Scripture readings for today

(29-04-2024, 07:30 PM)cheekopekman Wrote:  I find this subject interesting so I come in to say something lah! Big Grin 1st, the Pharisees picked up stones to stone Jesus to death for claiming to be God. That's the 1st point Ali brought up. 2nd, will they be forgiven for not believing Jesus is God? That's the 2nd point and a question. According to the Jewish Law or Torah, nobody had seen God so nobody had the right to claim that he or she was God. The Jews held on to that belief since Moses' times lah! Jesus walked away, according to the Bible, so He didn't get stoned. No sin was committed then. God allows us to be angry but not commit sin by murder, for example. So Ali, my friend, what do you think leh? Thinking

Jesus will not force you into Christianity but the same thing cannot be said abt rasullalah....if he raids a village..all captives must convert to Muslim...if not they die by the sword!

(29-04-2024, 06:47 PM)Oyk Wrote:  It is because most of the world can't read Arabic which is why we are unable to critique it (the Quran)

Scholars who can read it have found lots of grammatical errors. More than that, they also found many verses which clearly proved that the Quran is NOT from the same God as the God of the Bible, never mind if Ali may claim that Islam is one of the Abrahamic faith..

Islam cannot stand on the Quran alone. Wherever it had errors or gaps, it came up with Hadith which didn't even come from the mouth of Muh.. And as if to lend legitimacy to its claims to being from God (of the Bible), Islam cherrypicks from the Gospels, Psalms..

I don't wish to say more except that the more I read Ali's, the more he convinces me that I must stay awake, watch and not let the thief steal.... I have to hold fast to the faith in Christ and Christ alone, not Muh.

Its unfortunate that you have decided to sit on the fringe. I'd be glad to discuss with you about religion but you don't share the same enthusiasm.

You read somewhere that there are grammatical errors in the Quran. I know you won't know if its true or you have been lied to but you seems to swallow it whole. Why are you so gullible?

(29-04-2024, 07:41 PM)pinkpanther Wrote:  Jesus will not force you into Christianity but the same thing cannot be said abt rasullalah....if he raids a village..all captives must convert to Muslim...if not they die by the sword!

Your pants on fire.

(29-04-2024, 07:41 PM)pinkpanther Wrote:  Jesus will not force you into Christianity but the same thing cannot be said abt rasullalah....if he raids a village..all captives must convert to Muslim...if not they die by the sword!

I'm not familiar with the Muslims lah! Big Grin So I shall not comment on that lah!

(29-04-2024, 07:30 PM)cheekopekman Wrote:  I find this subject interesting so I come in to say something lah! Big Grin 1st, the Pharisees picked up stones to stone Jesus to death for claiming to be God. That's the 1st point Ali brought up. 2nd, will they be forgiven for not believing Jesus is God? That's the 2nd point and a question. According to the Jewish Law or Torah, nobody had seen God so nobody had the right to claim that he or she was God. The Jews held on to that belief since Moses' times lah! Jesus walked away, according to the Bible, so He didn't get stoned. No sin was committed then. God allows us to be angry but not commit sin by murder, for example. So Ali, my friend, what do you think leh? Thinking

Thank you pengyu for being civil, you and Luncheonmeat too.

Yes, I agree with you. The Pharisees were trying to pin some drummed-up charges on Jesus, just to get him into trouble. So they accused him of claiming to be God. But remember, Jesus refuted their claim, which to me is clear proof that Jesus is not God.
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(29-04-2024, 06:48 PM)pinkpanther Wrote:  All will be forgiven!
Did jesus lay hands on them? No...he walks away!

Christians were persecuted during the roman empire because they believe in him!

Christians were persecuted by other Christians in the early days of Christianity. Why? Because they have different belief about Jesus.

(29-04-2024, 08:26 PM)Ali Imran Wrote:  Christians were persecuted by other Christians in the early days of Christianity. Why? Because they have different belief about Jesus.

Persecuted by the Romans need to suckle to gain sanity? Big Grin
Go read...Big Grin

(29-04-2024, 08:19 PM)Ali Imran Wrote:  Its unfortunate that you have decided to sit on the fringe. I'd be glad to discuss with you about religion but you don't share the same enthusiasm.

