Scripture readings for Christmas

(29-12-2024, 08:29 AM)Hope Wrote:  Which Quran verses?

And what is that in your right hand, O Mûsa (Moses)?" 18. He said: "This is my stick, whereon I lean, and wherewith I beat down branches for my sheep, and wherein I find other uses."

(29-12-2024, 12:06 AM)Hope Wrote:  Countries don’t celebrate. But some people .

Less than 1% of Total Muslim population in this world celebrate prophet’s birthday.

The tables are turned and it looks like you are the minority not to celebrate his birthday....something is not right here!

(29-12-2024, 07:25 AM)Hope Wrote:  Quran didn’t mention the names of those disciples. Their end is matching with Quran verse .

“Allah answered, “I am sending it down to you. But whoever among you denies afterwards will be subjected to a torment I have never inflicted on anyone of My creation.”Quran 5:115

Has Bible mentioned the fate of those disciples?

Most were martyred

(28-12-2024, 10:11 PM)Lukongsimi Wrote:  The rods of both Moses and Aaron were endowed with miraculous power during the Plagues of Egypt. God commanded Moses to raise his rod over the Red Sea when it was to be split and in prayer over Israel in battle; at Meribah Moses brought forth water from a stone using his rod.

“And ˹remember˺ when Moses prayed for water for his people, We said, “Strike the rock with your staff.” Then twelve springs gushed out, ˹and˺ each tribe knew its drinking place. ˹We then said,˺ “Eat and drink of Allah’s provisions, and do not go about spreading corruption in the land.”Quran 2:60

“We divided them into twelve tribes—each as a community. And We revealed to Moses, when his people asked for water, “Strike the rock with your staff.” Then twelve springs gushed out. Each tribe knew its drinking place. We shaded them with clouds and sent down to them manna and quails, ˹saying˺, “Eat from the good things We have provided for you.” They ˹certainly˺ did not wrong Us, but wronged themselves.”Quran 7:160

(29-12-2024, 12:20 AM)pinkpanther Wrote:  We are monotheist....

The Quran gets the wrong info that the Trinity consist of God, Jesus and Mary.....How did Muhammad get this wrong?

What Is monotheism?Are you monotheistic 😂?

Quran never said Mary is one of your trinity.Show me the verse.

(29-12-2024, 12:24 AM)pinkpanther Wrote:  [Image: 122433922-1540134192852438-4897686291895956166-n.jpg]

Which country?

(29-12-2024, 12:26 AM)pinkpanther Wrote:  You can check for yourself...even Malaysia declared it a public holiday.. Big Grin

Public holiday doesn’t mean Muslims are celebrating.

They should declare Friday as a holiday.Friday prayers are important than celebrating prophet birthday.

(29-12-2024, 07:12 AM)Hope Wrote:  If he can do such miracle, why did he depend on others for his daily meals?

As a human on earth
He likes to eat with his children cannot meh

 No weapon that forms against me shall prospers.
Silly people will only ask repeated silly questions 

(29-12-2024, 09:00 AM)Hope Wrote:  Which country?

The pic already tell you the countries...look carefully bro Big Grin

(29-12-2024, 01:22 AM)S I M T A N Wrote:  You have brought up this theodicy which theologians have been wrestling with over the eons. Also, that paradox - why would a benevolent
God create evil and permit suffering? The origin of evil hasn't been adequately explained. This theodicy is somewhat beyond the scope of this discussion, but I'll try to figure it out.

The most common theodicy to the problem of evil with all its tendencies to sin is to ground the origin of evil in the free will of man. We've the ability to sin because we're free. God isn't the author of evil since the Bible places the guilt and responsibility for sin on man.

Sin comes with the power of freedom of choice. Sin entered the human experience by way of the fall of A & E. They were created good and then fell by choosing to sin. Here, Adam, who brought death to humanity, is contrasted with Christ, who brings the eternal life of His resurrection. Redemption through Christ could enable men to overcome sin and thus become whole.

