This RK is a very vindictive ungrateful person

Unless there is a secret deal between RK and PAP, what RK is doing now is dumb as it can be even if we just consider her own self-interest.

Consider her current situation:
#1) She already admitted lying previously, so the "liar" branding is here to stay
#2) She can be sanctioned by parliament, but cannot be prosecuted for the lie, so it doesn't matter as she's already out.
#3) Her political career is basically game over.

To make the best of the the situation, she should be salvaging:
#1) Her reputation
#2) Ability to carry on her sexual abuse activism in the future

The best way to achieve this is to just admit cleanly that she lied out of her own volition but spin the whole thing as too passionate about promoting her cause and helping others who had a similar history of sexual abuse as her. In that way can still get some sympathy points and also E for effort for her activism.

Trying to lie her way out of the hearing is as dumb as she can get:
#1) She's facing a bunch of hostile lawyers and seasoned politicians, her chances of twisting her way out is 0%.
#2) She's basically scaring off everyone. In the future no organization, pro or anti PAP will dare to collaborate with her, so her activism also end of the road.
#3) All these flimsy lie to cover lie stunts will just further impinge on her reputation and make her persona non-grata to almost all Singaporeans regardless of political affiliation.
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