Oyk Deleted His Thread Because It Hurts Him Badly

He is implying 39% of Singaporeans are gangsters

(20-05-2023, 10:21 PM)Oyk Wrote:  This young man reminds me of the 39%.. You see this kind of behavior in full display during WP rallies.

(21-05-2023, 12:40 AM)Oyk Wrote:  I can't even count the number of WP rallies I had been to over the years. The gangster behaviour of so many of their supporters made me feel ashamed that Singapore still had such peepur, presumably born here and (badly) raised here.  Rolleyes

Thinking Oyk:Tempt peepur at their Archilles Point: GREED

In almost every debate or discussion he will provoke his opponents
with either their mothers or with personal insults that hit the nerve

(21-05-2023, 09:55 AM)Oyk Wrote:  Obviously, IQ is not something you possess in abundance.

(21-05-2023, 10:13 AM)Oyk Wrote:  Obviously, your IQ will not increase with more lessons from me.  You are beyond cure.  无药可救。 Rolleyes

Thinking Oyk:Tempt peepur at their Archilles Point: GREED

(02-01-2024, 01:03 PM)Oyk Wrote:  I AM SUCH AN IDIOT....

DEFECTIVE BEING sgtalk.net/User-Oyk
JESUS SPITS ONTO sgtalk.net/User-Oyk

did you ever throw up while looking at the mirror?

(02-01-2024, 01:03 PM)Oyk Wrote:  I am skilful in inhaling fart...

[Image: SjJiD.gif]

you greatly help this thread hits 2k views


Thinking Oyk:Tempt peepur at their Archilles Point: GREED

Mutha fugging Oyk is a CECA cow dung eater.

Kena challenged to come out and meet me in person twice and he chickened out both times! Ptooi to this CCB pukimak coward shitskin!

(03-05-2023, 01:00 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  Indians are so talented that they are now leading the world,

1 British PM - Indian
2 US Vice President- Half Indian
3 Irish PM - Half Indian
4 Canada’s cabinet ministers x 4 including Defence Minister & Law Minister are Indians
5 Canadian Opposition Leader is Indian
6 Governor Of Maryland of the U.S. Aruna Miller is Indian
7 Former governor of Louisiana Piyush Bobby Jindal is Indian

(03-05-2023, 01:03 PM)Oyk Wrote:  Can tell that you are dead set against Indians. Big Grin

Do not forget, our LOTO is also Indian.  You have a problem with that? Rolleyes

(03-05-2023, 03:06 PM)Manthink Wrote:  I don't understand - Why do you take offense when TS had been sharing some FACTS about "Indians"... ?  Huh

Thinking Oyk:Tempt peepur at their Archilles Point: GREED

(03-05-2023, 08:47 PM)Oyk Wrote:  You don't understand.

A lot of things.

Go ask your mother.  Rolleyes

(03-05-2023, 09:42 PM)Manthink Wrote:  Wow...is this the best from your upbringing ? I feel sorry for your parents failure. Rolleyes

Thinking Oyk:Tempt peepur at their Archilles Point: GREED

(05-05-2023, 03:31 AM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  Your question, which btw is also an opinion, is "Your ranjiao bin can make it to be minister?" and you dare to say this is not an insult?

I hate hypocrites like you. Say one thing but dun have the guts to admit it.

(05-05-2023, 08:59 AM)Oyk Wrote:  I was complimenting you and you call that an insult?

Thinking Oyk:Tempt peepur at their Archilles Point: GREED

(03-05-2023, 04:56 PM)Sentinel Wrote:  Yada yada bla bla bla meh!

For someone who can't differentiate between accused and sentenced, you sure are shameless indeed to spew your rubbish here

(03-05-2023, 08:49 PM)Oyk Wrote:  Don't ever talk law with me if you know who I am  Rolleyes

(03-05-2023, 09:26 PM)Sentinel Wrote:  You're an IDIOT

(03-05-2023, 08:50 PM)Intrinion Wrote:  I know you are Multiversal from EDMW.

Thinking Oyk:Tempt peepur at their Archilles Point: GREED

(04-05-2023, 02:49 PM)Gemstar Wrote:  Very rude and disgusting to always mentioned family members. A CECA is a CECA and it wil never change yr colour.

