S'pore will raise the retirement age to 64 in 2026.

S'pore will raise the retirement age to 64 in 2026.

➡️ https://bit.ly/3IGKfKl

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So how about me? I have passed 64, 69, means I am expired talent?

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love

I am OK if PAP wants to raise the Retirement Age

But make sure that from 01 SEPT 2023 onwards,

there is no S-Pass nor EP for

1) Non- TECH jobs
2) And Foreign MNCs keep to 50% Citizenship Ratio
3) Old Folks do not do dangerous or dirty jobs ie cleaners

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 
[+] 1 user Likes Ola's post

At 70 years old what can we do when the job is not political with reigns to authority and power

At 70 age: how many years left to expiration ?....no saving : no Cpf and no children to depend....maybe don't need to work so hard ....give ourself own time own target to carry on lah....

70 job? Dig grave job ah? Dig own grave.

(04-03-2024, 05:59 PM)red3 Wrote:  At 70 years old what can we do when the job is not political with reigns to authority and power

A 87-year-old continued to be paid to be a Minister Mentor to our Ministers until 2011.

(04-03-2024, 05:40 PM)Oyk Wrote:  So how about me? I have passed 64, 69, means I am expired talent?

Since you are still writing on SG Talk, it shows that you haven't expired yet.
[+] 1 user Likes EvertonDiehard's post

(04-03-2024, 06:11 PM)Sharexchange Wrote:  70 job? Dig grave job ah? Dig own grave.

My elderly uncle has a job with hundreds of men under him. He is a gardener at Choa Chu Kang Christian Cemetery. 
[+] 1 user Likes EvertonDiehard's post

[Image: giphy-8.gif]

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

(04-03-2024, 05:33 PM)Bigiron Wrote:  S'pore will raise the retirement age to 64 in 2026.

This is just another Govt guideline that private sector employers may choose to ignore.

Can support but govt should think ways to create more shorter hours and less physical jobs for the elderly above 60years.
After 60years, many may have one or two non serious illness.
It would not work by just raising the age.
[+] 1 user Likes watchfirst9's post

Good news.

Ignore List: Oyk

I just wanna retire at 55.

[+] 2 users Like ODA TETSURO's post

Next will be CPF withdrawl age?

You have 4 user(s) on ignore
Somme road, alerts,  Choc,  winbig

Foo Mee Har is my sister in law - FACT
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Good news. U all can work till they te very last day.

There should be 25% more office part- time jobs available for those above 60 years old as the aging population has started to grow.

(05-03-2024, 02:50 AM)victortan Wrote:  Good news. U all can work till they te very last day.

According to Tan Chuan-Jin, our seniors who are seen collecting used cardboard do it for exercise, and not because they need the money. LOL!

(05-03-2024, 08:08 AM)Wy:Nox Wrote:  There should be 25% more office part- time jobs available for those above 60 years old as the aging population has started to grow.

Changes to the Retirement and Re-employment Act represent official acknowledgement that most current white collar work is knowledge or technology based. Employees are theoretically able to continue their careers well into their sixties. Even though the Govt has long acknowledged the problem of ageism in S'pore, it has maintained that introducing anti-discriminatory laws could increase business costs and undermine our economic competitiveness.
[+] 1 user Likes EvertonDiehard's post

(04-03-2024, 10:08 PM)wendychan Wrote:  Next will be CPF  withdrawl age?
[Image: Tray.jpg]

(04-03-2024, 06:10 PM)ysh02 Wrote:  At 70 age: how many years left to expiration ?....no saving : no Cpf and no children to depend....maybe don't need to work so hard ....give ourself own time own target to carry on lah....
U-ahh, wait for what...?. Maybe for one-day, maybe like Dr M, lehh 98 tears old...ok. Clapping

How to trust LHL or LW?

They never plan for Aging Workforce, arh?

[Image: LW-High-level-of-trust-for-PAP-Sept-22.png]

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

(04-03-2024, 05:43 PM)Ola Wrote:  I am OK if PAP wants to raise the Retirement Age

But make sure that from 01 SEPT 2023 onwards,

there is no S-Pass nor EP for

1) Non- TECH jobs
2) And Foreign MNCs keep to 50% Citizenship Ratio
3) Old Folks do not do dangerous or dirty jobs ie cleaners
Think is go for old folks, even if pass 69 years. If they are V.healthy walk and walk...walk. is good.

(07-03-2024, 03:13 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Think is go for old folks, even if pass 69 years. If they are V.healthy walk and walk...walk. is good.
Best to walk exercise sweat👏
[+] 1 user Likes Tee tiong huat's post

(07-03-2024, 03:13 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Think is go for old folks, even if pass 69 years. If they are V.healthy walk and walk...walk. is good.
Best to walk exercise sweat👏
*Did you know ?*

▪️Both  the  legs together  have  50%  of the  nerves    of  the  human  body,  50%  of  the  blood  vessels  and  50%  of  the  blood  is flowing  through  them.

▪️ It  is  the  largest  circulatory  network  that connects  the  body.
*So Walk daily*

▪️Only when  the feet are  healthy then  the convention current  of blood  flows ,  smoothly,  so people who  have  strong  leg muscles  will  definitely have  a strong  heart. *Walk*

▪️Aging  starts  from  the  feet  upwards.