The question is; why did God purposely create us with the propensity to sin when, according to you, God cannot tolerate sin?

(29-12-2024, 09:03 AM)Hope Wrote:  Public holiday doesn’t mean Muslims are celebrating.

They should declare Friday as a holiday.Friday prayers are important than celebrating prophet birthday.

Your prophet's birthday is once a year bro and you want every Fri off for prayers? Thinking
You are lucky that Allah reduced the prayers from 50 to 5 in a you want holiday?  Big Grin what does Allah says?

(29-12-2024, 06:12 AM)cheekopekman Wrote:  You proved that you're right so I'm wrong lah! Big Grin I don't use KJV only NIV lah! KJV used lots of ancient English difficult to understand lah!

There are major differences between the KJV and the NIV. The Johannine Comma is in the KJV but not found in the NIV. Why is that verse not found in NIV? Because Christian scholars say it is a forgery. Think about this. For hundreds of years, English-speaking Christians have been trusting the KJV as the word of God but now they know it contains forgery. Now, what about the NIV? Do you know if the NIV also has forged verses too?

Which one is the word of God?

(29-12-2024, 09:05 AM)Lukongsimi Wrote:  As a human on earth
He likes to eat with his children cannot meh

What about when he was a baby? He depended on others to feed him and wash him after he soiled himself. Is that God to you?

Christianity is a religion that worships a man who is practicing a different religion.

(29-12-2024, 08:22 AM)pinkpanther Wrote:  Allah's Apostle said, "Whoever drinks alcoholic drinks in the world and does not repent (before dying), will be deprived of it in the Hereafter."

So drinking is allowed but you must repent.... Big Grin
Drinking Alcohol is forbidden and punishable by lashes.
As per science,Alcohol is bad for health and soul.

Alcohol is work of Satan.

Why did your God allow work of Satan? Didn’t he know it is not good for health and soul?🙄

(29-12-2024, 12:31 AM)pinkpanther Wrote:  God!

So Jesus is not God.God is not Jesus.

(29-12-2024, 08:24 AM)Lukongsimi Wrote:  U should know which verse as u are so well knowing in the Quran
((Allah) said: "Cast it down, O Musa!") "Throw down this stick that is in your right hand, O Musa."

فَأَلْقَـهَا فَإِذَا هِىَ حَيَّةٌ تَسْعَى
(He cast it down, and behold! It was a snake, moving quickly.) This means that the stick changed into a huge snake, like a long python, and it moved with rapid movements. It moved as if it were the fastest type of small snake. Yet, it was in the form of the largest snake, while still having the fastest of movements.

In your previous post , you mentioned Quran call iit  as walking stick.
In which verse of Quran mentions as walking stick?

(29-12-2024, 08:30 AM)pinkpanther Wrote:  When you ask me which verses from the shows that the Quran is inadequate  Big Grin
Only the Bible tells you their roles...

You mentioned Quran highlights the important roles played by disciples of Jesus.
Please show me those verses .

I don’t want to know from Bible.

(29-12-2024, 11:50 AM)Hope Wrote:  Drinking Alcohol is forbidden and punishable by lashes.
As per science,Alcohol is bad for health and soul.

Alcohol is work of Satan.

Why did your God allow work of Satan? Didn’t he know it is not  good for health and soul?🙄

Christians are allowed by God to drink alcohol, but we are forbidden to get drunk. “And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit.” (Ephesians 5:18; also see Proverbs 20:1, 23:20, Isaiah 5:22). This is a command from the Spirit-inspired apostle. Christians, “do not get drunk.” To get drunk, then, is a sin.
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(29-12-2024, 11:59 AM)Hope Wrote:  You mentioned Quran highlights the important roles played by disciples of Jesus.
Please show me those verses .

I don’t want to know from Bible.

I provided you with three verses yesterday about how they support Jesus in his ministry..., but it seems irrelevant since the Quran does not name individuals, which affects its credibility...