(05-05-2023, 01:59 AM)Oyk Wrote:  Your mother will never change colour?  Rolleyes

Thinking Oyk:Tempt peepur at their Archilles Point: GREED

(05-05-2023, 09:08 AM)Oyk Wrote:  If you think you are a Chinese, try lining up at any Chinese airport at the row for "Chinese" and see what happens...

Now this CECA nonsense of yours. It's about time you watch your language before you get pbanned here. Internal Security is not a fictitious organisation here. Admin will be called up, why he allowed his forum to be used by you to stir with impunity. No other members here dared to post what you did. You think you are special?  Rolleyes

(05-05-2023, 09:15 AM)Clyde Wrote:  Cry baby appear again. First ask admin to ban other forumers, next threaten police report and now bring up ISD. As if ISD is his father's organization.

(05-05-2023, 11:58 AM)Oyk Wrote:  Just don't stir race and you would not have to leave edmw and come here.  Rolleyes

(05-05-2023, 12:24 PM)Clyde Wrote:  I have never joined any forum except this one. Not intend to join any other in future.  I see you really an old man but behave like a cry baby. You think if you bring up police report or ISD, people will be afraid of you? So childish talk.

Thinking Oyk:Tempt peepur at their Archilles Point: GREED

Started from a decent discussion but ended up with people's mother again

(26-04-2023, 11:56 AM)Sentinel Wrote:  They were tricked to take drugs, is it?

Why I never take?

Do you take?

(26-04-2023, 01:09 PM)Oyk Wrote:  Why you never took drgus?

You lived an antisocial life inside your mother's flat, never went out to mix around with peepur.

How in hell would you even run into dark society?

You didn't even know there was such a thing as a condom until you were 50, and your mother had passed away, and you had no choice but to go out and buy your own cai png.  Then, you happened to bump into a bad guy who brought you to Desker Road for your first ever fook!  And that pimp gave you a box of condoms paid for with part of the overcharged fook money you paid for that lau kuey.  Rolleyes

Thinking Oyk:Tempt peepur at their Archilles Point: GREED

People were having a nice discussion and this motherfucker came in to disrupt and insult.
He even has the audacity to teach English

(09-10-2022, 05:35 PM)dynamite Wrote:  He from old Margaret Drive. I know him.

(09-10-2022, 06:14 PM)Gemstar Wrote:  I stay at Margaret drive for 50 years and moved to Dawson when it was enbloc in 2007.

(09-10-2022, 06:16 PM)Gemstar Wrote:  If I can remember, it shd be in 1976-1980. Somewhere during these years.

(09-10-2022, 10:36 PM)Oyk Wrote:  Why even such things you want to lie?

You are not even 30, and you want to BS that you lived in Margaret Drive for 50 years?  Tsk tsk. Laughing

(09-10-2022, 10:42 PM)Oyk Wrote:  By giving yourself a user id with "gem" and "star", you prove nothing about the imaginary background you obviously hoped to have come from.

When you wrote in such BAD English using words like "low person" as if there is such a thing as "high person", you already betrayed the truth about the coolie genes that are in you... Rolleyes

Thinking Oyk:Tempt peepur at their Archilles Point: GREED

Even your family were not spared. No wonder Observer is after his mother and granddaughter.
From there he will labelled 39% of Singaporeans are gangster.

(09-10-2022, 12:15 PM)dynamite Wrote:  My parents go there eat and patoh. Still have?

(09-10-2022, 03:41 PM)Oyk Wrote:  So you were born into a family with parents who went to such low ses for pator?

OK, noted.  Now it makes sense, your low ses behaviour and conduct, and your choice of food which is quite similar to that of creatures of a lower order.  Rolleyes

Thinking Oyk:Tempt peepur at their Archilles Point: GREED

(08-10-2022, 12:32 PM)dynamite Wrote:  Good Afternoon this is my lunch

[Image: IMG-20221008-121759.jpg]

(08-10-2022, 02:30 PM)Oyk Wrote:  Do you have this habit of hanging around your neighbourhood to see which dog owner brought his dog out for a poo, and then picking it up for your lunch?

