Enemies of Israel will face the curse of God

(10-12-2023, 02:45 PM)Hope Wrote:  You have exams to check your education 
You have tests to check your health 
You have appraisal to check your performance at work.
Shouldn’t God judge how your spent the life on this earth?

true lah, if he want to judge us he will not create us in the first place, cause he know we will be bad as he is god, so why create bad thing??? then judge them later,

(10-12-2023, 02:49 PM)watchfirst9 Wrote:  https://i.pinimg.com/originals/54/13/63/...fdbe69.gif

the best share share and care care, wtfish,,, fight from history to history also can never finiish..

then both side can live peacefully and enjoy life.

some more both side always shout to God,, dont know what type of people ,,, insane or what.
[+] 1 user Likes victortan's post

(12-12-2023, 12:27 AM)S I M T A N Wrote:  Salvation is in your hand, if that's what you're referring to. All you've got to do is go down on your knees, beg for forgiveness and wear the helmet of salvation, courtesy of Christ. No intellectual effort is needed; just childlike faith and simplicity will suffice.

No sins are unpardonable - from thieving to adultery, from a little white lie to cold-blooded murder. No sins are greater than the sin of unbelief. That's because God is only reachable by faith. According to the Gospel truth, without faith, it's impossible to please God.

What fuucking nonsense is this? "No sins are unpardonable - from thieving to adultery, from a little white lie to cold-blooded murder."

All you've got to do is go down on your knees, beg for forgiveness and wear the helmet of salvation, courtesy of Christ and you shall be forgiven.

This got to be the greatest lie and indoctrination with the highest power a church has to offer to attract new followers

Now Oyk can keep fuucking other people's mothers, knee down and beg for forgiveness!

Prison will be out of business! KNNBCCB!

All the fuucking courts will be selling furniture KNNBCCB!

Thinking Oyk:Tempt peepur at their Archilles Point: GREED

(13-12-2023, 05:58 PM)sgh Wrote:  Actually no. If you belong to their sworn enemy sect upon enter the church grounds your feet are supposed to be burnt. But so far I got go a few never get burnt and I go in to spy on their hierarchy and network hehe and no I never contribute to the tithe since they told me it is not mandatory.

What do you mean by "their sworn enemy sect" leh? Thinking Who are you talking about leh?

(13-12-2023, 06:32 PM)starbugstk Wrote:  What fuucking nonsense is this?  "No sins are unpardonable - from thieving to adultery, from a little white lie to cold-blooded murder."

All you've got to do is go down on your knees, beg for forgiveness and wear the helmet of salvation, courtesy of Christ and you shall be forgiven.

This got to be the greatest lie and indoctrination with the highest power a church has to offer to attract new followers

Now Oyk can keep fuucking other people's mothers, knee down and beg for forgiveness!

Prison will be out of business! KNNBCCB!

All the fuucking courts will be selling furniture KNNBCCB!

You are too quick on the trigger without knowing the fact of the matter. Christians hold that the secular courts exist to uphold and apply the law, and to dispense justice fairly to everyone, and that includes any brethren of theirs who have violated the law. They are criminally liable and must not escape justice.

In 'God's court,' however, any sins committed, however deadly or terrible, are sins against God. But if the transgressor confesses his sins, ask for forgiveness, and genuinely repents of his sins, he'll be forgiven by God. God's word is His bond. We're considering his actions in a religious way. I hope I've enriched your understanding of crime and sin as seen from the Christian perspective.

(13-12-2023, 09:34 AM)Hope Wrote:  If it so simple, is there any way to beg God make all of us rich, healthy and happy?

This is a prime example of a selfish prayer, much like evoking the gods for the winning lottery numbers, and treating God as if He is the Santa Claus in the sky. Of course they don't have a prayer of winning, so do other self-centred prayers.

True Christian believers know that when they say their prayers, they are to pray without any thought of self. Without the 'Me, me, me' syndrome they pray for others first before themselves. They pray for those in need or beset by problems, or they simply ask their Heavenly Father to bless a brethren and keep them out of harm's way. God looks at the attitude of a prayerful man and will bless the selfless and thoughtful man abundantly without his asking.