You read somewhere that there are grammatical errors in the Quran. I know you won't know if its true or you have been lied to but you seems to swallow it whole. Why are you so gullible?

I don't sit on the fringe. Right from the start, I had made it clear that I am a believer...of Christ of course.

I don't believe Muh and I certainly find it hard to believe someone who had never even met Muh but was born two centuries after his death, who said this is the Hadith, this is what Muh said/had meant/was told by Allah/yadda yadda.

Allah is your god but is not mine. My God is the God of Adam and Eve, and He came to this world taking on the form of a man and was called Yeshua. If you don't believe that, then your god is not my God.

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love

(29-04-2024, 10:03 PM)Oyk Wrote:  I don't believe Muh and I certainly find it hard to believe someone who had never even met Muh but was born two centuries after his death, who said this is the Hadith, this is what Muh said/had meant/was told by Allah/yadda yadda.

I humbly suggest you study how the Hadith was collected, collated, and categorized. As I've said before, the methodology used by our early historians like the esteemed Muhammad bin Ismail al-Bukhari is acceptable as sound by any historian even today.

The books we have on Hadith will be able to fill any libraries in our neighborhood. It will take one maybe 30 years to study them all. 

I am not at all well-versed with the Hadith. I will always refer to scholars.

(29-04-2024, 10:03 PM)Oyk Wrote:  Allah is your god but is not mine. My God is the God of Adam and Eve, and He came to this world taking on the form of a man and was called Yeshua. If you don't believe that, then your god is not my God.

Allah is a unique name of God. The name was used in Makkah long before Prophet Muhammad (صلي الله عليه وسلم) was born to refer to the almighty God. Yes, even though they were polytheists, they still believed in the one almighty God whom they called Allah.

My God is the God of Jesus peace be upon him.

(29-04-2024, 09:13 PM)pinkpanther Wrote:  Persecuted by the Romans need to suckle to gain sanity? Big Grin
Go read...Big Grin

Yup, the Romans, when they have converted to Christianity. The Romans, if that is what you wanna call them, will kill any other Christians with different beliefs, like the Christians who don't believe Jesus is God.

(29-04-2024, 11:23 PM)Ali Imran Wrote:  Allah is a unique name of God. The name was used in Makkah long before Prophet Muhammad (صلي الله عليه وسلم) was born to refer to the almighty God. Yes, even though they were polytheists, they still believed in the one almighty God whom they called Allah.

My God is the God of Jesus peace be upon him.

I don't even consider Muh to be a prophet. If his god is Allah, that's none of my concern. Rolleyes

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love

(29-04-2024, 11:12 PM)Ali Imran Wrote:  I humbly suggest you study how the Hadith was collected, collated, and categorized. As I've said before, the methodology used by our early historians like the esteemed Muhammad bin Ismail al-Bukhari is acceptable as sound by any historian even today.

The books we have on Hadith will be able to fill any libraries in our neighborhood. It will take one maybe 30 years to study them all. 

I am not at all well-versed with the Hadith. I will always refer to scholars.

I am not surprised if it takes 30 years. Any Tom Dick and Harry born two centuries after Muh died can add something and that's Hadith for you. Sorry man, I am not reading anything that's not in the Bible. I only read God's Word and not any other.. Rolleyes

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love

(29-04-2024, 07:13 PM)pinkpanther Wrote:  That is right...I have heard of Muslims who memorise the whole quran in arabic!!
That is just wonderful....but if you wish to speak to him in arabic...he will find all excuses not to answer you  Big Grin

They can only sell the quran...but if you wish to talk about their prophet in details..they will get angry...

If the prophet is the mirror of the quran...I think many will reject..

I love my prophet very much and as many others, I too would like to talk about the one I love, even in detail and we certainly have details that are so detailed about our prophet. But if you want to mock, insult, or spread lies about our prophet, I will not entertain you. But I won't get angry. You have shown disrespect and spread lies about our prophet yet I am still talking to you. That shows I am not angry at you coz I know you're talking without knowledge.

Yes, the prophet is the mirror of the Quran, said Aisha. 

Let me tell you this. All other prophets were sent ONLY to specific people in a specific geographical location, even the last of the prophets sent to the children of Israel, the chosen people. Only one prophet was sent for all of mankind everywhere and for all times.