... and he complained when I did the same to him Laughing

Thinking Oyk:Tempt peepur at their Archilles Point: GREED

(03-10-2022, 02:52 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  Ang mo easy going and fun

locals zzzzz

(03-10-2022, 03:12 PM)Oyk Wrote:  Ang moh --------------> duaki



Your preference is well noted.  Smile

Brushing up his insult

Thinking Oyk:Tempt peepur at their Archilles Point: GREED

RE: Study : Unfavorable view of China goes up in developed countries

(30-09-2022, 10:58 AM)maxsanic Wrote:  This is not surprising as developed nations are by definition countries that benefited from the existing world order so I doubt their folks will see too kindly a challenger that seems to differ in characteristic from them.

What is noteworthy though is despite having such a strong support from the voters to tackle China aggressively, most of these nations seem to do nothing besides periodically making verbal and symbolic gestures. In fact many have tightened and continue to tighten their trade and investment relationship with China. Case in point - Korea, their population dislike China, their president is supposedly the most anti-China leader ever and yet....

This suggests that there is a significant divergence in opinion between the popular masses and the elite ruling class of these countries. It remains to be seen how long the elites in these places can continue to hoodwink the masses by sloganeering and photo-opping.

(03-10-2022, 02:28 PM)Oyk Wrote:  Not all wars are fought because the laobaixing wish it.

There are Russians - the common/ordinary people - who just want a simple life, going about selling goods, perhaps running a restaurant, or repairing computers, cars and so on.  The invasion of Ukraine is not their war; it's Putin's war.  Many Russians are not in favour of it, asking...why would I want to shoot down the Ukrainians?  They are my brothers!

I can say the same for the many wars fought in the history of China. If you could ask the people who had died in the war, or later through the natural process of aging and death, who lived in the Tang, Song, Ming Dynasties....ask those common folks, did they ask for war or not, and I am quite sure their reply would be "The Emperor ordered it."

War is declared by the victor on the loser, but sometimes, the war is won by the prey.  Whoever wins takes over the rule, and the common people become its subjects.

This is why we should not and never hold grudges against the Japanese people, even though unmentionable atrocities were committed by the Japanese army, undoubtedly with the tacit concurrence of the Japanese Emperor.  Even if the Japanese PM does not apologise, so be it.

This is why we should not treat the Chinese as enemies just because of Winnie.  The CCP and the Chinese people are two different things altogether.

This is why whatever we may think of Trump, Nancy or Biden, we should not have the same views about the ordinary Americans.

The disconnect between those in power and the masses is a given in any society.

(03-10-2022, 02:37 PM)Oyk Wrote:  ...cont'd

I wish to add that Singapore's success story is due, inter alia, to the ability of the government to deal with the "disconnect".

If Singapore comes under the rule of a rogue government...one which is corrupt, incompetent, talks about rape cases or tells people to take lies to the cemetery or do a 成何体统 and a magic hat trick (takes client's money and vanishes), the disconnect would be very cham lor.

It's our blessings that we have had two good PMs, and a current one who is just as good, with another promising one on the way.  Smile

(03-10-2022, 02:48 PM)Oyk Wrote:  ....cont'd

I wish to urge all those reading my post...VOTE WISELY.

Vote for PAP, and give Lawrence Wong a strong mandate.

Once upon a time, we spoke about globalisation.  Fancy words like "Global village, knowledge based economy, then knowledge economy" were fashionable.  The US and China were friends, the EU were friends with anything which moved, and everybody in Europe loved the EU till the British decided that Brexit was the way to go...

Now, the whole world is turning inwards, and becoming protectionist.  Let's not forget the one thing which had ever happened in our very own lifetime for a good example of this...when we had to eat cheekon rice made with frozen cheekon.  In deep and troubled waters, and when there is only one float, it will not be given to us.  Malaysian abang dan adek..........it's BS.  In times of food shortages, I telk you lar....we die is our own funeral hor.

Do not play tikam tikam in the next GE.  This is not a time to vote for more LIARS into Parliament.  We do not need rape dramas or graveyard advice.  We need a competent, honest and "connected" leadership.  Vote for PAP.  No need to thank me.   Wink

(03-10-2022, 08:38 PM)maxsanic Wrote:  Thanks for reverting by quoting my post, but I must say I'm not really sure what you are trying to put across here and how this has got to do with the ongoing discussion? 

Seems to me you are stating that those in power and their actions do not represent the laobaixing and that's that. This is tautologically true, but like all tautologies this leads to a dead end in discussion. Not sure what can be further followed up from this? 