Here I was talking about pardonable sins versus an unpardonable one and there you were talking about begging God to enrich us. Anyway to recap, no sins are unforgiveable save the sin of unbelief. Without faith no one can reach God.

(13-12-2023, 08:01 AM)EvertonDiehard Wrote:  Go home to sleep unless your wife makes life there hell as well.  LOL!

Wife from hell - excuse the pun - will literally give you hell!

Non-believers are familiar with the sorrows of their marriage bed, but they do not believe in the place where people go after death. We are living in an age of unbelief where many say "there is no hell." Wink

God just want to entertain himself so bombard 3-D into existence at a few trillion times a second
Now cannot be the same a moment ago or You cease to exist.
dat all no part for u to play. Satan now busy himself trying to capture the seat of your soul the 3rd-eye
thr. the BBB blood-brain -barrier into the neuron with hydorgel. The paks.

The PAKs
[Image: Screenshot-2023-12-14-at-03-00-57-COVID-...ous-th.png]

[Image: Screenshot-2023-12-14-at-03-06-19-COVID-...ous-th.png]

BTW singlion OS is now using volatile RAM ramfs ram file system
whole disk whole partition can be used and u no need to worry abt size just start with any initial size say 512

step1: Create a folder to use as a mount point for your RAM disk.
mkdir /mnt/ramdisk

step2:mount -t ramfs -o size=512m ramfs /mnt/ramdisk

step3 : make persistence after a reboot
nano /etc/fstab
add this line :
ramfs /mnt/ramdisk ramfs nodev,nosuid,noexec,nodiratime,size=1024M 0 0

no swap:
swapoff -a

register disk / no swap /ramfs
[Image: Screenshot-from-2023-12-14-03-30-14.png]

(14-12-2023, 12:49 AM)S I M T A N Wrote:  You are too quick on the trigger without knowing the fact of the matter. Christians hold that the secular courts exist to uphold and apply the law, and to dispense justice fairly to everyone, and that includes any brethren of theirs who have violated the law. They are criminally liable and must not escape justice.

In 'God's court,' however, any sins committed, however deadly or terrible, are sins against God. But if the transgressor confesses his sins, ask for forgiveness, and genuinely repents of his sins, he'll be forgiven by God. God's word is His bond. We're considering his actions in a religious way. I hope I've enriched your understanding of crime and sin as seen from the Christian perspective.

Thank you for the enlightenment
'God's court' it seems to me like a fairy tale and it's hard to believe there is one.
Has anyone been there and heard the God's word ' You are forgiven'?
To me it is ownself bluff ownself with a lot of imaginations of course.
Sorry I am not insulting Christianity or any other religions. My sincere apology if anyone here is hurt by my words
In real life I speak the same manner, knnbccb.

God in your case is Jesus Christ. He may be Jesus but to me he may not be God. He must have been extremely popular like Oyk who is on the other extreme, may have helped a lot of people during his life time as a result people started to worship him after his death. From there they started to write testimonies, tales, tons of other fabricated exaggerations and the Bible was born.

So you see this confess and be forgiven in 'God's Court are bulls they are make believe and imaginary it's just a set of rules to guide the believers into blind faith. It not a bad thing though because it provides a nicely laid pathway for the weaklings.

I have asked a lot of people do they believe in God Jesus Christ I do not get 100% nods because they are many other religions but when I asked do they believe in devil all of them nodded. All the religions believe there is Devil.
To me he is more powerful and fearsome, he is mentioned 38 times in the Bible.
The Devil has no churches, schools, classes, seminaries or books of teachings on how one should behave or live his life and yet people feared when his name is mentioned.
He is ONE and the only one.

Christianity on the other hand is a big mess. There are thousands of denominations with many disagreements over sacraments, celibacy, the interpretation of scripture, ways of worship, differences in belief, power grabs and corruption all had a part to play and the list goes on.
In Singapore big churches like New Creation & City Harvest have become commercial entities competing with each other to show off their wealth leading to corruptions & convictions.