(29-12-2024, 12:30 AM)pinkpanther Wrote:  Archangel Michael is the chief commander....there are only a few passages in the Bible that talks about him...something like the protector of Israel...

You mean Elijah and Enoch? I think one of them walked with God for a while and then he is gone....

Chief commander? Commanding what?

Angel Mikaeel/Michael is responsible of weather and natural forces.He took Enoch(Idris),Jesus(Isa) and Muhammad to heaven with the commandments of Allah.

When Jesus decend to Damascus, Mikaeel/Michael will bring him down with the help of two angels.

(29-12-2024, 11:52 AM)Hope Wrote:  So Jesus is not God.God is not Jesus.

Jesus is God in human flesh...

Allah might be Jesus...who is the first and the last in the Quran?
Guess what...who is the first and the last in the Bible? Big Grin

(29-12-2024, 08:38 AM)pinkpanther Wrote:  The tables are turned and it looks like you are the minority not to celebrate his birthday....something is not right here!

More than 99% Muslim don’t celebrate Prophets birthday.

(29-12-2024, 12:10 PM)Hope Wrote:  Chief commander? Commanding what?

Angel Mikaeel/Michael is responsible of weather and natural forces.He took Enoch(Idris),Jesus(Isa) and Muhammad to heaven with the commandments of Allah.

When Jesus decend to Damascus, Mikaeel/Michael will bring him down with the help of two angels.

Saint Michael is an archangel, a spiritual warrior in the battle of good versus evil. He is considered a champion of justice, a healer of the sick, and the guardian of the Church. In art Saint Michael is depicted with a sword, a banner, or scales, and is often shown vanquishing Satan in the form of a dragon....

So when archangel Michael become in charge of weather forecast?  Big Grin

(29-12-2024, 12:15 PM)Hope Wrote:  More than 99% Muslim don’t celebrate Prophets birthday.

I've already showed to you that nearly all Muslim countries celebrate the Prophet's birthday and recognize it as a public is the same as how we celebrate Christmas  Big Grin

(29-12-2024, 08:59 AM)Hope Wrote:  What Is monotheism?Are you monotheistic 😂?

Quran never said Mary is one of your trinity.Show me the verse.

In the Quran, specifically in Surah Al-Ma'idah (5:116), there is a verse in which Allah questions Jesus about whether he proclaimed to people that he, Mary, and Allah were a trinity. This is often interpreted as a rejection of any association of Jesus or Mary with the divine nature of God.

It has always been the Holy Spirit as the third person of the Trinity.....How did Muhammad get this one wrong....haiya! Did he check with those who have read before him? If this is wrong then the Quran cannot be The Word Of God

(29-12-2024, 08:44 AM)pinkpanther Wrote:  Most were martyred
Recorded in bible?

(29-12-2024, 10:03 AM)pinkpanther Wrote:  Your prophet's birthday is once a year bro and you want every Fri off for prayers? Thinking
You are lucky that Allah reduced the prayers from 50 to 5 in a you want holiday?  Big Grin what does Allah says?

Muslim countries should replace with Sunday holidays.

(29-12-2024, 11:59 AM)pinkpanther Wrote:  Christians are allowed by God to drink alcohol, but we are forbidden to get drunk. “And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit.” (Ephesians 5:18; also see Proverbs 20:1, 23:20, Isaiah 5:22). This is a command from the Spirit-inspired apostle. Christians, “do not get drunk.” To get drunk, then, is a sin.

How much should you drink to get drunk?

No standard?

Some people will not get drunk even after No of shots .Some people get drunk with one shot.

(29-12-2024, 11:56 AM)Hope Wrote:  In your previous post , you mentioned Quran call iit  as walking stick.
In which verse of Quran mentions as walking stick?

Didn’t pink answered you?
From goggle lah

 No weapon that forms against me shall prospers.
Silly people will only ask repeated silly questions 

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