The rest of your posts calling for support of Lawrence Wong also don't seem to have much to do with either the thread topic or ongoing discussion...

Hahahaaa .... chow ah gua got annihilated with fewer words than his whole lot of garbage.

Thinking Oyk:Tempt peepur at their Archilles Point: GREED

(30-09-2022, 02:58 AM)S I M T A N Wrote:  When the tread starter titled this thread ‘Now is like daily Jam at Causeway,’ he probably means that traffic jams on the causeway have become an everyday occurrence, but of course there’ll be rush hour bottlenecks as well as smooth-flowing traffic during off-peak hours.
Being caught in a lengthy traffic tailback on the causeway is no joke, if you don’t have the patience to wait in line for hours just to clear customs.
I once took 4 hellish hours to go through the JB checkpoint but only 20 minutes to clear SG custom on the way home to SG. I was silently fuming at the traffic snarl on the road leading to the Sultan Iskandar CIQ Complex, and tearing my hair out in frustrated rage as traffic crawled along inch by inch.
Since the pandemic started, I’ve been to Boleh land just once, and that was on the 9th of August this year (National Day) when I went to Maybank in JB City Square to do some banking transactions. This time I didn’t travel by car because of the expected heavy traffic. I rode my motorbike instead, and it was almost a breeze through the customs on the way there and on the return trip. What’s more, I did some shopping in addition and had a lavish feast with some buddies at noontime. I thanked my lucky stars for the smooth excursion that day.

(03-10-2022, 07:07 AM)p1acebo Wrote:  Wow your English ish so good really bor beh chao.  
Is it due to good skools you attend? We all no speak no write like your standard sial.

Where go learn and write satki english lei? 

Kum sia gao gao Big Grin

(04-10-2022, 03:00 AM)S I M T A N Wrote:  I suppose I did write properly, but I would be silly to get a big head about it. I know myself, and know I fall far short of Queens English or journalistic standards. I always endeavour to be as clear and concise as possible and eventually become a good prose writer - but in danger of becoming the odd one out in an informal forum.

Don’t be so modest, brother. I know you are capable of lapsing into the local vernacular and street slang as well as writing in very clear prose. I have read some of your well-constructed posts.

(04-10-2022, 06:35 AM)p1acebo Wrote:  Bro Simtan aka BJ being his usual modest self Big Grin

(04-10-2022, 07:47 AM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  tian kor's writing got style and substance, whereas flower goat's not inly long-winded but aso gibberish. very contrasting

That's why I asked Chow Ah Gua, Oyk to stop embarrassing SIMTAN with his inferior imitations Laughing

Thinking Oyk:Tempt peepur at their Archilles Point: GREED

(25-09-2022, 01:30 PM)Manthink Wrote:  I understand the unpleasant experience being surprised by a speeding cyclist coming up from behind..

I myself will ride on the road if I wanna speed or paced with a SBS bus...

And while  on shared walk ways, ALWAYS alert pedestrian when coming from behind and never never speed...

(26-09-2022, 12:14 AM)Oyk Wrote:  Correction:  ALWAYS alert pedestrians at least 2 bus lengths from behind AND also slow down to match the speed of walking to give them time to look behind (they have to look behind as pedestrians don't have rear mirrors), and make way for the BOSS of the footpath, and not when riding almost next to them...RING! RING!...and expecting them to jump out of the way in a split second.

Once an idiot rang his bell when riding past me.  I instinctively jug my elbow out and hit the side of his upper body to keep him and his weapon from crashing into me.  He lost his balance.  My fault?  I don't think so.  He alarmed me all of a sudden, and my reaction was an instinct of survival.  My brain had been wired to do this as a defensive mechanism, that between me getting hurt and the speeding cyclist getting a jab at his side, my choice is clear.

I instinctively jug my elbow out – what fuucking English is this - jug? and it should have been a past tense. Bicycle instead of weapon.
3 mistakes in one sentence tsk tsk tsk ....

My brain is tuned or programmed with this defensive move to prevent myself from getting hurt and teaching the cyclist a lesson with a jab

The entire post is littered with rubbish vomit

Thinking Oyk:Tempt peepur at their Archilles Point: GREED

(10-09-2022, 02:29 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  Actually, nothing!

(21-09-2022, 11:22 AM)Oyk Wrote:  I would not go so far as to say "nothing", but any person with a peabrain would know that the Monarch is not like the ones of old.  

