Iswaran was handed 27 charges, corruption,gratification and obstructing justice

Dun forget, sly OBS offered these tickets to all the garbagement officials under Iswaran [think OBS learn from his earlier experience with the LKY discount saga, make it an open industry "practice"] , their cheapskate boss is the ony wan who accepted the tickets.

this corruption started from 2015 to 2022, for 7 years.

how come corruption can go on for 7 years without any problem ?

how did CPIB know about this corruption ?
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also Tan Chuan Jin adultery could go on for 3 years even PM Lee knew about it.

why took so long to fix the adultery and corruption problem ?
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(18-01-2024, 06:01 PM)Scythian Wrote:  Being elected by the people, this isn't a matter of $$$

Dishonesty and lousy integrity

His salary is definitely top 1% in Singapore yet he is corrupted.

(18-01-2024, 07:37 PM)forum456 Wrote:  not necessary.
if he said that Ong Beng Seng was his boyfriend and all these are gifts from his boyfriend, he can be innocent like an angel.

Just show 1 naked pic with him and ah seng is enough for the judge to close the case?
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why limit commebts?

cannot take the heat?
or only wanna hear good things?

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Foo Mee Har is my sister in law - FACT
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i just see this analysis...

my thoughts
his bazi supposedly too weak to tank wealth... wealth in bazi = money and woman...
so doubt it's just a money thing... likely involve woman...

anyway i worry if he can survive the stress since CNY coming meaning more wood energy which exhausts his water......

(18-01-2024, 03:57 PM)Manthink Wrote:  For some reason, only sgbuffett & Oyk happily come to Iswaran defense arguing on "no evidence" and just 1 "main mistake".   Big Grin

Anyone wanna guess why both insist such lowering of moral expectation for gov officials in SG ?

(18-01-2024, 06:36 PM)Oyk Wrote:  This is Sgtalk. We don't talk morality here. We talk about lying skill otherwise how my mother and granddaughter spread their legs so easily for me? nudie

[Image: CwHQIEe.jpg]

[Image: hu-TTg1705240496.jpg]

Laughing Laughing

Now, the most important question to ask is what will be the counter measures to prevent corruption.

Make Declaration and audit their assets.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"
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(19-01-2024, 07:52 AM)RiseofAsia Wrote:  Now, the most important question to ask is what will be the counter measures to prevent corruption.
Make Declaration and audit their assets.

I dare say CPIB is a gift to Singapore continued existence as a "lesser" corrupted country.

So why is CPIB is so powerful and perhaps most feared by elites and the ruling class of SG - because the unit does not answer to any ministry or cabinat ministers - Only to the PMO.

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013
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(18-01-2024, 03:57 PM)Manthink Wrote:  For some reason, only sgbuffett & pinkpanty happily come to Iswaran defense arguing on "no evidence" and just 1 "main mistake".   Big Grin

Anyone wanna guess why both insist such lowering of moral expectation for gov officials in SG ?

(18-01-2024, 04:03 PM)pinkpanty Wrote:  I thought he will receive alot of kickbacks amounting to millions from OBS....but all along he has only being receiving candies...small matter lar. Big Grin

What more do I need to say? Let them sexplain and JUSTIFY ba.  Rolleyes

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love

(19-01-2024, 11:44 AM)Oyk Wrote:  What more do I need to say? Let them sexplain and JUSTIFY ba.  Rolleyes

You 3 yrs old kid ah...or you 老顽童. So much mischief! Go suckle your mummy's titties...Don disturb people  Big Grin

(18-01-2024, 07:57 PM)forum456 Wrote:  this corruption started from 2015 to 2022, for 7 years.
how come corruption can go on for 7 years without any problem ?
how did CPIB know about this corruption ?

I am sure every SGrean wants to know too....Since Iswaran wanna claim trial, we are gonna hear more juicy detail.

The Saga continues...Big Grin

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013
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(19-01-2024, 12:32 PM)Manthink Wrote:  I am sure every SGrean wants to know too....Since Iswaran wanna claim trial, we are gonna hear more juicy detail.

The Saga continues...Big Grin

Cpib motto is 放长线钓大鱼 same like the money laundering case involving many...can catch but choose to wait...

In iswaran case, they know he is only interested in don waste time lah
[+] 1 user Likes pinkpanther's post

(19-01-2024, 12:32 PM)Manthink Wrote:  I am sure every SGrean wants to know too....Since Iswaran wanna claim trial, we are gonna hear more juicy detail.

The Saga continues...Big Grin
Confirm....more dirt from pap coming out. 

And CPIB shall report to the people not PM

(18-01-2024, 08:09 PM)pinkpanther Wrote:  Just show 1 naked pic with him and ah seng is enough for the judge to close the case?

