总加速师 果然不负众望 comie dogs here 日复一日的抹黑美国就能实现中华民族伟大复兴了


aiptasia is now in my ignored list.
Omi.. Thank you for bumping up the message.

(21-07-2022, 07:59 AM)sporeguy Wrote:  A very simple explanation for all these negative remarks made by the Talk Cock and Stooge gang on President Xi:

In a class where there's this handsome guy rich tall intelligent and very popular with girls his ugly plain classmates all jealous and harbour the evil thoughts of bringing him down ...

Now extend these to US UK Australia and not forgetting Talk Cock amd Stooge gang - yup they are the ugly plain classmates! All green eyed as NO ONE pay attention to them! They scheme they plot they malign to the point of exposing their jealousy, hatred, bitterness and resentment against China - and everyone can see through them so easily! Really a bunch of losers!

Kokee and the 3 stooge’s can only show twiter 1 stooge talking sad


Stooge’s howling

amd very excited over amb's visit to tw, why leh?

Youtube and Twitter materials are often quoted by all forumers whether or not they are from which camp.  Not all such materials are spreading false truth or misinformation.  We should study and do some research on them, especially on those figures presented;  if they are untruth,  then we should expose them with our data backed by our studies.  We will miss learning something if we always brush them off with a stroke of our pen.

Trading Economics:  In China, employed persons refer to who performed some work for one hour during the reference period.

(20-07-2022, 01:08 PM)kokee Wrote:  He is the best candidate to be china president now.
hope he can continue to be president although political fight is stringent now.
Western world also has same hope, he can continue to be dictator of china, execute all the lock down, chase all investment out, continue his wet dream & big mouth, throw more money into OBOR, fight the world, lick putin & russia, use army to deal with slavery, print more money to build more white elephant, stop all english & western education, study more communism & xi thinking, more wealthy together, more nationalism, more corruption or anti-corruption, fire more leaders, full control media, more firewall, more lies & propaganda, more moronic foreign affair fox, more attack western world, cut off totally from the world, closed door, dont let money & people in/out of china.
comie dogs must be very happy & china will be world no.1, well done, not true?

習近平的格局你不懂! 解讀“總加速師”堅持“開倒車”的原因

《加速主義好》| 總加速師習近平


(21-07-2022, 08:52 AM)revealer Wrote:  Youtube and Twitter materials are often quoted by all forumers whether or not they are from which camp.  Not all such materials are spreading false truth or misinformation.  We should study and do some research on them, especially on those figures presented;  if they are untruth,  then we should expose them with our data backed by our studies.  We will miss learning something if we always brush them off with a stroke of our pen.

Twitter might not be telling the whole truth. According to the World Bank data, China has a broad money supply of 214 Trillion yuan (USD 32 Trillion) @ 2020. This amount almost doubled in the short 7 years that Xi came into power in 2013. China only printed more than the US which was around 23 Trillion in 2020.

[Image: Screenshot-2022-07-21-091457.jpg]

Trading Economics:  In China, employed persons refer to who performed some work for one hour during the reference period.

now inside china, all can run will run.
all can transfer their money out, will do so, but super tough & almost no way now as china govt got no money & they will not allow 1 cts to flow out  of china today!
money inside china, eventually can own by individual with china in economy collapse condition? hahaa, LOL LOL!




Moronic Kokee Cok loves to post FAKE NEWS and LIES from Falun Gong Cult hor!  Rotfl

(20-07-2022, 01:13 PM)sporeguy Wrote:  Aiyoh ... told you not to curse Talk Cock kokee! Karma and Rebound Effect remember?!

That time you cursed China and forumers, Scott got fired! Again you continued with your rhetoric- Boris the Bozo sacked! But as stubborn as an Ass you continue to kpkb - Draghi called for fresh election ... this time based on your evil sick wish - Biden will lose badly in the coming US mid term!?

Kokee and stooge’s 

Bankrupt loser kokee howling jealous 

Who let the slave kokee and stooge’s out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof 


Karma kokee and stooge’s

why he is a coward!



(20-07-2022, 01:13 PM)sporeguy Wrote:  Aiyoh ... told you not to curse Talk Cock kokee! Karma and Rebound Effect remember?!

That time you cursed China and forumers, Scott got fired! Again you continued with your rhetoric- Boris the Bozo sacked! But as stubborn as an Ass you continue to kpkb - Draghi called for fresh election ... this time based on your evil sick wish - Biden will lose badly in the coming US mid term!?

