Chips war? Trade war? China hitting back liao!


220825 -2【芯片4方联盟要泡汤了】【被拜登《通胀法案》咬到,韩国跟美国急眼了】【寒梅视角】

Ignoring the US ban, delivered 23 lithography machines to China! ASML: China matters

The entry of 23 DUV lithography machines will obviously help the production of domestic chips. First of all, we can intuitively see that in the first half of this year, the number of imported chips in China decreased by 29 billion, which greatly reduced the dependence of Chinese enterprises on imported chips.

The United States is naturally unhappy, but ASML's attitude this time is very tough. They said that China is an important part of the global chip industry chain. If cooperation with China is stopped, the world semiconductor supply chain will face the risk of disruption.

[Image: b922448ej00rgzn1t001tc000hs00cxg.jpg]

(22-08-2022, 07:15 PM)kokee Wrote:  comie dogs here bark SMIC 7 nm like crazy dogs, SMIC stock price plunges almost 30% in last few month! LOL LOL!
down 30% must be serious thing happening, still 7 nm? my foot! sales down, profit crash, new investment failure & ton more!
all these know nut dogs & their brainless supporters!
7 nm? likely 28 nm also has problem now! hahaaa!

中芯國際暴跌下跌25.2%!部分產業宣布停工!芯片法案正式啟動!大陸芯片出口全部封鎖!設計軟件一款都沒有! 28nm命脈出現重大變革!

as above, china no.1 IC maker, SMIC, share price crash hard!
SMIC dont talk about 7 nm, 28 nm of SMIC also going to game over soon! samsung going after SMIC customer 7 market now!
TSMC is totally different level to SMIC, at least 10 level above!

samsung cant fight with TSMC on the high end IC, almost all go to TSMC, now samsung came to steal SMIC order in 28 nm & 14nm!
SMIC can close shop liao!
SMIC yield in 14 nm is still very low, cost to produce is very high compared to samsung! samsung can easily take over all the oversea order of SMIC in 14 nm & 28 nm! also almost all top engineers of SMIC already left!
game over!



(02-09-2022, 09:01 AM)kokee Wrote:  as above, china no.1 IC maker, SMIC, share price crash hard!
SMIC dont talk about 7 nm, 28 nm of SMIC also going to game over soon! samsung going after SMIC customer 7 market now!
TSMC is totally different level to SMIC, at least 10 level above!

samsung cant fight with TSMC on the high end IC, almost all go to TSMC, now samsung came to steal SMIC order in 28 nm & 14nm!
SMIC can close shop liao!
SMIC yield in 14 nm is still very low, cost to produce is very high compared to samsung! samsung can easily take over all the oversea order of SMIC in 14 nm & 28 nm! also almost all top engineers of SMIC already left!
game over!


[Image: 66765-C3-F-2-BEC-4-D1-A-B99-A-3-C35-F89-ED5-D1.jpg]

[Image: 6198-B3-D1-840-D-4-B6-F-9-E0-A-1-D2-B1479-F775.jpg]

[Image: B7-A07242-6331-45-A3-93-D9-35335-B907-DC4.gif]

Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts 

Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one 

Moronic kokee your daddy laughs at you cheo kau peng hor

220901 -1【拜登制裁中国,自断臂膀】【两家顶级AI芯片公司受损严重】【寒梅视角】

(02-09-2022, 09:01 AM)kokee Wrote:  as above, china no.1 IC maker, 

"台積電"神山難護國? 蔡正元: 中美台"撕破臉"恐玉石俱焚@中天電視


(05-09-2022, 01:54 PM)kokee Wrote:  this is how backward china IC industry is, without outside world support, the best SMIC & china can do is 55 nm!
these are no value IC, super low profit margin, ton of country in the world can do it easily!
this is century behind TSMC!
all these moronic comie dogs here bark lies & Bs 7/24 here! LOL LOL!


as above, 55 nm is the best china can do, I dont know what all these comie dogs here till has anything to lie or bark! with global ban & sanction, china IC industry game over now!
yet US  ban all advanced IC sell into china now!
If all the high end Nvidia & AMD ban to china, then almost all china advanced products will be killed totally including AI, EV car, super computer, space, military & ton more!

美禁「A100晶片」點穴中國科技!? AI、超級電腦、自駕車未來發展全面停擺!


孟晚舟採花釀蜜暗諷美惡霸?拜登又慫?對中韓禁令縮手? 新聞大白話 20220903

天天硬事2410期——01 美媒赞美商务部长雷蒙多一个电话就从韩国手里抢走50亿美元台湾芯片投资,别着急还会直接抢韩国的 02 朝鲜金正恩宣布朝鲜为有核武器国家,亲美、反美势力必然在日韩内部激烈斗争

Chips are not in play now
earthquakes and floods
Pope has a date with Xi 30092022
trying to change their fate.

