyone in her pool of deceit. In blaming her experienced political colleagues for wayward guidance after her Original Sin, she has forgotten that as a 28-year-old married adult and an economics graduate, you don’t blame others for deliberate decisions that you personally make – any more than Sengkang voters (blaming others) for electing her in the first place.

We live and learn with every single one of our life choices, for worse or for worst. We don’t cling to a Freudian excuse or fig leaf of ill advice from higher-ups to exonerate our own wrongdoings. So, Raeesah, for the sake of your two children, can you stop lying (and taking it) to your grave?    https://sgmatters.com/sex-lies-and-video...sfC0qllD8E

sgmatters is a website set up by PAP to self-jerk. It has totally no credibility whatsoever.
[+] 2 users Like Blasterlord2's post

Why the COP is so eager to release this report before interviewing PS, SL and Manap to hear their version of the story?

RK lied, lied, and lied and the COP believed her story ? This is a pathological liar and have an axe to grind with the WP leadership, 
after been told to resign or get sacked ! This vengeful b&*ch turned around and bit PS, etc.

It's naive to believe that PS, SL and Manap would tell her to "keep the narrative".

Too convenient.

(05-12-2021, 01:31 AM)SGSeniorCitizen1952 Wrote:  Why the COP is so eager to release this report before interviewing PS, SL and Manap to hear their version of the story?

RK lied, lied, and lied and the COP believed her story ? This is a pathological liar and have an axe to grind with the WP leadership, 
after been told to resign or get sacked ! This vengeful b&*ch turned around and bit PS, etc.

It's naive to believe that PS, SL and Manap would tell her to "keep the narrative".

Too convenient.

The COP line of questioning one sided and did not give the full perspective.

If you listen carefully there were many perspectives they did not bother and COP use a technique called leading the witness. You notice he used the phrase " stick with the lie" and "maintain the lie" which can be an interpretation rather than the fact.

The whole COP is out to find a way to attack WP leaders and through use of media destroy as much as they can.

This perspective is lost

1. Reeasah Khan went to WP leaders to tell them;
(a) She did jndeed hear a woman complain about police blaming victim
(b) However , it was not at police station but a woman's group session. She was a part of the group session.

2. Reeasah Khan said the the COP testimony that when she went to the WP leaders, they "were angry and wanted her to go to the COP" to clarify.

3. However, upon hearing she was a sexual assault victim who did not share the incident with husband and family, they showed :compassion" towards her and gave her time

4. She was advised to "maintain the narrative unless pressed".
because she was not ready to give full personal detailsPitram Singh is compassionate person, he does not think only about saving his own skin. Hr did not instruct her to lie but gave her time to clarify given the circumstances that she is a victim who had not informed family

5. Maintain narrative pertains to truth about (a). If pressed on (b) no choice have to consider revealing painful personal details to the country earlier than she is ready.

6. Pitram Singh is compassionate person, he does not think only about saving his own skin. 

The whole line of questioning by Edwin Tong is designed to mount an attack on the WP leadership.

But what I see here are people being compassionate.

What matter most is INTENTION behind the action

The COP is more interested in showing WP culpable.than
finding the underlying  reasons and motivation of those involved.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

I am not a WP supporter but when you have a face like that it’s hard not to not look like a cheat. Oh she even sounds and smells like one? And she has to take an oath when giving testimony? The holy books need to be sanitised.

[Image: D24869-FE-F0-BB-4-B72-BA0-A-CB4-ECBFFE118.jpg]

Politic is very dirty.
Never trust what a politician has told you...
What you see and hear, may not be the hard truth? Thinking
Time will tell the truth...

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

(04-12-2021, 01:48 AM)luncheonmeat Wrote:  Think PAPaya did a number on her. Sylvia and Pritam are  seasoned lawyers who have jumped through many of pAPAyas' hoops of flames. You think they so stoopiak as to not anticipate PAPaya will blow a storm in a teacup with Khan's mistake?

She might have misinterpreted dat the 3 leaders told her to stick to her story when they dint pressure her to come clean but I have difficulty believing they told her to continue to lie in parliament, it was her cockup, not theirs, why would they want her to cover up?

As for pressuring her to resign, there could be some basis in that.

Watch  COP inquiry....they were stuffing phrases like "maintain the lie" ...this phrase did not come from her.

She was a sexual assault victim who did not inform her parents and husband. 

They gave her time instead of insisting she come out immediately. 

This is different from asking her to lie.

The advice was "maintain narrative unless pressed".

Given the context maintain narrative means give you some time to hold out.  "Unless pressed" means if have to...no choice you need to come out.

The COP replace this with "stick to the lie"..."maintain lie".

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(05-12-2021, 07:28 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Watch  COP inquiry....they were stuffing phrases like "maintain the lie" ...this phrase did not come from her.

She was a sexual assault victim who did not inform her parents and husband. 

They gave her time instead of insisting she come out immediately. 

This is different from asking her to lie.

The advice was "maintain narrative unless pressed".

Given the context maintain narrative means give you some time to hold out.  "Unless pressed" means if have to...no choice you need to come out.

The COP replace this with "stick to the lie"..."maintain lie".

It all depends on the person who is being tried, and not on PS or WP leaderships......When she revealed that PS had asked her to lie, or maintain the lie, then all hell breaks out.  It Khan's narrative that is in question, who she intends to bring down PS and also WP in general.... Angry

If Raeesh Khan can lie in Parliament, she can also lie about WP Leaders.

LIARS has no boundaries.

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 
[+] 2 users Like Ola's post

we must keep her as a lier
Keep to the pt of reference not jump like beans all over the place.
B what u are : told parliament lies.

WP leaders tio mah
Do a foreinsic on this statement.

[Image: Screenshot-2021-12-05-at-09-13-15-WP-lea...d-Parl.png]

Gerger please don't swing ur quaiSAI all  over the please.
we are in existential threat from Klaus schwab and his minions.

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