You can disbelieve but you cannot disprove the prophethood of Muhammad (صلي الله عليه وسلم).

(29-04-2024, 11:31 PM)Oyk Wrote:  I don't even consider Muh to be a prophet. 

Do you have a reason? Is there anything that can disqualify him as a prophet?

(29-04-2024, 07:41 PM)pinkpanther Wrote:  Jesus will not force you into Christianity but the same thing cannot be said abt rasullalah....if he raids a village..all captives must convert to Muslim...if not they die by the sword!

FYI, Jesus (Isa) is also one RasulAllah.

(29-04-2024, 11:41 PM)Ali Imran Wrote:  I love my prophet very much and as many others, I too would like to talk about the one I love, even in detail and we certainly have details that are so detailed about our prophet. But if you want to mock, insult, or spread lies about our prophet, I will not entertain you. But I won't get angry. You have shown disrespect and spread lies about our prophet yet I am still talking to you. That shows I am not angry at you coz I know you're talking without knowledge.

Yes, the prophet is the mirror of the Quran, said Aisha. 

Let me tell you this. All other prophets were sent ONLY to specific people in a specific geographical location, even the last of the prophets sent to the children of Israel, the chosen people. Only one prophet was sent for all of mankind everywhere and for all times.

You can disbelieve but you cannot disprove the prophethood of Muhammad (صلي الله عليه وسلم).

Well I am sorry to have hurt your feelings....let's have a cup of breast milk to make peace..shall we? Big Grin

You love your prophet,  I respect you...if you cannot take criticisms about muh then we better stop here...if there are falsehoods you should be glad to play a part in dismissing them...if they are false, I will no longer bring it up!

Jesus led a life free from sins while muh had blood on his hands when he received the me it is pretty clear cut who I chose to follow!

I think Genghis khan or emperor qin shi huang will make a better prophet than muh since they all have blood on their hands...Khan and qin have achieved way more than muh in my opinion!

(30-04-2024, 12:30 AM)Hope Wrote:  FYI, Jesus (Isa) is also one RasulAllah.

You mean Rasulullah?

(29-04-2024, 11:41 PM)Ali Imran Wrote:  I love my prophet very much and as many others, I too would like to talk about the one I love, even in detail and we certainly have details that are so detailed about our prophet. But if you want to mock, insult, or spread lies about our prophet, I will not entertain you. But I won't get angry. You have shown disrespect and spread lies about our prophet yet I am still talking to you. That shows I am not angry at you coz I know you're talking without knowledge.

Yes, the prophet is the mirror of the Quran, said Aisha. 

Let me tell you this. All other prophets were sent ONLY to specific people in a specific geographical location, even the last of the prophets sent to the children of Israel, the chosen people. Only one prophet was sent for all of mankind everywhere and for all times.

You can disbelieve but you cannot disprove the prophethood of Muhammad (صلي الله عليه وسلم).

Talking for us?
We love our Lord Jesus and you won’t stop finding faults about Him.

No weapons that forms against me shall prosper
No tongue that rises against me I shall condemn 

(30-04-2024, 12:04 AM)Ali Imran Wrote:  Do you have a reason? Is there anything that can disqualify him as a prophet?

Lots. Go to Youtube and watch,  You know damn blardy well that being a PAP supporter, I am not well liked here unlike you who are a supporter of WP, especially Faisal Manap.  While you can mock Christianity and say that Paul is a false prophet, I cannot say a lot of things or I will be arrested without trial because there are peepur who are waiting to report me.  So, I shall let you win.  But that does not mean I am going to become a Moslem.

You can spin, twist and turn, rinse and repeat, and tell the whole wide world that Jesus is a prophet who is lesser than your Muh, that God is the God of Jesus and I would be eternally grateful if you keep your inside your mother's mouth.   Rolleyes

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love

(29-04-2024, 11:23 PM)Ali Imran Wrote:  Allah is a unique name of God. The name was used in Makkah long before Prophet Muhammad (صلي الله عليه وسلم) was born to refer to the almighty God. Yes, even though they were polytheists, they still believed in the one almighty God whom they called Allah.

My God is the God of Jesus peace be upon him.