Humans become dependent when in fear they need something to hang onto so they created Gods for praying and self consoling to remove FEAR.
A very common thing I observed among my friends when something bad happened or about to happen 'Let's pray' is the first thing they said.
Some prayers were answered some were not if only I have the statistics but I guess the chances of success is as good as a bet on Odd or Even on a roulette table. Fear of death, physical injury, sickness, fear of all earthy disasters and many others makes one insecure and uncertain.

God is man made. FEAR is real and it's in your head.
The weak follows the path of rules the strong follows which way the wind blows

Some food for thought from an uncouth and uncultivated layman perspective

Thinking Oyk:Tempt peepur at their Archilles Point: GREED
[+] 1 user Likes starbugstk's post

(14-12-2023, 09:02 AM)starbugstk Wrote:  Thank you for the enlightenment
'God's court' it seems to me like a fairy tale and it's hard to believe there is one.
Has anyone been there and heard the God's word ' You are forgiven'?
To me it is ownself bluff ownself with a lot of imaginations of course.
Sorry I am not insulting Christianity or any other religions. My sincere apology if anyone here is  hurt by my words
In real life I speak the same manner, knnbccb.

God in your case is Jesus Christ. He may be Jesus but to me he may not be God. He must have been extremely popular like Oyk who is on the other extreme, may have helped a lot of people during his life time as a result people started to worship him after his death. From there they started to write testimonies, tales, tons of other fabricated exaggerations and the Bible was born.

So you see this confess and be forgiven in 'God's Court are bulls they are make believe and imaginary it's just a set of rules to guide the believers into blind faith. It not a bad thing though because it provides a nicely laid pathway for the weaklings.

I have asked a lot of people do they believe in God Jesus Christ I do not get 100% nods because they are many other religions but when I asked do they believe in devil all of them nodded. All the religions believe there is Devil.
To me he is more powerful and fearsome, he is mentioned 38 times in the Bible.
The Devil has no churches, schools, classes, seminaries or books of teachings on how one should behave or live his life and yet people feared when his name is mentioned.
He is ONE and the only one.

Christianity on the other hand is a big mess. There are thousands of denominations with many disagreements over sacraments, celibacy, the interpretation of scripture, ways of worship, differences in belief, power grabs and corruption all had a part to play and the list goes on.
In Singapore big churches like New Creation & City Harvest have become commercial entities competing with each other to show off their wealth leading to corruptions & convictions.

Humans become dependent when in fear they need something to hang onto so they created Gods for praying and self consoling to remove FEAR.
A very common thing I observed among my friends when something bad happened or about to happen 'Let's pray' is the first thing they said.
Some prayers were answered some were not if only I have the statistics but I guess the chances of success is as good as a bet on Odd or Even on a roulette table. Fear of death, physical injury, sickness, fear of all earthy disasters and many others makes one insecure and uncertain.

God is man made. FEAR is real and it's in your head.
The weak follows the path of rules the strong follows which way the wind blows

Some food for thought from an uncouth and uncultivated layman perspective

Till now they still cannot explain how come got 2 bibles? Jesus was not found in the 1st bible.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

(14-12-2023, 09:07 AM)RiseofAsia Wrote:  Till now they still cannot explain how come got 2 bibles? Jesus was not found in the 1st bible.

Frankly I am not aware of this maybe SIM have the answer

Thinking Oyk:Tempt peepur at their Archilles Point: GREED

(14-12-2023, 09:12 AM)starbugstk Wrote:  Frankly I am not aware of this maybe SIM have the answer

Judge for yourself.
When something you cannot explain, normally what will you do?
LL got to accept lor.
The Christians are trying very hard to come out a “reasonable” explanation. But who care. There are still 2 bibles, Jesus name was not found in the 1st bible.


“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

(14-12-2023, 01:08 AM)S I M T A N Wrote:  Wife from hell - excuse the pun - will literally give you hell!
Non-believers are familiar with the sorrows of their marriage bed, but they do not believe in the place where people go after death. We are living in an age of unbelief where many say "there is no hell." 

For unbelievers, they think that the "hell" they are facing on earth is the be all and end all of life. That is why they think that suicide will enable them to escape from this hell, but instead they face never ending hell in the after life. 