(15-09-2022, 07:16 PM)kokee Wrote:  dont talk about 3,5 ,7 10, 14 nm & ton more, all these super high profit margin of 30-60%! almost all go to TSMC!
even low end like 28 nm, also almost taken by TSMC & samsung, china manufacturers only get 7% market, almost all can closed down now, china IC industry already game over & gone case totally!
moronic winnie spent few $trillion in IC industry, almost all throw into drain now!!

大陸28nm市場僅剩7%!中芯國際抱頭痛哭!台積電佔據75%! 3nm客戶排滿!蘋果率先使用!

as below, almost 4000 china IC industry company closed down recently, game over!!

china IC industry game over!
winnie xi threw a few $trillion to research, total failure!!
now US ban & block most  equipment & high end IC into china!!
china DUV & equipment total failure plus SMIC manufacturing like shit without oversea support!!
the rest, all can closed down!! LOL LOL!


中國國產DUV遭大量投訴;美斷供EDA 中國芯片業還有未來嗎


Without fear of ARM's cancellation of authorization, Chinese chips have made new breakthroughs

(18-09-2022, 10:01 AM)singlon Wrote:  Chips are not in play now
earthquakes and floods
Pope has a date with Xi 30092022
trying to change their fate.

High inflation in most part of the world so spending extra to get an expensive phone will be the last thing on people's mind.
So this should be the reason for TSMC plan to shut down some of its EUV machines. Only high end phones uses the 7nm or less chips.

Can't stand it?TSMC wants to shut down EUV lithography machine, big trouble is still to come
Quote:It is reported that TSMC intends to shut down some EUV lithography machines by the end of this year due to the decline in the utilization rate of advanced process capacity.

Electronic market is expecting earth quake

[Image: Screenshot-2022-09-18-at-10-18-55-They-m...have-t.png]


(18-09-2022, 10:18 AM)kokee Wrote:  as above & below, almost 4000 china IC industry company bankrupt recently!!


as above, china IC industry today no need to talk about 7nm, not even 28 nm, the best can do by china company themselves is 55 nm!!

(05-09-2022, 01:54 PM)kokee Wrote:  this is how backward china IC industry is, without outside world support, the best SMIC & china can do is 55 nm!
these are no value IC, super low profit margin, ton of country in the world can do it easily!
this is century behind TSMC!
all these moronic comie dogs here bark lies & Bs 7/24 here! LOL LOL!



(18-09-2022, 10:29 AM)kokee Wrote:  as above, 



What glut lah?  Huawei's latest Mate50 still uses Qualcomm chips. They can't compete using the Chinese chip lah.



Tech war: Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang confident in China market despite US AI chip ban

(19-09-2022, 07:22 AM)kokee Wrote:  be patient, this news just out, wait for weeks to see the real effect!
SMIC market capitalization is just few % of TSMC, real peanut!!

now even SMIC board of director, top management kena arrested!!
norm, once investment failure, project fail, corruption, these top management people kena!!
even SMIC, china no.1 IC manufacturing also game over, nothing left for china IC industry!!



comie here bark china needs Nvidia IC, why cant they make themselves? I thought dogs here bark 7/24, smlj also better  & can make? LOL LOL!! all these liars here!
If dont supply US equipment to china, the most they can make is 55 nm which is 30 yrs ago technology!!
that is all china is capable of till today in IC industry!!!
Nvidia will not sell to china & follow US govt instruction!! too bad!!
evil money better dont make!! never grow evil, so F off their money!!



(22-09-2022, 12:31 PM)kokee Wrote:  comie here bark china needs Nvidia IC, why cant they make themselves? I thought dogs here bark 7/24, smlj also better  & can make? LOL LOL!! all these liars here!
If dont supply US equipment to china, the most they can make is 55 nm which is 30 yrs ago technology!!
that is all china is capable of till today in IC industry!!!
Nvidia will not sell to china & follow US govt instruction!! too bad!!
evil money better dont make!! never grow evil, so F off their money!!


Kokee LL liao hor 

Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL

台積電的哀愁 大陸從14nm 到7nm量產化 2022 0923

US Treasury Chief Says Taiwan Only Source Of Advanced Semiconductors, Poses National Risk

Taiwan is the sole source of advanced semiconductor microchips, which poses a risk to US national security, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said on Thursday

WASHINGTON (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 23rd September, 2022) Taiwan is the sole source of advanced semiconductor microchips, which poses a risk to US national security, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said on Thursday.

"The only country in the world that is a source of the most advanced semiconductors is Taiwan," Yellen said during an event hosted by The Atlantic. "I would regard that as a resilience risk and also a national security risk."

Biden becomes a sinner! Chip implosion erupts in Europe and America!
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(29-06-2022, 09:45 PM)teaserteam Wrote:  Y China not ask TSMC to go China.  Xi should give TSMC directors good position to attract them to defect,  right?

Why ask TSMC?   

Want to come and make $, come. Don't come, no $.  

As simple as that. In 2 years time, TSMC will shine no more.  

You can't understand, lah.  

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