HSI persistently weak and unable to sustain rallies...just keep going down

(20-10-2023, 10:30 AM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  Shd hv made some money lah. Otherwise how to sustain being a RI for many yrs

Don’t forget his hit rate is less than 20%, those losses lost countsSmile

(20-10-2023, 10:14 AM)Zannn Wrote:  Btw yr prata views contradicted yr previous views. U always say the stimulus is not enough cannot solve its deep problem. Then now just because of a not so massive stimulus u close shorts. This showed yr previous views are not solid and now just because a ‘experienced trader’ tell u so and u chicken out.

Sgbuffett, now get played out by your ‘experience trader’ stimulus caution?

HSI look shaky, if 17XXX gone case it will go lower, buy later..

(22-10-2023, 03:55 PM)victortan Wrote:  HSI look shaky, if 17XXX gone case it will go lower, buy later..

Need sgbuffett to come out shout short HK for market to turnaround short term

(11-10-2023, 09:00 PM)Zannn Wrote:  Do u know what u r reading in the news?  Did u know the budget deficit of rmb1tr is a rare  budget revision move?

Sgbuffett now u believe Ah Xi playing different ball game?

(12-10-2023, 10:30 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  HSI attemps to stage a temporary rally but downtrend intact.

China economy remains weak.

Rumors of stimulus  spread to drive stock prices up temporarily for big boys to unload.

Xi will do stimulus to help economy? That js not his priority at all so rumor has no bases.

Conclusion HSI and HS Tech will lose gains by afternoon
[Image: IWXetZB.jpg]

Now u believe? Smile)

HSI got lot more to go down.

dont buy first, i think 15XXX next,,be careful,,, hope u who are vested dont be angry but he realistic.

People keep arguing that this thread is wrong.. from 20K level argue until HSI break the 17K level...still arguing.

From time to time HSI will have temporary bounce to lure ...but will trend down as China economy remains weak and getting weaker.

Xi go and scare off Western and Japanese investors now FDI is lowest level in decades.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(25-10-2023, 07:28 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  People keep arguing that this thread is wrong.. from 20K level argue until HSI break the 17K level...still arguing.

From time to time HSI will have temporary bounce to lure ...but will trend down as China economy remains weak and getting weaker.

Xi go and scare off Western and Japanese investors now FDI is lowest level in decades.

Bro, if u read back all yr market treads, don’t think anyone is arguing about big trend la. The contention is about yr immediate trend such as ‘ will plunge at what time/ plunge throughout the day etc which is mostly wrong. It’s yr short term forecast that mostly are reverse indicators which earn u the NickSmile

But big trend yes China needs lots more help and u r correct. Give u thumbs up ok

Aiya markets up or down not because of your predictions lah. You can get better results by tossing coins, or pretend to be a dead clock

(20-10-2023, 09:40 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  I have closed off all my short positions this morning.

I spoke to an experience trader and he said China ja likely tk announce stimulus this weekend based on the schedule of meetings of party officials and economic committes assigned by the China govt.

The size of stimulus may not be massive but sufficient to hit growth targets.

Also the forex market USD retreated vs Yuan.

Despite sharp fall Dow and nasdaq China markets will go up not down...contrary to what average traders thinking.

Last Friday I warned to close all short positions as Chjna markets are about to spike up. Today it happened.

I will short the spike up as it never lasts due tk weak Chjna economy the spike only suck in people who are fools

SHORT again.

[Image: V1WMJew.jpg]

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(25-10-2023, 09:40 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Last Friday I warned to close all short positions as Chjna markets are about to spike up. Today it happened.

I will short the spike up as it never lasts due tk weak Chjna economy the spike only suck in people who are fools

SHORT again.

[Image: V1WMJew.jpg]

As expected more than half the gains are lost.
Congrats to all who shorted.

[Image: R3q1qXs.jpg]

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(25-10-2023, 01:38 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  As expected more than half the gains are lost.
Congrats to all who shorted.

[Image: R3q1qXs.jpg]

Good job

It is a shortist mkt, tommorow will be asia turn.

heart wrenching to see so.

(25-10-2023, 09:40 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Last Friday I warned to close all short positions as Chjna markets are about to spike up. Today it happened.

I will short the spike up as it never lasts due tk weak Chjna economy the spike only suck in people who are fools

SHORT again.

What a load of HOGWASH you're spewing here

Let me ask you one question, you said to close all shorts, but then did you say go long for that spike?

Do you know how long that spike was? Obvious you didn't see that coming

NO! You just keep telling morons like you to short after the spike

This shows you're actually clueless about how to trade this market

I just dun understand why you keep making a total fool of yourself here


(26-10-2023, 02:12 AM)Sentinel Wrote:  What a load of HOGWASH you're spewing here

Let me ask you one question, you said to close all shorts, but then did you say go long for that spike?

