HSI persistently weak and unable to sustain rallies...just keep going down

(12-10-2023, 01:20 PM)Zannn Wrote:  Thanks bro, traders watch yr front

Thanks bro sgbuffett, with yr conviction that “conclusion, afternoon will lose all gains”, non pro traders traders buy and huat again arrrr… u r best reverse indicator ever

U be too naive to think call buy and sell here can move stock price,, even if whole of the 1000 kaypoh here buy also wont move the price..

oil always is in play whenever ME crises got up,, go check it out yourself.
not a call to buy oil but sharing,, pls dyodd.

Just to shr i buy TDW PR CVX RIG BORR.. for short term play,.

oct is ending, and nasdaq is looking good,, looking to add on with cash i sold in august..
TSLA NET CRWD TEAM and a few more,

(12-10-2023, 02:48 PM)Zannn Wrote:  Thanks bro sgbuffett, with yr conviction that “conclusion, afternoon will lose all gains”, non pro traders traders buy and huat again arrrr… u r best reverse indicator ever

Day trading u means??? Trade day in and day out,, this is tough one,,

maybe short term trade like buy and hold for a while to sell in a choppy mkt,,

mostly i long,,

if u buy SGX i think like one guru said it is a dinosaur mkt,, he too suggest switch to wall st.
i did that 10 yrs ago and in handsome profit.. thk my buddy which i meet when myself went for a trading course at Peace center..

trading is tough, u cut loss 3 times only u got scare, i face that. does one still dare to enter another???
maybe some got affinity to trade sucvcessfully i do not deny that, but that is not me for sure..

btw oil and energy stock are for short term,, it is not for long term buy and hold.. just look the chart u know they are vy bad,,

To Sgbuffet and Zann

according to CNA today.. and news... China fund are buying. my school telegram group confirm this,, U may google this too, not i said so..

when this type of thing happen it means bad news,, not good news. foreign fund are leaving and the stock px keep dropping,
if govt dont come in to support those coy will be financially stress,,if stock px keep dropping. financial institution will recall their loan..they will be deep trouble, as most use stock as collateral. is this true??? I just hearsay.. i no expert.

we see that in japan Nikkei,, it end up govt own most of the share in the coy..and also no improvement. In the end nikkei go nowhere for donkey years.. will this happen to China too.. i hope not.

so be careful,, take profit as u go, dont get suck in the stock u buy or trade short term., i think hsi will sink again when fund stop buying.
they cannot keep buying non stop..

for yr info.. i bgt BYD n BABA only. in the money, but i will be careful, i will not dip in more, i think i put the money to wall st, which i am spoil for choice,.

why shd be china???

to sgbuffet and zann

why not take a look at these 3 stocks?? instead of china. or worse SGX.

CRWD ADBE PANW n STRL,, these are share by telegram group,,all tech stock except STRL

pls dyodd.

(12-10-2023, 10:30 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  HSI attemps to stage a temporary rally but downtrend intact.

China economy remains weak.

Rumors of stimulus  spread to drive stock prices up temporarily for big boys to unload.

Xi will do stimulus to help economy? That js not his priority at all so rumor has no bases.

Conclusion HSI and HS Tech will lose gains by afternoon
Hsi to lose all gains from 12 Oct ...futures down sharply

[Image: JCmUf7P.jpg]

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(12-10-2023, 10:58 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Hsi to lose all gains from 12 Oct ...futures down sharply

[Image: JCmUf7P.jpg]

Sgbuffett u mean lose all gains till Hsi 17k or just yesterday gain? Be specific bro cos u king of prata. Also, u think today Hsi will fall or rise to close?

Lost of yesterday gains and more. Means that it has peaked from short term temporary rally and will continue its downtrend.

Foreigners are selling to get out of China. Even own citizens won't buy their stocks.

[Image: yGDI93S.jpg]

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(13-10-2023, 10:15 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Lost of yesterday gains and more. Means that it has peaked from short term temporary rally and will continue its downtrend.

Foreigners are selling to get out of China. Even own citizens won't buy their stocks.

[Image: yGDI93S.jpg]

Got yr hint bro, short term traders buy now. Time check 1100

China economic slump continues ....no recovery in sight

[Image: PPdiPqv.jpg]

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Any lobang to increase yr cpf oa?

(13-10-2023, 01:34 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  China economic slump continues ....no recovery in sight

[Image: PPdiPqv.jpg]

U r correctSmile

(13-10-2023, 01:36 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  Any lobang to increase yr cpf oa?

There is a blog call AK71,, he sound good in this cpf thingy.. u may look and read there, buy pls dyodd.


sgbuffet and zann........ this guy like good in TA.. i follow for sometimes. U may watch, but
pls dyodd.. i just share. disclaimer.