Ong Beng Seng is not charged.

he may have become the persecution witness to cooperate with the police to charge Iswaran.
or he may become the victim and he may be exhorted by Iswaran for money.
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[Image: LNFqX7D.jpg]

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(19-01-2024, 12:32 PM)Manthink Wrote:  I am sure every SGrean wants to know too....Since Iswaran wanna claim trial, we are gonna hear more juicy detail.

The Saga continues...Big Grin

hope can have more juicy (maybe from sugarbabe) reveal.
[+] 1 user Likes K88 shu shu's post

(19-01-2024, 01:36 PM)wendychan Wrote:  [Image: LNFqX7D.jpg]

but 60% will always believe brother Iswaran is always innocent always !
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Iswaran is the 3rd abnn minister involved in conflict of interest saga.
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[Image: hEExHBF.jpg]

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Foo Mee Har is my sister in law - FACT
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(18-01-2024, 05:44 PM)sclim Wrote:  lesson learn. if one is in civil service. even if someone give you a peanut in good will. better reject it and tell him not to do so again. if one do not die of peanut allergy, some how it will come back to haunt one. salary high enough to buy peanut already, why by thinking something is too small to get into trouble for almost nothing.

silly. now the incidents also make high pay does not work if one is convicted for receiving peanut.
got to have detection in place even without people complain. especially those in control of approving contracts.

sad for singapore. hope we move on and get stronger. sorry for person if he has overlook the damaged from the peanuts.

(18-01-2024, 05:55 PM)Oyk Wrote:  A peanut is easy to reject. No need lesson.

It's if I throws my granddaughter at you, see if you can say 'I don't want, I don't want'

[Image: s-YEU71705240764.jpg]

Laughing Laughing

(18-01-2024, 05:43 PM)victortan Wrote:  Will Mr Oyk be charge too???

(18-01-2024, 05:59 PM)Oyk Wrote:  Just call him Motherfucker will do. No need to call Mr Oyk as though you respect him so much.  Rolleyes

[Image: CwHQIEe.jpg]

Laughing Laughing

(19-01-2024, 12:38 PM)pinkpanther Wrote:  Cpib motto is 放长线钓大鱼 same like the money laundering case involving many...can catch but choose to wait...
In iswaran case, they know he is only interested in don waste time lah

Iswaran case wasn't in CPIB radar - it was only discovered when the officers were investigating a separate case.

Basically we have a 大肥鱼自投罗网... Big Grin

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013
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(19-01-2024, 02:09 PM)Manthink Wrote:  Iswaran case wasn't in CPIB radar - it was only discovered when the officers were investigating a separate case.

Basically we have a 大肥鱼自投罗网... Big Grin

any idea what was that separate case?

Had the coe prices not gone up so much after this fat ass took office as minister for MOT, I might be sympathetic towards his cause. But this ex minister shows that he's only very good at huddling with the rich.

Ignore List: Oyk

Heard from my friends from the legal circle
And from their children who are currently lawyers
It seems that the Idiotwaran’s bayi lawyers are not optimistic in winning the case
Winning as in getting him acquitted
The political consequences are too big
What they are trying to do is to get a lighter sentence
Something like a big fine, return of the “gifts” and a token jail sentence like maybe a month
Instead of what people are speculating 5 to 10 years jail
That’s is why, Idiotwaran has begun his wayang, like returning his salary and MP’s allowance, and resigning as Minister
Word is that he would probably return to his Ceca Homeland and “retire” there
His father was a migrant from Bangladesh by the way

Tampines & West Coast GRCs are there for the taking 
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(19-01-2024, 02:09 PM)Manthink Wrote:  Iswaran case wasn't in CPIB radar - it was only discovered when the officers were investigating a separate case.

Basically we have a 大肥鱼自投罗网... Big Grin

Big catch 大白鲨🦈 lah! Big Grin

(19-01-2024, 03:54 PM)Bluebull Wrote:  Heard from my friends from the legal circle
And from their children who are currently lawyers
It seems that the Idiotwaran’s bayi lawyers are not optimistic in winning the case
Winning as in getting him acquitted
The political consequences are too big
What they are trying to do is to get a lighter sentence
Something like a big fine, return of the “gifts”  and a token jail sentence like maybe a month
Instead of what people are speculating 5 to 10 years jail
That’s is why, Idiotwaran has begun his wayang, like returning his salary and MP’s allowance, and resigning as Minister
Word is that he would probably return to his Ceca Homeland and “retire” there
His father was a migrant from Bangladesh by the way

after the case we will know how good is your "lawyer" friends.

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