(28-12-2024, 07:37 AM)Hope Wrote: don’t slip away.
Please explain the trinity with each of their roles.
OK...but remember don ask the same question again
The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit each have distinct roles, they work in perfect unity and harmony... you already know the roles of The Holy Spirit which I have discussed with you earlier....
1. God the Father
Creator: The Father is often recognized as the creator of the universe and all that exists. He initiates the divine plan of salvation.
Sustainer: The Father sustains and governs creation, maintaining order and purpose in the universe.
Source of Revelation: The Father communicates with humanity, primarily through the Scriptures and through His Son, Jesus Christ.
Provider: He is viewed as a loving and protective figure, providing for the needs of His creation, particularly believers.
2. God the Son (Jesus Christ)
Redeemer: Jesus' primary role is that of the Redeemer. His life, death, and resurrection provide a means of salvation for humanity. He took on human form to experience human life and offer salvation through His sacrifice.
Revealer: Jesus reveals the nature and character of God to humanity. He is often referred to as the "Word" (Logos) who became flesh (John 1:14).
Intercessor: Jesus intercedes for believers before the Father. His role as High Priest signifies His continual ministry on behalf of humanity.
Example: As the embodiment of perfect humanity, Jesus serves as a model for how humans are to live a life of love, holiness, and obedience.