Index Futures up now but likely to plumge on CPI release

turn green alr

wow nice!  Gesti-109

If sooooooo easy making $$$$ like what ah Burt claimed you think I will temporary closed shop meh ?!!! 


(13-10-2022, 09:25 PM)winbig Wrote:  After hiking so many times, inflation hardly budge. It just shows that hiking interest rates have little to no effect on bringing down the inflation rate. The root cause of inflation had not been addressed at all.

They need to taper balance sheet and reduce money supply by 300 billions a month

(13-10-2022, 08:55 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Inflation will crush the US market like it's a cockroach.

Beware....the US market still has much lower to go

Rotfl Rotfl

Laughter-13  Laughter-13


(13-10-2022, 11:48 PM)sogo Wrote:  They need to taper balance sheet and reduce money supply by 300 billions a month

Ang mo any how spending coz they knew they Gov able to created wealth by printing + printing karma looking for them now huaaat aghhh !!!

dun understand why ppl want to hold overnite, anything could happen.

(14-10-2022, 12:28 AM)cwc29 Wrote:  Ang mo any how spending coz they knew they Gov able to created wealth by printing + printing karma looking for them now huaaat aghhh !!!

but now they understand that can print money but cannot print commodities.

(13-10-2022, 07:37 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  So far inflation numbers has driven market down after its release as these numbers are worse than expected 

Fed rate hikes takes 3-6 months to  have effect of bringing down inflation. Because of this, it is a  common repeat mistake by the Fed to over tighten and cause a recession.

So most experts expect more downside for this market and recommend selling first to buy back at lower price.

[Image: 3pv3dtn.png]

this round u are wrong.

I believe now is the turning point as fed increase rate stock soar, as investor realize there is no vestment can beat an inflation of 8% except in the stock mkt,

get ready for rally into the new year.

(14-10-2022, 07:40 AM)FartSunKing Wrote:  I used my just opened IG CFD trading account

To short 2 lots DOW CFDs

After you opened you cbai mouth

To ask traders to go in and short DOW

You think my position is +ve or -ve now?

I think lost. Because the rebound quite fast.

(14-10-2022, 05:39 AM)victortan Wrote:  this round u are wrong.

I believe now is the turning point as fed increase rate stock soar, as investor realize there is no vestment can beat an inflation of 8% except in the stock mkt,

get ready for rally into the new year.

I said after the CPI announcement the Dow will drop. It fell 900pts after the announcement from +300pts to -600pts. 

That is exactly what I predicted the title again.

After that there is recovery due to short covering.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(14-10-2022, 07:40 AM)FartSunKing Wrote:  I used my just opened IG CFD trading account

To short 2 lots DOW CFDs

After you opened you cbai mouth

To ask traders to go in and short DOW

You think my position is +ve or -ve now?

After there was 200pts further down after I posted after the announcement any good trader will get in and out quick to make a good buck.

If you had paid attention and shorterd before announcement there was 900pt plunge after the CPI came out.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(14-10-2022, 07:57 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  After there was 200pts further down after I posted after the announcement any good trader will get in and out quick to make a good buck.

If you had paid attention and shorterd before announcement there was 900pt plunge after the CPI came out.

Sgbuffett no need explain, if u believe the still have 20% room to fall this is yr best time to short nasdaq. Just do itSmile

(14-10-2022, 07:49 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  I said after the CPI announcement the Dow will drop. It fell 900pts after the announcement from +300pts to -600pts. 

That is exactly what I predicted the title again.

After that there is recovery due to short covering.

oh.. 原来如此。。 thank you for your sharing

I am just a tiny plankton in the ocean.

(13-10-2022, 09:22 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Yeah market havent even open yet.

Will just get worse ....

Traders can make some easy momey by going in and shorting


Now for the expose..

I really hate to unravel this Ah Bluff

You were WRONG yet from this morning posts of yours, you are denying it, saying you predicted the plunge of 900 pts

Let me remind you that I had asked before the CPI announcement and you came in and say you as long term investor, you only care about the long term risk or something sheet like that

I said to you then that if you know, you know and if you really know, you will definitely brag, as you're doing now (even though you were wrong, but resort to lying now)

Look at this post, your reply to Gemstar, who posted at 9:17pm yesterday

CPI was announced at 8:30pm sharp. The 900 pts plunge was instantaneous and the rebound was just as instantaneous!!