Today, government is in the hands of an elected government headed by the Prime Minister.  So if you are referring to policy making, then, yes, it's nothing but that's using the wrong yardstick to measure someone's role.  It's like someonje who works as a doctor in a hospital saving lives, and you ask, what has he done in a law firm or a construction company...well, of course, NOTHING.

It's similar to our Head of State, President Halimah, who has no role/power to run the government.  However, our President has a major role in safeguarding our reserves, and approve withdrawals upon consultation with the Presidential Council of Advisors.

Elizabeth was once our queen when we were a British colony. But no more.  Our Head of State is now President Halimah.  Except for some spoilt brats at this forum who showed disrespect to the President, Singaporeans honour their President in the same way as the British, barring the spoilt brats there, honour their queen. 

It is only in Malaysia that the (ex)Prime Minister would ridicule their King.  I understand that you are from Muar.

Wtf is this? ⇨ Today, government is in the hands of an elected government headed by the Prime Minister vomit
Is it difficult for him to say the elected gov is in the hands of the voters?
There are more filths you have time to rummage deeper into the pile

Thinking Oyk:Tempt peepur at their Archilles Point: GREED

Very personal and humilating insult which drove Observer attacking him in return I believe.

(20-10-2023, 09:51 AM)Oyk Wrote:  I wonder if you had been exempted from doing NS because you have a medical condition which is why you are unable to find a woman to marry, and find a job....and you seem to not know military strategies.  Or you could be a low-ranking LCP or CPL, so strategy is not your job, you are just some infantryman and CHARGE when ordered to. Rolleyes

Thinking Oyk:Tempt peepur at their Archilles Point: GREED

Or maybe this is the one that drove Observer crazy

(27-11-2023, 10:10 PM)Oyk Wrote:  You clapped for someone who didn't even understand what "two states" means in the context of Israel and Palestine.
Malaysia and Singapore are two countries with Singapore having its own territory and Malaysians are required to produce a valid Malaysian passport to enter our country.. in the other direction we are also required to produce a valid Singaporean passport to enter your country.
Obviously you were clapping with Observer's ranjiao in yourmouth.Rolleyes

Thinking Oyk:Tempt peepur at their Archilles Point: GREED

Attacking mother again

(25-09-2023, 04:28 PM)Oyk Wrote:  It's safer to trust a snake than trust your mother given all the misinformation and disinformation you learned, obviously from her of course.  Rolleyes

Thinking Oyk:Tempt peepur at their Archilles Point: GREED

He was born with eyes defects?

[Image: SjJia.jpg]

(24-05-2023, 07:45 PM)Clyde Wrote:  You are Chinese by race only. Why do you queue at the row that is meant for their citizen? You couldn't read the signboard?
(24-05-2023, 07:49 PM)Oyk Wrote:  The signboard clearly says that only Chinese may line up at that row. As I am a Singaporean of Han ancestry, I know i am a foreigner there. I am not going to flash my NRIC at the immigration officer and tell him that lky said I am a Chinese.  Rolleyes

Citing what LKY said in a Chinese Airport
How come this defect was not detected during birth?
Blame it on his mother or father? Laughing

Thinking Oyk:Tempt peepur at their Archilles Point: GREED
[+] 5 users Like starbugstk's post

He posted some rubbish in this thread: 'So what is your overall opinion of HWZ EDMW mods?'

(06-01-2024, 08:48 PM)Oyk Wrote:  Lazada may be a first in 2024 but may not be the last.

Which means more crying to come?

I really hope those who CRIED were not Singaporeans because it would mean that our young had become soft.. Getting axed is no doubt a setback but crying?  I and those of my generation had been through so many ups and downs... the vicissitudes of life. We didn't cry. Instead we came out of it stronger and learned that nobody owed us a living.

I have a skill and I am selling it for a fee. Let's call it salary. The employer is my customer. If he does not want to buy from me, I will just find another buyer, that's it. What's there to cry?

That being said, I believe Work From Home made many companies realize that a lot of staff were not needed. If they are paying $8K to a sinkie whose job can be done from home, which he did during the Circuit Breaker, then the company might as well pay RM 12K which is less than $4K to a Malaysian to work from his home in Muar or Penang lorh.

Some edmw zoomers are still thinking of when they can WFH again. They are still sleeping.. and the next to cry.