Do you know how long that spike was? Obvious you didn't see that coming

NO! You just keep telling morons like you to short after the spike

This shows you're actually clueless about how to trade this market

I just dun understand why you keep making a total fool of yourself here


No worry, what go down big time will go up even more in due course, we just stay vested and stay firm and strong. holding power will trump in the long run..
be assured.

Dont trade so often, tough to do so, hope u huat huat on yr trade.

(25-10-2023, 09:40 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Last Friday I warned to close all short positions as Chjna markets are about to spike up. Today it happened.

I will short the spike up as it never lasts due tk weak Chjna economy the spike only suck in people who are fools

SHORT again.

[Image: V1WMJew.jpg]

Sgbuffett u can shout short again

(27-10-2023, 09:18 AM)Zannn Wrote:  Sgbuffett u can shout short again

I don't anyhow shout one...told you about the stimulus last week ans the subsequent surge.

Profession traders play markets well while small fry amateurs.lile to everyday guess.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(27-10-2023, 09:46 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  I don't anyhow shout one...told you about the stimulus last week ans the subsequent surge.

Profession traders play markets well while small fry amateurs.lile to everyday guess.

But u have shorted le.

Today dead cat bounce only temporary, so not counted. Tomorrow it'll plunge sharply as professional experts will take profits

(25-10-2023, 09:40 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Last Friday I warned to close all short positions as Chjna markets are about to spike up. Today it happened.

I will short the spike up as it never lasts due tk weak Chjna economy the spike only suck in people who are fools

SHORT again.

[Image: V1WMJew.jpg]

Strong rally up wow

Fake rally. My broker told me their China fund r buying to support. Pls dyodd.

(30-10-2023, 11:44 AM)victortan Wrote:  Fake rally. My broker told me their China fund r buying to support. Pls dyodd.

Means there is more buying? Regardless if funds is “supporting” or “buying to invest”

(30-10-2023, 07:47 PM)Zannn Wrote:  Means there is more buying? Regardless if funds is “supporting” or “buying to invest”

But fact is they cannot keep buying, there is a limit, u see japan way back, they end up become major shrholder of most of the coy..

so i think better off sell first and stay side,, when u are in there u are move by the wave, u lost yr focus,,,, only when u get out then u can really think.

not scare no opportunity,,, scare when opportunity come u got no money to play..

look as nasdaq,, those hold from high,, today down 80%,, where got chance to fight back,, if down 40% still got chance, 
when down 50% u need the stock to go 100% up just to brk even,,

for long term vestment... if down 20%.... get out first,, if it can down 20% it can go down another 20%, personnal experience,,

for trading u cut loss at 8% to 10%.. this is learn from trading course,, but i dont trade, pls dyodd.. i am just sharing,,, no offence,

another point is just my opinion,, if it range here 17K to 18K, the chances of it gg down below 17k is greater with the geopolitical event taking place ard the world,
china cannot stand on it own.. neither can US.

HSI and Chin index makes yet another attempt to rally but with last 5 times will fail and international investors will take chnce to get out and cash out.

Reason is China hs not made any major effort to fix its economic  problems just piecemeal patches that is causing investors to lose confidence and really not catching up with the growing problems.

HK and China index will peak early in the morning as the up move is just a knee jerk reaction to US Fed overnight and Dow rally. This cannot last as China problems remain unsolved.


Its downhill from here

[Image: VT3mttb.jpg]

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Tikam again and hope to be right?

(02-11-2023, 09:51 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  HSI and Chin index makes yet another attempt to rally but with last 5 times will fail and international investors will take chnce to get out and cash out.

Reason is China hs not made any major effort to fix its economic  problems just piecemeal patches that is causing investors to lose confidence and really not catching up with the growing problems.

HK and China index will peak early in the morning as the up move is just a knee jerk reaction to US Fed overnight and Dow rally. This cannot last as China problems remain unsolved.


Its downhill from here

[Image: VT3mttb.jpg]
As expected HSI lost much of its gains and A50 index goes negative

Congrats to all who shorted.

[Image: Q5xPBMV.jpg]

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

China needs to engage sgbutt as an economics adviser.

Morning Hsi up strong.  Now Lau Hong liao. Sgbuffet is right. My broker also said fund r selling u want to buy fr what??? 
Avoid for now. Wait yr money kana suck here.

(02-11-2023, 01:59 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  China needs to engage sgbutt as an economics adviser.

Hsi will soar 10% in one day if news of Xi dies of covid or cancer.

This guy is the cause of his own country economic problem.

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