Mkt had not opened yet at 9:17pm, hence your reply to Gemster...

[Image: r0gN9Lc.png]

That was after 9:17pm but before 9:30 when mkt should open

The futures mkt registered the rebound already, as after the CPI was announced at 8:30pm, it plunged and immediately rebounded!!

Your post to Gemstar read: Will just get worse. Traders can make some easy money by going in and shorting

This means you were expecting the mkt to fall further when it open later at 9:30pm

cws19 replied you and asked you if you Zhun or not

I told him if he wants to go Holland, then listen to you and go in to short, which he finally did and he lost money, as he reported later!!

NOW, after fcked by 5354, you came forward to lie and said you already predicted the plunge and it happened as you had predicted

No, you didin't! You were fking dead wrong and you LIED!

I never expect you to stoop so low to LIE!

Case closed!

hahahah chill chill

anyone also can post here mah. no worry lar.

nowadays i just read post here for pleasure only.

relax lar bro

I am just a tiny plankton in the ocean.
[+] 1 user Likes Rainforest's post

We are not querying if there was a 900 pts plunge or not, as most know beforehand that when CPI announced, it will be bad news

Most have predicted CPI to be bad news and hence the plunge came as not much of a surprise to most

It is the aftermath when DOW opened at 9:30pm is what we are interested in as the show begins then

Ah Bluff lied to save face

Case closed

(14-10-2022, 09:40 AM)Sentinel Wrote:  That was after 9:17pm but before 9:30 when mkt should open

The futures mkt registered the rebound already, as after the CPI was announced at 8:30pm, it plunged and immediately rebounded!!

Your post to Gemstar read: Will just get worse. Traders can make some easy money by going in and shorting

This means you were expecting the mkt to fall further when it open later at 9:30pm

cws19 replied you and asked you if you Zhun or not

I told him if he wants to go Holland, then listen to you and go in to short, which he finally did and he lost money, as he reported later!!

NOW, after fcked by 5354, you came forward to lie and said you already predicted the plunge and it happened as you had predicted

No, you didin't! You were fking dead wrong and you LIED!

I never expect you to stoop so low to LIE!

Case closed!

you are the real liar.

Below Dow chart shows that at 9.30pm, Dow plunged about 500 points.
The rebound started at around 11 pm.

Sgbuffet is genius to predict that Dow would crash at open at 9.30pm on CPI report. 

[Image: dow.png]

(14-10-2022, 10:03 AM)Sentinel Wrote:  We are not querying if there was a 900 pts plunge or not, as most know beforehand that when CPI announced, it will be bad news

Most have predicted CPI to be bad news and hence the plunge came as not much of a surprise to most

It is the aftermath when DOW opened at 9:30pm is what we are interested in as the show begins then

Ah Bluff lied to save face

Case closed

you never checked the Dow Jone chart and lied about our Genius Sgbuffet.

Dow plunged 500 points at 9.30pm and rebound started at 11pm.

(14-10-2022, 10:41 AM)forum456 Wrote:  you are the real liar.

Below Dow chart shows that at 9.30pm, Dow plunged about 500 points.
The rebound started at around 11 pm.

Sgbuffet is genius to predict that Dow would crash at open at 9.30pm on CPI report. 

[Image: dow.png]

Then this is worse than I thought

Futures Mkt already plunged at 8:30pm upon announcement

Ah Bluff told people to go in at 9:17pm to 9:30pm

When Mkt opened at 9:30pm, mkt rebounded, NOT continue to plunge, moron! Stop lying!

How many points it plunged is not important...whether 500 pts or 900 pts, it was instantaneous! So, STOP LYING

When Mkt opened at 9:30pm, the mkt rebounded. So how do one short if against trend, must be fcuked stewpig like you then!

(14-10-2022, 10:45 AM)forum456 Wrote:  you never checked the Dow Jone chart and lied about our Genius Sgbuffet.

Dow plunged 500 points at 9.30pm and rebound started at 11pm.

Mkr REBOUNDED at 9:15pm, you fcuking liar!

(14-10-2022, 10:52 AM)Sentinel Wrote:  Mkr REBOUNDED at 9:15pm, you fcuking liar!

from 9.30pm to 11pm, Dow was in negative.

from 11pm, Dow started to be positive.