(13-12-2023, 06:08 PM)starbugstk Wrote:  Knnbccb you must had experienced it

I am blessed with a loving and committed wife, so I thank God everyday for not giving me a wife from hell. Amen.

(13-12-2023, 05:53 PM)cheekopekman Wrote:  Anybody can be a church-goer lah! You also can go on Christmas Day lah!

I have seen many who attend church on Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Christmas Day.  However, they could be attending services online through Zoom every Sunday.  Let us not judge them. Amen. 

(14-12-2023, 09:37 AM)EvertonDiehard Wrote:  For unbelievers, they think that the "hell" they are facing on earth is the be all and end all of life. That is why they think that suicide will enable them to escape from this hell, but instead they face never ending hell in the after life. 

Knnbccb you been there before ahhh? or someone in your family who came back to tell you? knnbccb.

Thinking Oyk:Tempt peepur at their Archilles Point: GREED

(14-12-2023, 09:40 AM)EvertonDiehard Wrote:  I am blessed with a loving and committed wife, so I thank God everyday for not giving me a wife from hell. Amen.

Knnbccb that what you say. Why thanks God when your wife is the one who makes you satisfied everyday?

Thinking Oyk:Tempt peepur at their Archilles Point: GREED

(14-12-2023, 09:40 AM)EvertonDiehard Wrote:  I am blessed with a loving and committed wife, so I thank God everyday for not giving me a wife from hell. Amen.

Here is not your Church. Pls go elsewhere lah. Rotfl

Pls respect other religions.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

(13-12-2023, 05:26 PM)starbugstk Wrote:  Knnbccb Is Oyk in this group of church goers?
Did warn them about oyk as a well educated gentleman?

OYK does not stalk me so I have no issue with him.  As for you, I choose to forgive you for your rudeness.

(14-12-2023, 10:01 AM)EvertonDiehard Wrote:  OYK does not stalk me so I have no issue with him.  As for you, I choose to forgive you for your rudeness.

Forgive me for fuucking your wife?

Thinking Oyk:Tempt peepur at their Archilles Point: GREED

(14-12-2023, 09:49 AM)RiseofAsia Wrote:  Here is not your Church. Pls go elsewhere lah. 
Pls respect other religions.

The church is not necessarily a designated building of worship.  A gathering of believers in a home or open air setting may be considered a "church" as well.  I forgive you for the issues that you are facing, causing you to vent your frustrations and hatred onto others like me. Peace be with you.

(14-12-2023, 10:09 AM)starbugstk Wrote:  Forgive me for fuucking your wife?

I forgive you because you may have had a traumatic brain injury before or were sexually abused as a child. That's why you harbour so much hatred.

(13-12-2023, 04:18 PM)cheekopekman Wrote:  But most important is you must be born again lah! Big Grin Are you? Thinking

Born as.

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

(14-12-2023, 09:37 AM)RiseofAsia Wrote:  Judge for yourself.
When something you cannot explain, normally what will you do?
LL got to accept lor.
The Christians are trying very hard to come out a “reasonable” explanation. But who care. There are still 2 bibles, Jesus name was not found in the 1st bible.


Aiya 很多东西不能自圆其说,只好乱乱说

(14-12-2023, 10:11 AM)EvertonDiehard Wrote:  The church is not necessarily a designated building of worship.  A gathering of believers in a home or open air setting may be considered a "church" as well.  I forgive you for the issues that you are facing, causing you to vent your frustrations and hatred onto others like me. Peace be with you.

Have you tried praying to God while shitting in the toilet or better still while fuucking your wife inside?

Thinking Oyk:Tempt peepur at their Archilles Point: GREED

(13-12-2023, 04:19 PM)sgh Wrote:  Do you know one cannot pick and choose if one enters Christainity? I ask this before say I don't like OT but can accept NT can I like chap chai png pick only the ones I like? I was given a flat NO. You enter you need to accept both OT and NT. OT is full of blood and violence I don't like but since I cannot pick and choose I leave and join their sworn enemy instead.

Dun know what you mumbling about?

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

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