Bozo kokee 

Bankrupt loser kokee howling jealous 

Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof 


Bozo kokee

this is china, use force on slavery.
those protest for banks run, now they use tanks like in 4-6-1989 used tanks on students!

China deploys tanks to prevent depositors from reaching crisis-hit banks |


Alam Kok

Who is President of China, why you f care?   


nun & monk in china also must be brainwashed, no one is exceptional, no other thinking is allowed!
so you can imagine how corrupted is in everyone mind, no clear of anything!



(20-07-2022, 01:13 PM)sporeguy Wrote:  Aiyoh ... told you not to curse Talk Cock kokee! Karma and Rebound Effect remember?!

That time you cursed China and forumers, Scott got fired! Again you continued with your rhetoric- Boris the Bozo sacked! But as stubborn as an Ass you continue to kpkb - Draghi called for fresh election ... this time based on your evil sick wish - Biden will lose badly in the coming US mid term!?

Bankrupt loser kokee howling jealous 

Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof 


Karma kokee

(19-07-2022, 09:58 AM)kokee Wrote:  this case closed, move on, no judgement, no truth fact.
china lawless is super scary, dark force is totally inhuman, worse than animal, real cruel!! top down.


唐山轮奸杀人案 被禁的死亡笔记本及烧烤店录像

as above, super scary in china.
now fully censored, whole china stop discussing this case, if offended, go straight to mental hospital!
Emperor order is final & over rule everything!
No truth or fact!



Moronic Kokee Cok loves to post LIES and FAKE NEWS everyday!  Rotfl

Scary kokee howling jealous

Bankrupt loser kokee howling jealous

Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof

Scary kokee

petty Xi F deng xaioping like dog, deng economy achievement for 30 yrs, Xi use 3 yrs to bankrupt it, nice!!
that is why hope xi can continue to be china president, then china got hope!!
well done!! same to comie dogs here, spam lies & BS like Xi here 7/24!

7.23 【三年敗光家底!】德媒指:中國改革開放用了三十年時間建立的繁榮局面,習總三年就拆除一切成功要素!


(22-07-2022, 11:55 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  Moronic Kokee Cok loves to post LIES and FAKE NEWS everyday!  Rotfl

Shameless bankrupt loser kokee howling jealous 

Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof 

Shameless kokee scare panic desperate

In term of social benefit, china is the worst in this world today.
basically, slavery are not taken care at all, whether is hospitalized or lock down due to covid, income or disposable income, their livelihood or in general their freedom & right!
Japan is 1 of the best in this world, well taken care of since the day they born till they died!




(22-07-2022, 11:55 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  Moronic Kokee Cok loves to post LIES and FAKE NEWS everyday!  Rotfl
Scary kokee bankrupt loser 

Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof 


Scary kokee bankrupt loser

(24-07-2022, 01:30 PM)kokee Wrote:  In term of social benefit, china is the worst in this world today.

India is better?

a nice jay zhou song for petty xi on china drive backward & gostan!
great winnie!




Pitiful bankrupt loser kokee howling jealous

Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof


Shameless Ugliest kokee

why in china, ton of things cannot be discuss or debate.
why china must have firewall & the rest of the wall so open.
why china news is fully censored, twisted for china people.
why cant they face the hard truth & real fact.



(25-07-2022, 01:58 PM)Omnipresent88 Wrote:  Pitiful bankrupt loser kokee howling jealous

Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof


Shameless Ugliest kokee


Shameless Ugliest kokee

Xi recent speech, his dream is to be like NK today, he wanted to be like fatty kim, a real dictator emperor! china totally closed door to the world like NK.
this is what Xi going to do if he re-elected, this is why I hope xi can continue to be china president!
china is going backward to 60s & 70s in future!



(25-07-2022, 01:58 PM)Omnipresent88 Wrote:  Pitiful bankrupt loser kokee howling jealous

Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof


Shameless Ugliest kokee


Pitiful Shameless bankrupt loser kokee

china economy sinking super fast this yr.
If not of anyhow build white  elephant infrastructure, china gdp in super red now!
dont talk about banks run, property crash, jobless surges, bankrupt everywhere, coming to 400 mil of jobless & another few 100 millions of jobless on the way! no domestic & oversea demand & market now!
Xi dream of NK model now!!
well done, xi, hope you continue to be china president!




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