Sgbuffet predicted correctly that Dow crashed at 9.30pm.

Case closed.

(14-10-2022, 10:45 AM)forum456 Wrote:  you never checked the Dow Jone chart and lied about our Genius Sgbuffet.

Dow plunged 500 points at 9.30pm and rebound started at 11pm.

Hey plp idiotic lying moron! See this DOW chart and open your fcking eyes if you have one!

DOW rebounded at 9:15pm yesterday (UTC 8)

Fcking LIAR!

[Image: HwLbRTw.png]
[+] 1 user Likes Sentinel's post

Cbai forum456, I have already said it is NOT the 500pts or 900pts plung that mattered.

It is SgBluffett saying that it will get worse and asking people to go in to short the market, which people like cwc19 did and LOST MONEY!!

The market did not go down further but ranged from 9:00pm to 11pm and then REBOUNNDED!!

Anyone who had listened to him would have splitted backside!

Fcking plp moron!

Case closed!

It is strange a simple prediction can be misunderstood misinterpreted ..

Read the title.

It says futures is up and will plunge when announcement come out

It was up 300pts and plunge 900pts to -600pts....just like it happened before.

As it started to fall I commented that looks like getting worse and market has not opened yet.

I did not say the market will never rebound...forever

Earlier on 11 Oct I already said long term investors can start buying the Dow due to industrial stocks being cheap...despite the back and forth trading actions volatility . ..this level of dow is good entry for long term.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(14-10-2022, 11:22 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  It is strange a simple prediction can be misunderstood misinterpreted ..

Read the title.

It says futures is up and will plunge when announcement come out

It was up 300pts and plunge 900pts to -600pts....just like it happened before.

As it started to fall I commented that looks like getting worse and market has not opened yet.

I did not say the market will never rebound...forever

Earlier on 11 Oct  I already said long term investors can start buying the Dow due to industrial stocks being cheap...despite the back and forth trading actions volatility  . ..this level of dow is good entry for long term.
Look at the chart I post and your post reply to Gemstar and cwc19 question to you

No one I think is misintepretating what you're saying

You told everyone to SHORT the mkt as you think it will go down further

But when you posted that around 9:20pm, before mkt open at 9:30pm, the DOW did not drop any further but ranged and then almost IMMEDIATELY when mkt opened at 9:30pm, it REBOUNDED

Those who listened to you to short was waiting for mkt to drop further when it opened at 9:30pm, but never materialised at all

You are guilty as charge, buddy

That asslicker forum456 need to have a head transplant as all air inside

(14-10-2022, 11:12 AM)Sentinel Wrote:  Cbai forum456, I have already said it is NOT the 500pts or 900pts plung that mattered.

It is SgBluffett saying that it will get worse and asking people to go in to short the market, which people like cwc19 did and LOST MONEY!!

The market did not go down further but ranged from 9:00pm to 11pm and then REBOUNNDED!!

Anyone who had listened to him would have splitted backside!

Fcking plp moron!

Case closed!

ya...I'm with you. Coz i was cutting loss for the rebound during that period of time  Undecided

to be exact, it was 9.38pm
[+] 1 user Likes TalkingRabbit's post

(14-10-2022, 11:22 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  It is strange a simple prediction can be misunderstood misinterpreted ..

Read the title.

It says futures is up and will plunge when announcement come out

It was up 300pts and plunge 900pts to -600pts....just like it happened before.

As it started to fall I commented that looks like getting worse and market has not opened yet.

I did not say the market will never rebound...forever

Earlier on 11 Oct  I already said long term investors can start buying the Dow due to industrial stocks being cheap...despite the back and forth trading actions volatility  . ..this level of dow is good entry for long term.

Bro don’t worry about noises. Short nasdaq as this is good chance after rebound. As u observed, more to fall.

(14-10-2022, 11:39 AM)Zannn Wrote:  Bro don’t worry about noises. Short nasdaq as this is good chance after rebound. As u observed, more to fall.

There are many dead cat bounces on path to hell.

The whole dead cat bounce and subsequent selloff I documented it clearly already

On 9 Aug 2022 I posted dead cat bounce over

It's okay I can be right i can be wrong ....these are just my views.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

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