Wang Lei is angry over reports....he 'sia suay' Singapore
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He make so he taxed?
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Bad words from mouth is nothing compared to bad action from bad heart.
People are just jealous of his success lah.
Envy is a poison for person spiritual and mental health.

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin
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Only stoopid people will buy from him. Scold you with smelly foul mouth and still want to buy from him. Really sia suay
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(29-12-2021, 01:33 PM)Stoki Wrote:  Only stoopid people will buy from him. Scold you with smelly foul mouth and still want to buy from him. Really sia suay

So dun buy lor, what must judge him. 

If you wanna judge him as sia suay THEN you must praise him for donating some of his proceed to the 1000 poor families in SG and garnering RM800,000 in donation to the flood victims in Muddysia Boleh.

Then, I will ask you what did you do for the poor families in SG and the flood victims in Muddysia Boleh. And if you done shit, then you are a true Sia suay.

Words from mouth are nothing compared to action or inaction from the heart.

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

(29-12-2021, 01:39 PM)Tangsen Wrote:  So dun buy lor, what must judge him. 

If you wanna judge him as sia suay THEN you must praise him for donating some of his proceed to the 1000 poor families in SG and garnering RM800,000 in donation to the flood victims in Muddysia Boleh.

Then, I will ask you what did you do for the poor families in SG and the flood victims in Muddysia Boleh. And if you done shit, then you are a true Sia suay.

Words from mouth are nothing compared to action or inaction from the heart.
I can derived that Wang Lei is a kind hearted person. But, he may be quite temperamental and quick tempered. Can get easily agitated by words of others.
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(29-12-2021, 01:44 PM)Gemstar Wrote:  I can derived that Wang Lei is a kind hearted person. But, he may be quite temperamental and quick tempered. Can get easily agitated by words of others.

Words are words …. its the action that is more important. I saw some of his stream, quite funny and honest. People put irritating comment for fun, so he just play along with them. Part of entertainment.
As for the ang moh in Paris… they were just having fun. 

Honestly, people with small narrow and wicked heart will pick on this kind of things. Envy is a poison to a person heart, mind and soul.

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin
[+] 1 user Likes Tangsen's post

(29-12-2021, 01:48 PM)Tangsen Wrote:  Words are words …. its the action that is more important. I saw some of his stream, quite funny and honest. People put irritating comment for fun, so he just play along with them. Part of entertainment.
As for the ang moh in Paris… they were just having fun. 

Honestly people with small narrow and wicked heart will pick on this kind of things. Envy is a poison to a person heart, mind and soul.
Mankind shd not be envy of others. Adversely, we shd be happy for them as they deserved the blessings for what they achieved. Goods deeds wil be blessed with good returns.
[+] 1 user Likes Gemstar's post

He is sia suay indeed. Plus the question of why he still travelled to an omicron infested place for non-essential purpose. He better not bring omicron back with him.
[+] 2 users Like starbugs's post

(29-12-2021, 02:19 PM)starbugs Wrote:  He is sia suay indeed. Plus the question of why he still travelled to an omicron infested place for non-essential purpose. He better not bring omicron back with him.

I would say he is very selfish lor. He can infect himself we all dont care, but dont bring back the virus to infect sinkees
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must reflect and repent loh
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(29-12-2021, 02:19 PM)starbugs Wrote:  He is sia suay indeed. Plus the question of why he still travelled to an omicron infested place for non-essential purpose. He better not bring omicron back with him.

Why sia suay? What did he do to you?

He travel for work. He taking the risk to make a living like many in airlines and airports. He was rewarded by his boss to Switzerland for a job well done and sponsored by a travel company when they hear he is going there.

Then those who do not jab and put healthcare workers and system at strain are even more sia suay.

Don't be envious of other success, I am not as capable as him but yet he has many things I can learn from.

Those who have bad and evil heart are capable of seeing ONLY that in others.

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

(29-12-2021, 02:22 PM)Stoki Wrote:  I would say he is very selfish lor. He can infect himself we all dont care, but dont bring back the virus to infect sinkees

Then what about those refuse to jab when they medically ok.

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

(29-12-2021, 02:26 PM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote:  must reflect and repent loh

Yes … we must always look at ourselves and reflect but not at others.

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

(29-12-2021, 02:28 PM)Tangsen Wrote:  Yes … we must always look at ourselves and reflect but not at others.

aiya, do charity no need to use pcb knnbccb holankan on social media.
[+] 2 users Like WhatDoYouThink?'s post

(29-12-2021, 02:30 PM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote:  aiya, do charity no need to use pcb knnbccb holankan on social media.

Every one has it own way. Chairman Moa once said "I dun care clean mouth or dirty mouth, a good mouth is a effective mouth"

He can use vulgarity to achieve RM800,000 in 1 day for the flood victims … who are we to criticise. 
How much did the whole of SGtalk donate or help the Muddysian flood …. I did not so I cannot say anything. But to put down others because of the way they achieve it is just pure sour and salty

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

I think one has to admire this guy. From a gambler in debt and able to make use of his talkative talent to make money.

