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EvertonDiehard Wrote: (Today, 02:23 PM) -- Pay And Pay insists that S'poreans don't need an Opposition since the ruling party is fully capable of "ownself check ownself".  -- Self claimed and self ju...
EvertonDiehard Wrote: (Today, 12:56 PM) -- Why is there no POFMA issued against state controlled media for publishing fake news? -- There won’t hv POFMA for ka ki lang. That is why not included in th...
Their most capable way of handling issues is to say something and do another thing instead. That is their die-hard style.
Alice Alicia Wrote: (Today, 09:18 AM) -- Welcome cecas but chase away his own brother and family. -- Doing these is most sinful. More like abusing one power.
[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: (Today, 10:24 AM) -- Obviously, just like how LKY put Goh C T first as PM later come the " Real " PM aka LHL his son... Now LHL claim " his sons don't interested on Politic...
Bluebull Wrote: (Yesterday, 08:52 PM) -- The only reason Pinky went all out to destroy LSW Is that he fears one day he will challenge his son to lead the country If you think of it This LKY house ...
Scythian Wrote: (Yesterday, 07:05 PM) -- .. This guy has the best education and highest academic qualifications in LKYs family.. Wasted talent -- Based on his credentials and qualities, he can be a...
[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: (Yesterday, 07:21 PM) -- Obviously the BEST DEAL is WITHOUT getting agent rah. You not happy is it you are property agent :) I know this news trigger a lot property agent in d...
[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: (Yesterday, 07:06 PM) -- This what my Army friend also DIY come buying. He don't find agent or whatever. He ownself go find. The seller also DIY. Obviously it do save money fo...
[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: (Yesterday, 05:23 PM) -- I got one Army friend bought a resale flat directly from the seller. Save a lot from agent fee. That Seller also surely he/she keep more profits partl...
This is a good initiatives. As home owners are not able to advert on property guru website, having this HDB portal wikl be very helpful.
Ola Wrote: (Yesterday, 05:04 PM) -- Can Nparks breed something that an eat up crows and mosquitoes, please -- Actually, dragon flies are the best attacker against mosquitoes. But, they are going exti...
Sharexchange Wrote: (11-05-2024, 09:41 PM) -- 没家教。满口中国脏话。丢人现眼。 -- 你以为你很好的家教, huh? 你要自己超mirror 现.
Harry Lee Wrote: (Yesterday, 03:31 PM) -- Singapore was not invited to a 110-nation democracy summit convened by the United States
EvertonDiehard Wrote: (Yesterday, 01:19 PM) -- S'pore ranks 4th in the world crony capitalism index: -- This real horrible. Very...
K88 shu shu Wrote: (Yesterday, 09:21 AM) -- srsly, so far, did cowboy Teo contributed anything to our country? -- Totally nothing. Only knows how to shake his body and legs when talking to citizens. ...
klat Wrote: (11-05-2024, 09:40 PM) -- Attacking and fighting to the death. Pinky really not shame at all? Disgrace to the world -- Unfortunately, that person do not understand the meaning of the w...
sgh Wrote: (11-05-2024, 06:41 PM) -- And one them was caught on tape calling ppl xia sway. I wonder how he can continue being a politician when he feels that way. Cannot give up the good monies? Hope...
red3 Wrote: (11-05-2024, 02:43 PM) -- Wah ... Why never cease and abolish all the vouchers and grants and angpows repeated again and again during tenure .... Now say for what? -- All these are our Na...
Very disgusting and arrogant behaviour. Killed so many innocent Palestinians and yet so defiant. The world is watching. He brings bad name and tainted image for Israel.
Sline Wrote: (11-05-2024, 05:01 PM) -- Past many years,  u still can remember ? I thought time can fade one memory? -- I can remember many bad doings of all these pappies. And they wil never change, ...
I can recalled this one was very damned rude during the walk-around last GE. He can stand shaking his legs and body while answering to an elderly who opposed some policies. No respect to an elderly.
klat Wrote: (11-05-2024, 12:47 PM) -- Then step down lor after all the fiascos -- That bugger said he hv no expectations. But, citizens hv lots of expectations from him when he failed to answer to LM...
Sharexchange Wrote: (11-05-2024, 12:44 PM) -- I never rate him leh..i ask u to rate..stupid -- Who are you to ask forumers to rate. Talking nonsense and rubbish.
Ernesto Wrote: (11-05-2024, 11:52 AM) -- We need ppl come forward with a desire to serve with a vision that make Singaporean a better being to advance . Singaporean should be the main source of refl...
[hr] Of course no expectations from this fella. Under-performed and stil demand expectations? Never get removed is lucky for him already. Useless bugger.
Sharexchange Wrote: (10-05-2024, 08:07 PM) -- How to you rate PM Lee performance? -- You shd look at yourself and rate yourself first, before rating others. Do you hv the qualities to rate others?
winbig Wrote: (11-05-2024, 10:26 AM) -- Taxpayers take care of them by paying them million dollar salary but in turn they cannot take care of the citizens and taxpayers? -- Did those ministers donate...
mrclubbie Wrote: (10-05-2024, 08:46 PM) -- what nonsense. foreigners come to sg to leech our resources. -- And giving rise to social problems and dirtying our environment.
And there it goes again. Where in a country, whereby citizens are not protected, instead got side-lined? I can only shake my head. Can only hope that Oppositions can stepped-in sooner the better.
There is a case even more bizarre. An uncle murder ex his PRC girl Frd and chopped her into pieces. Dumped her body parts all over the island. Her torso was found in Kallang river.
Oh really true what TS post? I thought pappies are more inclined been an INC for their own benefits than rather for the people. Focussed what is best from my foot.
cheekopekman Wrote: (10-05-2024, 01:33 PM) -- Who's that leh? :thinking -- Don’t pretend pretend, huh? Yr posts expressions looks very similar.
cheekopekman Wrote: (10-05-2024, 12:26 PM) -- Dearly missed lah! :( -- You must be Walaneh.
singaporean1964 Wrote: (10-05-2024, 12:23 PM) -- i remember the original debono was a very good christian he was always polite to pple here although i felt his strict christian beLIEfs restricted/dis...
victortan Wrote: (10-05-2024, 12:23 AM) -- This sotng is trying to emulate jesus saying in the bible, He is a christian,,, good tree produce good fruit and etc... but knn,,, good tree also can pro...
sgh Wrote: (09-05-2024, 08:43 PM) -- Youtrip monies put inside later no use already can transfer out to own bank account? If can need pay fees? I read other forum say cannot leh means monies trapped ...
I heard Youtrip is the best and safest. It works just like Paylah wallet. It can be globally and exchange is quite good. Nowadays, not safe to use credit card overseas as there are too much scams.
Lukongsimi Wrote: (09-05-2024, 12:17 PM) -- Don’t know what is FA gg to see next? Eyes always searching for weird actions -- Weird actions must be coming from you.
ODA TETSURO Wrote: (09-05-2024, 09:56 AM) -- These profiteering big pharma companies only know how to cause harm to people... -- Many years back, Pfizer did Pharma testing on African countries and ki...