▪️As  a  person  gets older, the  accuracy & speed  of  transmission  of instructions  between the  brain and  the  legs decreases, unlike  when a  person  is  young.
*Please Walk*

▪️In  addition,  the  so-called  Bone  Fertilizer Calcium will  sooner  or later  be  lost  with  the passage  of  time,  making  the  elderly  more  prone  to  bone fractures.

▪️Bone  fractures  in  the  elderly  can  easily  trigger  a  series  of complications, especially fatal  diseases  such  as  brain  thrombosis.

▪️Do  you  know  that 15% of elderly  patients  generally, will  die  max. within  a  year  of  a  thigh-bone  fracture !! 
*Walk daily without fail*

▪️ Exercising  the legs,  is  never  too  late, even  after  the  age  of 60  years.
*W A L K*

▪️Although  our  feet/legs  will  gradually  age with    time,  exercising  our  feet/ legs  is  a  life-long  task. 
*Walk 10,000 steps*

▪️Only  by regular strengthening  the  legs, one  can  prevent  or reduce  further  aging. 
*Walk 365 days*

▪️ Please  walk  for at  least 30-40  minutes  daily  to  ensure  that  your  legs  receive  sufficient  exercise and  to  ensure  that  your  leg  muscles remain healthy.

You  should  share  this  important  information  with  all  your  50+years"  friends
& family  members, as everyone  is  aging  on  a  daily basis.
[+] 1 user Likes Tee tiong huat's post

(07-03-2024, 03:20 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Best to walk exercise sweat

Unfortunately, many employers are forcing older employees to walk away into the sunset by laying them off in big batches with the influx of foreign labour.

[Image: Dbs.jpg]

(04-03-2024, 06:10 PM)ysh02 Wrote:  At 70 age: how many years left to expiration ?....no saving : no Cpf and no children to depend....maybe don't need to work so hard ....give ourself own time own target to carry on lah....

Dividend is allocated as a fixed amount per share, with shareholders receiving a dividend in proportion to their shareholding. Dividends can provide at least temporarily stable income and raise morale among shareholders, if one can hold.

(07-03-2024, 03:22 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Best to walk exercise sweat👏
*Did you know ?*

▪️Both  the  legs together  have  50%  of the  nerves    of  the  human  body,  50%  of  the  blood  vessels  and  50%  of  the  blood  is flowing  through  them.

▪️ It  is  the  largest  circulatory  network  that connects  the  body.
*So Walk daily*

▪️Only when  the feet are  healthy then  the convention current  of blood  flows ,  smoothly,  so people who  have  strong  leg muscles  will  definitely have  a strong  heart. *Walk*

▪️Aging  starts  from  the  feet  upwards.

▪️As  a  person  gets older, the  accuracy & speed  of  transmission  of instructions  between the  brain and  the  legs decreases, unlike  when a  person  is  young.
*Please Walk*

▪️In  addition,  the  so-called  Bone  Fertilizer Calcium will  sooner  or later  be  lost  with  the passage  of  time,  making  the  elderly  more  prone  to  bone fractures.

▪️Bone  fractures  in  the  elderly  can  easily  trigger  a  series  of complications, especially fatal  diseases  such  as  brain  thrombosis.

▪️Do  you  know  that 15% of elderly  patients  generally, will  die  max. within  a  year  of  a  thigh-bone  fracture !! 
*Walk daily without fail*

▪️ Exercising  the legs,  is  never  too  late, even  after  the  age  of 60  years.
*W A L K*

▪️Although  our  feet/legs  will  gradually  age with    time,  exercising  our  feet/ legs  is  a  life-long  task. 
*Walk 10,000 steps*

▪️Only  by regular strengthening  the  legs, one  can  prevent  or reduce  further  aging. 
*Walk 365 days*

▪️ Please  walk  for at  least 30-40  minutes  daily  to  ensure  that  your  legs  receive  sufficient  exercise and  to  ensure  that  your  leg  muscles remain healthy.

You  should  share  this  important  information  with  all  your  50+years"  friends
& family  members, as everyone  is  aging  on  a  daily basis.

[Image: Screenshot-2024-12-07-15-43-28-38-f69139...4f144a.jpg]

[Image: Screenshot-2024-12-07-15-43-02-98-f69139...4f144a.jpg]

(05-03-2024, 09:37 AM)EvertonDiehard Wrote:  Changes to the Retirement and Re-employment Act represent official acknowledgement that most current white collar work is knowledge or technology based. Employees are theoretically able to continue their careers well into their sixties. Even though the Govt has long acknowledged the problem of ageism in S'pore, it has maintained that introducing anti-discriminatory laws could increase business costs and undermine our economic competitiveness.

That useless Tan See Leng has made this into Law last month. But job interviews cannot be recorded nor used as evidence to sue the companies. He is just Head Damage or toothless Tiger.

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

(04-03-2024, 06:10 PM)ysh02 Wrote:  At 70 age: how many years left to expiration ?....no saving : no Cpf and no children to depend....maybe don't need to work so hard ....give ourself own time own target to carry on lah....

Sinagpore CPF Interest Rates 2024, Check Here For Increased Rates and More Details
December 8, 2024

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