Sia suay Singapore with his Ah beng persona even though he may be a good guy at heart.

His knnnccb image is a money maker for him. That's why he is using it.

Amazing thing is that young lady with him can take his shit... lol.
[+] 2 users Like RichDad's post

(29-12-2021, 02:53 PM)Sharexchange Wrote:  I think one has to admire this guy. From a gambler in debt and able to make use of his talkative talent to make money.

He has talent like Mark lee. But mo peng lee managed to control his vulgar tongue better so more acceptable.

Both funny men...

(29-12-2021, 03:01 PM)RichDad Wrote:  He has talent like Mark lee. But mo peng lee managed to control his vulgar tongue better so more acceptable.

Both funny men...

Yes Mark Lee makes jokes but not vulgar ones, only it is in Hokkien ...... Clapping
[+] 1 user Likes debono's post

Hypocrites, if he openly claim do donation of course Good but behind surely need to earn.
If he claim do FREE , no body knows either.

Summary , no need what sell things for donation in the first place.

Just come out a donation drive , ask for donation simple as that.
than show proof how much you collect and give. Case close.

There are other celebrities also sell things and donate Never so talk so Big just do , donate that it.

This Wang L thought like his influence so Big as if he is the Only one doing like that. Oh well he also tag with PAP MP do donation drive got show on tv. He claim he earn so contribute back

Well I feel , if you are doing good , do donation help the needy than Ok BUT DON'T BRAG around here and there.

There are tons of people quietly donated all along even in millions stay annoymous.
[+] 2 users Like [[ForeverAlone]]'s post

(29-12-2021, 03:16 PM)debono Wrote:  Yes Mark Lee makes jokes but not vulgar ones, only it is in Hokkien ...... Clapping

This fellow also another one like Wang L.
I see them once become Rich, become arrogant.
[+] 1 user Likes [[ForeverAlone]]'s post

(29-12-2021, 03:26 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  Hypocrites, if he openly claim do donation of course Good but behind surely need to earn.
If he claim do FREE , no body knows either.

Summary , no need what sell things for donation in the first place.

Just come out a donation drive , ask for donation simple as that.
than show proof how much you collect and give. Case close.

There are other celebrities also sell things and donate Never so talk so Big just do , donate that it.

This Wang L thought like his influence so Big as if he is the Only one doing like that. Oh well he also tag with PAP MP do donation drive got show on tv. He claim he earn so contribute back

Well I feel , if you are doing good , do donation help the needy than Ok BUT DON'T BRAG around here and there.

There are tons of people quietly donated all along even in millions stay annoymous.

As long as he is doing good by getting money from donations, then should be admired.... Clapping

(29-12-2021, 03:33 PM)debono Wrote:  As long as he is doing good by getting money from donations, then should be admired.... Clapping

SORRY, come doing Donation is Good BUT IF YOU Use it for " agenda " cover your misdeed , brag

Than is NOT GOOD , the donation you do also don't give merit back to you simply because You using Donation for " your agenda behind " Well outside we don't know but he himself should know.

From the way how he speak etc, now this news can know

闭嘴是智慧。 Big Grin

因为做了善事, 是不好的。

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

做好事让别人知道了叫阳德,不被人知道叫阴德。 报得快,做了好事,让别人知道了,别人称扬你,赞叹你,给你发个奖状、锦旗什么的,表扬表扬,报掉了,报掉了就没了,德积不住。 做好事不让人知道叫阴德,阴德后面的福报大,积得久。切记!

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

(29-12-2021, 03:37 PM)RiseofAsia Wrote:  少言是修养,
闭嘴是智慧。 Big Grin

因为做了善事, 是不好的。

What is Fengyang virtue......? Clapping
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(29-12-2021, 03:48 PM)debono Wrote:  What is Fengyang virtue......? Clapping

going around to tell ppl about...

(29-12-2021, 02:37 PM)Tangsen Wrote:  Every one has it own way. Chairman Moa once said "I dun care clean mouth or dirty mouth, a good mouth is a effective mouth"

He can use vulgarity to achieve RM800,000 in 1 day for the flood victims … who are we to criticise. 
How much did the whole of SGtalk donate or help the Muddysian flood …. I did not so I cannot say anything. But to put down others because of the way they achieve it is just pure sour and salty

if that's the right thing to do we shd see that in our local charity shows. if the shows can raise millions who cares, right?
[+] 1 user Likes WhatDoYouThink?'s post

(29-12-2021, 03:55 PM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote:  if that's the right thing to do we shd see that in our local charity shows. if the shows can raise millions who cares, right?
If can raise millions for a good cause, then it is admirable.  As the late Mr Teng said, no matter if the cat is black or white and that catches mice, is a good cat.... Clapping Laughter-68 Gesti-109

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