Different teachings how to be same God ?
Yours is too chin chye can ons

No weapons that forms against me shall prosper
No tongue that rises against me I shall condemn 

(30-04-2024, 01:04 AM)Lukongsimi Wrote:  Different teachings how to be same God ?
Yours is too chin chye can ons

There are some things I just cannot put down in writing, and he knows it, but in an open field with no recording devices allowed, I have lots to tell him in a one to one debate.  He is having a jolly good time mocking and taunting, but he denied it...

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love
[+] 1 user Likes Oyk's post

(30-04-2024, 12:43 AM)pinkpanther Wrote:  Jesus led a life free from sins while muh had blood on his hands when he received the me it is pretty clear cut who I chose to follow!

But you're not following Jesus. You say it with your lips but your action is different. You follow Paul, not Jesus. You cannot deny that. Jesus said to pray directly to God. Paul said to pray to God via Jesus and you chose that method. 

According to the Bible, Prophet Moses ordered the killing of a people. Yet you can believe he was a prophet. Why the double standard?

(30-04-2024, 01:34 AM)Oyk Wrote:  There are some things I just cannot put down in writing, and he knows it, but in an open field with no recording devices allowed, I have lots to tell him in a one to one debate.  He is having a jolly good time mocking and taunting, but he denied it...

I don't mock. I ask questions and I give my opinions on why I don't believe in Christianity. And I do all that respectfully.

(30-04-2024, 01:04 AM)Lukongsimi Wrote:  Different teachings how to be same God ?

If you take Jesus's teachings, they are similar to Islam. If you take Paul's teachings, they are different from Islam. 

My God is Jesus's God. Yes, Jesus said he has a God and I believe in that same God.

(30-04-2024, 12:50 AM)Lukongsimi Wrote:  Talking for us?
We love our Lord Jesus and you won’t stop finding faults about Him.

I love Jesus more. Do you know why? Because I see him as a brother, not as God. If I see Jesus as God, that would distance me from Jesus because he is not like me coz he atas. 

And I revere him. He is an awesome prophet, the only one alive today.

(30-04-2024, 01:44 AM)Ali Imran Wrote:  But you're not following Jesus. You say it with your lips but your action is different. You follow Paul, not Jesus. You cannot deny that. Jesus said to pray directly to God. Paul said to pray to God via Jesus and you chose that method. 

According to the Bible, Prophet Moses ordered the killing of a people. Yet you can believe he was a prophet. Why the double standard?

You can really twist and turn and now twist the fact that Moses ordered the killing of people....under whose instructions was he following? Numbers 31:17

Muhammed killed many people who were non Moslems, for example the Jews during the Jihad wars.... you need to know the fact that killing non moslems who oppose them is very okay with the Moslems yet it is totally wrong...not only that he enslaved many...have many wives and many concubines....correct me if I am wrong  Big Grin

Now who do you rather have as a role model....Jesus or muh  Big Grin

(30-04-2024, 12:43 AM)pinkpanther Wrote:  You love your prophet,  I respect you...if you cannot take criticisms about muh then we better stop here...if there are falsehoods you should be glad to play a part in dismissing them...if they are false, I will no longer bring it up!

Haven't I done that with you on at least one topic, the breast milk topic? Even in your disrespectful way, I still answer you.

No one was forced to convert to Islam, as you earlier alleged. God says in the Quran that everybody has the freedom to believe or disbelieve, in quite a few places. The prophet did not go against that. So it is false to say our prophet forced people to convert to Islam.

(30-04-2024, 02:03 AM)pinkpanther Wrote:  You can really twist and turn and now twist the fact that Moses ordered the killing of people....under whose instructions was he following? Numbers 31:17

Ok. If you want to go that way, I can also say the same about Prophet Muhammad, just like Prophet Moses, about being under instructions.

And who instructed the killing of babies and infants? You believe it was Jesus.

So why the double standard?

(30-04-2024, 01:59 AM)Ali Imran Wrote:  I love Jesus more. Do you know why? Because I see him as a brother, not as God. If I see Jesus as God, that would distance me from Jesus because he is not like me coz he atas. 

And I revere him. He is an awesome prophet, the only one alive today.

You see him as a brother... Big Grin
Muh sees him as his best mate  Big Grin

I really hope Jesus reveal himself to you just like how 200 Muslims in gaza have seen jesus in their dreams....

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