(12-10-2023, 03:00 PM)victortan Wrote:  U be too naive to think call buy and sell here can move stock price,, even if whole of the 1000 kaypoh here buy also wont move the price..

oil always is in play whenever ME crises got up,, go check it out yourself.
not a call to buy oil but sharing,, pls dyodd.

Just to shr i buy TDW  PR  CVX  RIG  BORR.. for short term play,.

oct is ending, and nasdaq is looking good,, looking to add on with cash i sold in august..
TSLA  NET CRWD  TEAM  and a few more,

oil is for short term play, short means less than a year to some few weeks, 

Not today it drop 3$ u come out to shout and play oracle or god..,, it is not it shoot up 5$ u celebrate,,

such behaviour reflect that of a fool deserve to loss money.

oil still gg for 100$. and beyond. stay tuned , stay vested, stay long for now.

(12-10-2023, 10:58 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Hsi to lose all gains from 12 Oct ...futures down sharply

[Image: JCmUf7P.jpg]

Today early early i faster sell byd and tencent,... heng make a little only,

will be on the lookout again.

hope HSI can stand on it own,, dont follow wall st...

[Image: F8-Oo-Aao-Xw-AAELco.jpg]

look at the super long term chart..

be optimistic. stay long and stay strong.

This is the path to the top for s&p 500 but it wont be a straight line.

Selloff continues in Asian markets.
Stocks have no support.

[Image: IhlrqW2.jpg]

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Rise in US$ will suppress any gains in HSI and HS Tech.
Likely they will just open for trading peak and selloff through the day.

Professional traders will take the chance to short early at the open for profits.

[Image: QMWsCek.jpg]

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
[+] 1 user Likes sgbuffett's post

(17-10-2023, 09:14 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Rise in US$ will suppress any gains in HSI and HS Tech.
Likely they will just open for trading peak and selloff through the day.

Professional traders will take the chance to short early at the open for profits.

[Image: QMWsCek.jpg]

Firers watch yr front, buy

(17-10-2023, 09:14 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Rise in US$ will suppress any gains in HSI and HS Tech.
Likely they will just open for trading peak and selloff through the day.

Professional traders will take the chance to short early at the open for profits.

[Image: QMWsCek.jpg]
Today byd soar 5%. Forecast higher profit. 
But I m not buying anymore China. 
I go wall st. Where I m spoil for choices. 

Hope u r doing ok

BYD look good but why the profit margin so low.
Can anyone share any good point or bad here on this stock.

I have closed off all my short positions this morning.

I spoke to an experience trader and he said China ja likely tk announce stimulus this weekend based on the schedule of meetings of party officials and economic committes assigned by the China govt.

The size of stimulus may not be massive but sufficient to hit growth targets.

Also the forex market USD retreated vs Yuan.

Despite sharp fall Dow and nasdaq China markets will go up not down...contrary to what average traders thinking.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(20-10-2023, 09:40 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  I have closed off all my short positions this morning.

I spoke tk an experience trader and he said China ja likely tk announce stimulus this weekend based on the schedule of meetings of party officials and economic committes assigned by the China govt.

The size of stimulus may not be massive but sufficient to hit growth targets.

Also the forex market USD retreated vs Yuan.

Despite sharp fall Dow and nasdaq China markets will ho up not down...contrary to what average traders thinking.

Well done this time u will be correct

(20-10-2023, 09:40 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  I have closed off all my short positions this morning.

I spoke to an experience trader and he said China ja likely tk announce stimulus this weekend based on the schedule of meetings of party officials and economic committes assigned by the China govt.

The size of stimulus may not be massive but sufficient to hit growth targets.

Also the forex market USD retreated vs Yuan.

Despite sharp fall Dow and nasdaq China markets will go up not down...contrary to what average traders thinking.

Btw yr prata views contradicted yr previous views. U always say the stimulus is not enough cannot solve its deep problem. Then now just because of a not so massive stimulus u close shorts. This showed yr previous views are not solid and now just because a ‘experienced trader’ tell u so and u chicken out.

(20-10-2023, 10:14 AM)Zannn Wrote:  Btw yr prata views contradicted yr previous views. U always say the stimulus is not enough cannot solve its deep problem. Then now just because of a not so massive stimulus u close shorts. This showed yr previous views are not solid and now just because a ‘experienced trader’ tell u so and u chicken out.

Thatbia because there is new data release in china recently report to show stimulus has been able tk maintain GDP better than expected.

Before seeing this data it was impossible to logically chang mind on this.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Dun play play, ah butt could hv made millions this round.

(20-10-2023, 10:18 AM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  Dun play play, ah butt could hv made millions this round.

Close shorts but he did not buy concurrently how to make milsSmile

What say you leh Still eat at tray return area hor https://media.tenor.com/qdg13PqYbxMAAAAM/yes-baby.gif

(20-10-2023, 10:22 AM)Zannn Wrote:  Close shorts but he did not buy concurrently how to make milsSmile

Shd hv made some money lah. Otherwise how to sustain being a RI for many yrs

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