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HJ Hongkies Sibeh Jialat!

Finding A New Home After Leaving Hong Kong | One Way - Part 2 | CNA Documentary

correct. China has turned inward
Input via Khazakhathan OBOR STOP
salvaging all she could.
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-05-20-40-04.png]

[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-05-20-45-47.png]

USN uses XRP as a Bridge currency
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-05-20-49-13.png]

[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-05-20-54-33.png]
has fully compensated Kuwait.

[字幕版] 新加坡拍攝 黃人移英實錄 教師做餅廠工人 還包括 香港狀元 牙醫 區議員 情況嚴重 / 格仔 郭政彤 大眼

[字幕版] 港爸移英一年 立即回流 因子女一句話 令他無地自容 / 格仔 郭政彤 大眼


移英KOL慨嘆 連平日吃什麼 也沒自由 ! 再爆出 英國生活 8大難題 / 格仔 郭政彤 大眼 艾力






【香港驕傲】巴士司機一家四口移英:「寧願去英國做乞兒!」麥當勞都唔請!醫生區議員去英國5+1做薑餅人🤡|陳怡 ChanYee

【有片】陳日君承認每六年收4000萬黑金|梵蒂岡發聲明 拒絕為陳日君護航|【肥仔傑.論政】





Wow. This world full of Hanjians. How CCP can survive hah?

(21-06-2022, 06:53 PM)teaserteam Wrote:  Wow.  This world full of Hanjians.  How CCP can survive hah?

CCP waiting for you to help lor!  Rotfl

(18-06-2022, 10:05 AM)kokee Wrote:  this kind of lies also bark, change of history already nothing to ccp china, what else they will not lie?
so spore also never colonized by british before?
these dogs want face, anything also lies shamelessly. This kind of fact, whole world know, they also want to lie, liar is nothing in ccp china, top down.
cannot understand such dog mentality, everyday bark they help other shamelessly thru lie, want people to kowtow them like god but they are dog.
just do your good & right thing, people will appreciate, not SELF_CLAIMED like ccp dog.


change history with 2 eyes open big big by ccp, what kind of lies they dont bark.
just lie what they like, fact & truth are rubbish to these dogs, all these live fake life in their whole life just to con & brainwash morons, ton of morons here, all has karma wan.
all these comie liars here.

those dump HK  property earlier & run road get the best property deal. Now easily cut 20-60%, price down few S$Mil is nothing compared to 1-2 yrs ago.
The longer they drag, their networth likely cut by another 50%, hongkies in HK these days sibei jialat.

US just beginning to hike rate to burst china property & RMB, there ill be a delayed effect, eventually china & HK, property & currency will sink like no tomorrow.
with all investment pull out, cut off tie totally, followed by sanction, frozen china oversea asset, stop SWIFT, unpeg HKD, better for china to closed their door & go back to 80s to sustain ccp.
3 generation of wealth will be totally wiped off in this china financial turmoil.



USA should sanction more then can bend down ask for China mercy.

Just like kokee everyday bend down suck angmo coks.



移英BNO親戚返香港用消費劵,投訴英國學校太多中東人影響個女|陳怡 ChanYee

(30-06-2022, 08:56 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  

HK sibei jialat, all can run, all run, only poor & old cant run, no choice stay back to be slavery.
as above, run fast before door closed.
Hk has changed to be china city, no freedom, right & choices.
They are smart, that is why all run.

1 generation of HK people will leave HK eventually.
end of HK or replaced by slavery? no difference.
thanks to petty xi.


with 国安法, HK is generally lawless now, 国安法 is to deal with HK people in general, to take away all their right & freedom to become slavery.
that is why kids must run fast before kena brainwash like slavery, that is why kindergarten most badly hit, run fast.


(28-12-2021, 10:36 AM)kokee Wrote:  carrie lam is the biggest 汉奸走狗 of HK.
she sold away HK people freedom & human right to communist.
HK people living in fear now, those can afford to migrate, already move or on the way, read recently some best school whole class of students already migrated, either to UK, canada, australia, malaysia, spore or thailand.
HK stock market melting down, funds like HK people pull out, dump their asset in HK before HKD unpeg, that is the end of HK financial system, be patient.
all the commie dogs, their days will come.



北京“三大酷吏” 陈全国、林郑月娥、杨洁篪,都面临“被抛弃”的寒冷

北京“三大酷吏” 陈全国、林郑月娥、杨洁篪,都面临“被抛弃”的寒冷

Haha, the biggest 汉奸走狗,法轮功邪教,洋奴 called Carrie Lam as HJ wor.   

Rotfl  Rotfl  Rotfl  

aiya 都什么年代了,还有人做hjzg这种老行当? 能赚多少钱?

 今天倪匡死了,我看有很多文艺B说什么四大才子巴拉巴拉。那善于挖坟的磊哥就带着铁锹出来了 简单介绍一下此人。 

倪匡,原名倪亦明,后改名倪聪,1935年出生于上海。 1956年,因破坏革命交通线被打成反革命,期间还偷偷放出狼狗咬伤部队大队长,后连夜骑马潜逃。 1957年,倪匡在国内伪造多种公章、证件、介绍信,由内蒙古逃亡至广州,7月间偷渡澳门再逃进香港(本来想装蒙古人北上,结果坐错车,南下去了广州)。 

当年年底,倪匡的第一篇小说《活埋》——攻击土地改革的作品,在《香港工商日报》发表。 1958年,倪匡开始写武侠小说,笔名为岳川,后与金庸的《明报》合作发文。 1962年,倪匡开始用笔名“卫斯理”写科幻小说。 在倪匡的武侠小说和科幻小说中,采用了诸多影射手法猛烈攻击社会主义制度,尤其在叛逃香港之后再也没有回过大陆,曾发誓“TG不灭,绝不回国”。 

1992年秋,鉴于香港回归已成定局,倪匡移居美国旧金山新唐人埠,成了“海外华人”。 2007年,在看到香港回归后并不是他想象的“那么可怕”,于是再次返回香港(但依然保留美国国籍)。 



2019年面对香港骚乱、暴徒施暴,倪匡再次跳出来于《毒果日报》的舆论支持下,声援恐怖分子施暴、煽动仇警,公然声称骚乱是“香港人文明而和平的游行,自有一种力量使暴政低头”、“你几百万人游行示威不但他恐惧,全世界都发抖怕。”、“警察才三万,就是全部出动也没办法” 所以这样的人,死就死了呗

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