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Posted by: [[ForeverAlone]]
09-09-2022, 12:42 PM
Forum: Market Talk
- Replies (3)

he comment " Queen want to leave early before Winter "

indirectly he means on Russia stop supply resources to EU, UK etc

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Posted by: lvlrsSTI
09-09-2022, 12:11 PM
Forum: Market Talk
- Replies (2)

[Image: 3-C990693-9-A99-476-D-86-C6-C757308-DD808.jpg]

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Posted by: [[ForeverAlone]]
09-09-2022, 12:10 PM
Forum: Market Talk
- Replies (7)

as a Respect to Queen.

Even today SG Weather drizzling raining for the Queen.

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Posted by: lvlrsSTI
09-09-2022, 12:08 PM
Forum: Market Talk
- Replies (5)

One in Britain another in Japan, correct?

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Posted by: kokee
09-09-2022, 11:58 AM
Forum: Market Talk
- Replies (21)

comie dogs here bark huawei mate 5 pro!
how come china people never support huawei, comie dogs here bark like insane dog, reality is very cruel!
forever bark & no action, norm! 
all the comie liars on everything can only bark lies, but real act tell you the hard truth!
forever lies & BS!
Iphone 14 price is much higher than huawei!

華為新機首發現場只有一個顧客太尷尬了,6799元起步要付費預定,價格勸退了我    iPhone14剛發佈專賣店人山人海市場反差太大了

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Posted by: lvlrsSTI
09-09-2022, 11:58 AM
Forum: Market Talk
- Replies (9)

[Image: EE4143-D0-C55-F-4-BB9-9861-B0-B395-BF1-F00.png]

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Posted by: Levin
09-09-2022, 11:04 AM
Forum: Market Talk
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Somdeep Sen
Associate Professor of International Development Studies at Roskilde University
8 Sep 2022


Israeli authorities supplied the European Commission with a dossier that claimed that six Palestinian NGOs, including Al-Haq, were funnelling EU funds to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, which Israel describes as a “terrorist organisation”.

A few months later the Israeli defence ministry extended that “terrorist” designation to these NGOs, too. EU authorities have found “no suspicions of irregularities and/or fraud”. Still, on August 18, Israeli forces raided the offices of seven Palestinian nonprofits in the occupied West Bank.


the EU has done little to hold Israel accountable besides ritual but ineffectual expressions of concern.


This is not a diplomatic lapse or misstep. It’s important to understand that this impunity is guaranteed in the terms and conditions of EU-Israel relations, where political and economic relations are in no way contingent on the nature of the latter’s conduct towards Palestinians. As a result, Israel can willfully violate Palestinian rights, without fear of significant retribution from the EU, its biggest trade partner.


Following global outrage regarding the recent Israeli raids on the offices of Palestinian NGOs, Brussels decided to adopt a tougher tone. “These actions are not acceptable,” Josep Borrell, the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy said.

Yet even now, the EU’s concern appears limited to words. In reality, the legal and political basis for EU-Israel relations does not allow for any recognition of Israel’s role as a colonial occupier. The bloc of 27 nations has shown no desire to change that.

The result: the EU is not an honest or effectual stakeholder in the struggle for Palestinian sovereignty and independence. On the contrary, its approach allows Israel to operate with complete impunity — human rights be damned.

Much better to read full article at:

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Posted by: way
09-09-2022, 10:54 AM
Forum: Market Talk
- Replies (4)

“The war in Ukraine will continue until the complete defeat of Russia,” Igor Girkin, a far-right nationalist, grumbled in a video address to his 430,000 followers on Telegram on Monday. “We have already lost, the rest is just a matter of time.”

Girkin, a former Russian intelligence colonel who became a commander of the pro-Russian separatist forces in 2014, is arguably the most prominent voice within an increasingly loud and angry group of ultra-nationalist and pro-war bloggers who have taken to berating the Kremlin for its failure to achieve its tactical objectives as the fighting in Ukraine has entered its seventh month.

After Ukraine’s latest counter-offensive in the south and the north-east of the country, these bloggers – who have so far been granted a public platform denied to many – have intensified their criticism of the Kremlin, slamming the army’s inadequate performance in the war and urging Vladimir Putin to declare a full-scale mobilisation.

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