Kenna chased away and he showered aiptasia love with tail between his legs Rotfl Rotfl

Quote:aiptasia Wrote:
Then what the fug are you doing here? Fug off to edmw then. Typical chee bai pukimak Ceca !

(06-01-2024, 08:54 PM)Oyk Wrote:  I come here because you are here.  Love

Thinking Oyk:Tempt peepur at their Archilles Point: GREED

He was caught for lying and he tried to wriggle his way out by twisting and turning

(27-12-2023, 11:06 AM)Sentinel Wrote:  You moron, it is written in your bible, stewpig!

(27-12-2023, 11:35 AM)Oyk Wrote:  My Bible says that with Christ on its side, the enemies of God shall be CRUSHED.  Rolleyes

(27-12-2023, 02:21 PM)Sentinel Wrote:  Christ never say the Jews are on his side, you moron

If he did say that, show us then, but it's obvious you can't, you ignorant pagan fool

(27-12-2023, 02:43 PM)Oyk Wrote:  I wrote in simpur English yet you cannot understand. You are another Tangsen.

I did not say that Christ said that the Jews are on His side. Au contraire, they rejected Him because the Messiah they were sexpecting was a Genghis Khan type of a fighter riding a warhorse to free them from Roman rule. 

They weren't sexpecting this skinny man with long hair riding a donkey into town and meekly stretching forth his arms to be chained up and then taken away.

PS: I don't use the word skinny any o how. I GPGT wan. Google pictures of Christ on the Cross and you never see a fatty there. 

So what did I say? I said God is on Israel's side.... And that's regardless of whether the Jews are on His side. Got it?  Rolleyes

(27-12-2023, 03:09 PM)Sentinel Wrote:  You did say "Christ on its side", you dumbfark

Thinking Oyk:Tempt peepur at their Archilles Point: GREED

How stupid is this chow ah gua?
(27-12-2023, 12:37 AM)Buffybuffy Wrote:  Never a fan of ceiling fan.

1. Cannot put my hands up in the air
2. Difficult to clean and service
3. Night time with lighting the ceiling like got shadows of helicopter flying.

(27-12-2023, 10:04 AM)Oyk Wrote:  1.  You must be very tall if your hand can touch the blades. I can't wor

2.  Since you can touch the blades without needing to stand on a chair, what is so hard about wiping the blades? Compare this with fans that have a protective metal cover which must be removed and cleaned, a centee knob which must be unscrewed and clsaned, blades which must be pulled out for cleaning, the back protective cover which must be taken out for cleaning... That's very easy and less work?

You can touch the base of a ceiling fan blade does not necessarily mean you can reach top to clean the whole fan pigbrain!

Thinking Oyk:Tempt peepur at their Archilles Point: GREED

(06-01-2024, 08:56 PM)starbugstk Wrote:  He was born with eyes defects?

[Image: SjJia.jpg]

Why flower goat always queued up at the fast lane for chinese nationsls ha? Got kena dragged away, slalped and kicked by gong an?
[+] 1 user Likes WhatDoYouThink!'s post

Contradictions spotted vomit

(29-06-2023, 11:40 AM)Oyk Wrote:  Those who like to go there to post anti-government comments, yes, they like edmw.  Those who like to go there to ceca! ceca! ceca! they like edmw.

But edmw is far bigger than these two.

A number of you left for Reddit and here.  Is edmw dying?  Without you, edmw will become a ghost town forum?  Not by a long shot.  As of this morning, it is still very active with lots of members starting threads and posting comments.  And these are moving very fast.

lchlch and I are there, and very happy to be there.  lchlch spends more time there than as Hfourhappy here.  Those who claimed to have left are actually reading the posts with their clones, you included.

I don't like some of the mods but I am still there despite the mods.  I am there because of many of the members there...wth whom you can really have good nice dialogues, bouncing ideas and learning things from one another.  I don't like to fight but some of you like it and when you cannot fight and pwn peepur, you say that forum is no good.  You peepur are just using that forum to feed your mental issues.

8 hours later in the same thread Laughing

(29-06-2023, 07:38 PM)Oyk Wrote:  Rar rar rar.

You are vomiting the same shiat from edmw.

All ranjiao talk Rolleyes

Thinking Oyk:Tempt peepur at their Archilles Point: GREED

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